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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Amazing Marine Shipment - 04th of June

Hi everyone,

We got a truly amazing marine shipment! We got the dreamlike Blubber Jellyfish. Creamy-white, blue or brown/purple this jellyfish will look great in any tank. The Inermis Dwarf Pixie Hawk with the whimsical green eyes is here too. They can be kept in groups and don't forget to provide plenty of rock / hiding spots for these fancy bottom dwellers. We also got the fabulous Blue Ribbon Eel. This reef-safe, elegant with its striking blue and yellow colouration will be a great addition in any aquarium. Have a look through the list and don't forget to pop over to see them in the flesh!

Common Name Latin Name
Blue Face Angel Adult Euxiphipops xanthometapon
Blue Ribbon Eel Rhinomuraena quaesita
Emperator Angel Juvenile Pomacanthus imperator
Blue Koran Angel Juv Pomacanthus semicirculatus
Moorish Idol Zanclus canescens
Copper Band Butterfly Chelmon rostratus
Flagfinned Angel Apolemicthys trimaculatus
Mappa Puffer Arothron mappa
Bicolor Angel Centropyge bicolor
Melanurus Wrasse Halichores melanurus
Valentinnie Puffer Canthigaster valentini
Leopard Wrasse Macropharyngodon meleagris
Red Wrasse Adult Coris Gaimard africana
Coral Beauty Angel Centropyge bispinosus
Orange Skunk Tile Goby Hoplolatilus marcosi
Hawaiian Golden Pyramid Butterfly Hemitaurichthys polylepis
Manila Puffer Arothron manilensis
Sailfin Tang Pacific Zebrasoma veliferum
Yellow Belly Dog Face Puffer Arothon nigropunctatus
Yellow Long Nose Butterfly Forcipiger flavissimus
Rusty Angel Centropyge ferrugatus
Panther Grouper Cromileptes altivelis
Tomato Clown Amphiprion frenatus
Yellow Wrasse Halichoeres chrysus
Blue Spotted Puffer Canthigaster solandri
Golden Brown Tang Acanthurus japonicus
Blue Face Trigger Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Fox Face (small) Siganus vulpinus
Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis
Orange Diamond Goby Valencienna puellaris
Kato'S Fairy Wrasse Adult Cirrhilabrus katoi
Blue Damsel Chrysiptera cyanea
Green Mandarin Synchiropus splendidus
Inermis Dwarf Pixie Hawk Plectranthias inermis
Banded Pipe Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus
Star Sea Snail Astralium calcar
Halloween Hermit Crab (Reef Safe) Dardanus megistos
Top Shell Tectus fenestratus
Giant Feather Duster Sabellastarte indica
Green Bird Fish Wrasse Gomphosus varius
Emperator Angel Adult Pomacanthus imperator
Flame Electric Scallops Ctenoides Ales
Metallic Blue Dot Sea Hare Slugs Aplysia punctata
Blubber Jelly Fish Catostylus mosaicus
Filamentous Fairy Wrasse Paracheilinus filamentosus
Philippine Yellow Tang Acanthurus pyroferus
Yellow Box Fish Ostracion cubicus
Regal Angel Pygoplites diacanthus
White  / Sand Starfish Archaster typicus
White Feet Hermit Crab (Reef Safe) Dardanus megistos
Rose Anemones Entacmaea quadricolor
Long Tentacle Anemone Macrodactyla doreensis
Carpet Anemone Stichodactyla haddoni
Harlequin Shrimps Hymenocera elegans
Twinspot Goby Signigobius biocellatus
Strawberry Grouper Pseudochromis porphyreus
Yellow  Dotted  Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus

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