Blog Archive

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wimmer of the New Years Resoultion Comp.

OK the Wnner has been selected.

There were so many good points and we wish to thank everyone who entered and sent over

Winner via our facebook page - Daniel Coleman "To be more shellfish and to have a whale
of a time!!"

Runner up who will also get a €50 voucher - Ed Manalo May I suggest that you would post
videos in Facebook or youtube as a new years Resolution to share your best knowledge on the
care of fresh or saltwater tank. Many people including myself are still newbies and would be
very interested in that. To begin with, maybe introduce the topic on "How to start a Freshwater
and Marine Tank." and so on and so forth.

Firstly here are a few points that we want to take away from this exercise.

1) will will look to get some Chubba chomps in our next lollipop delivery - these will be behind
the counter so will be for VIP customers to request... (wait till we get them in first)

2) Coffee - we are toying with this idea to see if we can have a pot running for all customers.

3) Store in Cork - This I'm afraid will not happen - We are a one of a kind shop and it would
not replicate in a second location in Ireland - Well not for a good while

4) We will look for this so called mermaid and see if we can get her in store. - any sightings
- please let us know.

Daniel and Ed - We look forward to seeing you in store to collect your €50 voucher to spend
in store.

Also - for all of you not yet following us please use the following links - and

If you missed Kealan on the TV this week - check him out on the RTE player - Kealan is on 3 minutes into the program.

Thanks again for your support and get ready for an amazing year for fishkeeping.

The Seahorse Aquariums Team.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Arrival lists 60+ Boxes...

Hi Everyone.

Well we are late getting the list our due to the amount of Fish and Corals that we have taken in this week.

We have had a massive delivery this week from Indonesia. With Golden Marindo for the marines and also our Shrimp specialist on the freshwater - Yes we have them lovely blue and red crayfish back in stock.

Here are the list and also a small You tube clip of the stock.

Freshwater Fish - Indonesia

African Butterfly Cichlid Anomalochromis thomasi
Tropheus sp.'black' Ikola yellow caiser) Tropheus sp. Ikola yellow caiser
Cyphotilapia frontosa Cyphotilapia frontosa
Cyphotilapia frontosa Cyphotilapia frontosa
Lemon Cichlid Neolamprologus leliupi
Golsom (Green Terror) Aequidens rivulatus
Corydoras barbatus Corydoras barbatus
Corydoras Sterbai Corydoras Sterbai
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish Pseudoplatysoma fasciatum
Red Fin Shark Epalzeorhynchos frenatum
Rasbora Brigit Rasbora briggitae
Red Shiner Notropis lutrensis
Albino Tiger Barb Capoeta tetrazona
Zebra Danio Brachydanio rerio
White Tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
Snakeskin Barb
Puntius rhomboocellatus
Red Crystal Shrimp Red crystal shrimp
Veiltail Black Angel Pterophyllum scalare
Pakistani Loach Botia locahata
Black Crystal Shrimp Black crystal shrimp
Mosura Shrimp Mosura Shrimp
Clarkii Red Neon Cherax sp.
Electric Blue Clarkii Cherax sp.
Procambarus mexicanus Procambarus mexicanus
MIX Snail Nerritina sp.
Red carnaval Red carnaval

Freshwater Plants

Anubias narteri var. barteri Pot
Vallisneria rubra 'Serpanta'
Anubias narteri var. nana Pot
Aponogeton natans Bulb
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green' -emerged Pot
Echinodorus bleheri - submerged Pot
Eriocaulon cineteum Pot
Lilaeopsis var.'Mauritius' Terrocota Pot
Anubias bar.v.barteri 'Broad leaf' On Wood
Vesicularia dubyanan on coco shell
Vesicularia dubyanan real On bamboo Stick 30cm
Vesicularia mont'Christmas Moss' 50 g bag
Caratopteris thalicroides - emerged Ringed
Eichhornia diversifolia Ringed
Hygrophila pinnatifida Ringed
Lagarophila pinnatifida Pot
Lagarosiphion madagascarensis Ringed
Ludwigia repens- submerged Ringed
Nymphaea 'Tiger lotus red' Plant With bulb
Pogostemon helferi Pot
Vallisneria americana var.americana Ringed
Bacopa caroliniana - submerged Ringed
Echinodorus bleheri - submerged Ringed
Eleocharis vivipara Pot
Rotala wallichii - submerged Ringed
Cabomba caroliniana Ringed
Chladophora aegagroplia 'Moss balls' Balls
Eleocharis parvulus Pot
Glossostigma elatinoides Pot
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis Pot
Limnobium laevigatum
Microsorium pteropus 'Narrow leaf' Pot
Cyperus helferi Ringed
Hemianthus callitrichoides - emerged Pot
Hygrophila difformis - emerged

Marine Stock (also 9 boxes from TMC not on this list as yet)
Spotted Boxfish Female Ostracion meleagris (xf)
Longhorn Cowfish Lactoria cornuta
Wards sleeper Valenciennea wardi
Green & Pink Coralgoby Gobiodon histrio
Green Coralgoby Paragobiodon xanthosomus
Harlequin Sweetlips Juvenile Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides (j)
Harlequin shrimp Hymenocera elegans(picta)
Brown octopus Octopus macropus
Latimanus squid Sepia latimanus
Histrio grazer Trochus histrio
Orange spotted grazer Turbo spp
Green brunneus grazer Turbo brunneus
Dark red long starfish Echinaster luzonicus
Blue starfish Linckia laevigata
Orange eye long spine sea urchin Diadema setosum
Purple tip milk anemone Heteractis crispa
Yellow milk anemone Heteractis crispa
Coloured sand anemone Heteractis malu

Marine - Indonesia

Meat Coral Pachysepta Premium Lobophyllia spp
Montipora Crassituberculata Montipora spp
Montipora Digitata Orange M Montipora spp
Montipora Foliosa Green M Montipora spp
Acropora Elegans Premium Acropora spp
Acropora Caroliniana M Acropora spp
Acropora Efflorescens M Acropora spp
Acropora Elegantula M Acropora spp
Acropora Florida M Acropora spp
Acropora Formosa M Acropora spp
Acropora Hyacinthus M Acropora spp
Acropora Loripes M Acropora spp
Acropora Millepora M Acropora spp
Acropora Tenuis M Acropora spp
Jewel Stone Purple Papua Goniopora stokesi
Jewel Stone Red Short Tentacle Goniopora stokesi
Jewel Stone Red Long Tentacle M Goniopora stokesi
Jewel Stone Green Papua M Goniopora stokesi
Alveopora Green Metalic Java Alveopora spongiosa
Alveopora Pink Premium Alveopora spongiosa
Meat Coral Flat Green Australomussa sp
Meat Coral Flat Red Australomussa sp
Hammer Coral Green Tips Andalas S Euphyllia ancora
Hammer Coral Green Tentacle Celebes M Euphyllia ancora
Hammer Coral Green Tentacle Celebes S Euphyllia ancora
Hammer Coral Yellow Java M Euphyllia ancora
Sunflower Java M Dendrophyllia fistula
Chalice Coral Eye Cup Coral Green Mycedium sp
Stylo Coral Stylophora sp
Stylo Coral Stylophora sp
Jewel Stone Red Short Tentacle Premium Goniopora stokesi
Jewel Stone Red Long Tentacle Premium Goniopora stokesi
Plate Fungia Red Fungia moluccensis
Chalice Coral Green Echinophyllia sp
Acropora Elegans Premium Acropora spp
Plate Cyclo Yellow Fungia moluccensis
Plate Cyclo Green Fungia moluccensis
Plate Cyclo Spotted Green Fungia moluccensis
Plate Cyclo Yellow Premium Fungia moluccensis
Plate Cyclo Red Premium Fungia moluccensis
Chalice Coral Green Premium Pectinia lactuca
Favites Brain Red Favites abdita
Favites Brain Green Premium Favites abdita
Favites Brain Red Premium Favites abdita
Organ Pipe Green Polyps Sumba Tubipora musica
Meat Coral Pachysepta Premium Lobophyllia spp
Candycane Pipe Small Green Caulastraea sp
Cyphastrea Green Cyphastrea serailia
Diploastrea Green Diploastrea heliopora
Pineapple Coral Red Favia spp
Pineapple Coral Green Premium Favia spp
Pineapple Coral Red Premium Favia spp
Hammer Coral Yellow Java S Euphyllia ancora
Hammer Coral Yellow Java L Euphyllia ancora
Torch Coral Greenish Celebes M Euphyllia ancora
Torch Coral Greenish Celebes S Euphyllia ancora
Torch Coral Green Celebes M Euphyllia ancora
Torch Coral Green Celebes S Euphyllia ancora
Torch Coral Green Metalic Celebes M Euphyllia ancora
Torch Coral Green Metalic Celebes Premium Euphyllia ancora
Pagoda Cup Green Turbinaria peltata
Pagoda Cup Yellow S Turbinaria peltata
Acanthastrea Green Acanthastrea sp
Acanthastrea Red Stripe Spc Acanthastrea sp
Acanthastrea Yellow Acanthastrea sp
Acanthastrea Maxima Acanthastrea sp
Acanthastrea Maxima Red Acanthastrea sp
Acanthastrea Red Stripe Spc Premium Acanthastrea sp
Dented Coral Green Symphyllia sp
Dented Coral Red Premium Symphyllia sp
Chalice Coral Red Oxypora sp
Chalice Coral Red Premium Oxypora sp

Mushrooms Giant Celebes M Amplexidiscus sp
Mushrooms Common Green Discosoma sp
Mushrooms Margined Green Discosoma sp
Mushrooms Hairy Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Hairy Green Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Hairy Blue Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Carpet Green Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Carpet Green Metalic Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Carpet Orange Celebes Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Carpet Blue Java Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Metalic Java Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Elephant Ear Green Sumba S Rhodactis sp
Star Polyps Big White Erythropodium sp
Star Polyps Green Java Erythropodium sp
Chrismast Tree White Studeriotes sp
Chrismast Tree black Studeriotes sp
Colt Young M Cladiella sp
Colt Young S Cladiella sp
Colt Big Stalk Java M Alcyonium sp
Colt Big Stalk Java S Alcyonium sp
Colt Short Andalas M Alcyonium sp
Colt Short Andalas S Alcyonium sp
Young M Cladiella sp
Young S Cladiella sp
Lobophytum Finger M Lobophytum sp
Leather Green M Sarcophyton sp
Leather Green S Sarcophyton sp
Leather Soft Tentacle M Sarcophyton sp
Leather Soft Tentacle S Sarcophyton sp
Kenya Tree S Capnella sp
Cauliflower Common Nephthea sp
Cauliflower On Rock Java Neospongodes sp
Strawberry Bright Yellow Scleronephthea sp
Chilli Sponge S Siphonogorgia sp
Anthellia White Anthelia sp
Sympodium Common Sympodium sp
Xenia Pumping Heteroxenia sp
Gorgonia Sea Fan Gorgonia sp
Gorgonia Branch Gorgonia sp
Seaweed Green Fern Caulerpa sp
Seaweed Red Caulerpa sp
Sponge Orange Stylissa sp
Sponge Blue Haliclona sp
Sponge Fan Red Axinella sp
Sand Polyps Small Eye Red Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Small Eye Blue Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Big Eye Yellow Tentacle Chocolate Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Big Eye Pink Tentacle Purple Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Long Green Tentacle Purple Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Long Yellow Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Long Pink Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Button Polyps Green M Palythoa sp
Button Polyps Green S Palythoa sp
Button Polyps Common Protopalythoa sp
Snake Polyps Isaurus sp
Mushrooms Blue Special Java M Discosoma sp
Mushrooms Metalic Andalas Rhodactis sp
Clove Polyps Green Papua Clavularia sp
Lobophytum Finger Green M Lobophytum sp
Kenya Tree M Capnella sp
Jasmine Polyps Green Anthelia sp
Sand Polyps Small Eye Red Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Big Eye Purple Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Sand Polyps Premium Zoanthus sp
Shrimp Boxing Stenopus hispidus
Sea Cucumber Red Pentacta sp
Feather Duster Brown Sabellastarte sp
Eating algae shell Trochus sp
Anemone Common Heteractis crispa
Anemone Sun Heteractis aurora
Anemone Red Foot Macrodactyla dorrensis
Anemone Corn Entacmaea sp
Anemone Corn Green Entacmaea sp
Anemone Corn Red S Entacmaea sp
Starfish White Astropecten sp
Sea Urchin Diadema sp
Sea Urchin Boring Echinometra sp
Sea Urchin Tuxedo Mespilia globulus
Artificial Aquarium Stone Calcareous Artificial Aquarium Stone on Cement Base

Remora Echenius
Blue-spotted Stingray Taeniura lymma
Shrimpfish Aeoliscus strigatus
Rogue Fish Amblyapistus taenionotus
Comet Callopleisiops altivelis
Two-banded Dottyback Pseudochromis bitaeniata
Banggai Cardinalfish Pterapogon kaudernii
Harlequin Swetlips Plectorhinchus chaetodonides
Long-fined Batfish M Platax pinnatus
Round-faced Batfish Platax teira
Indian Ocean Bannerfish Heniochus pleurotaenia
Philipine Pennant Bannerfish M Heniochus singularis
Philipine Pennant Bannerfish L Heniochus singularis
Black-bar Chromis Chromis retrofasciata
Blue green Chromis Chromis viridis
Black mouth Damsel (Juv) Paraglyphidodon nigroris
Blue-streak Devil Paraglyphidodon oxyodon
Phoenix Damsel Plectroglyphidodon phoenixensis
Batavia Damsel Pomacentrus simsiang (juv)
Skunk Stripe Anemonefish Amphiprion akallopisos
Two-banded Anemonefish Amphiprion bicinctus
Clark's Anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii
Black Anemonefish Amphiprion melanopus
Demoiselle Amphiprion ocellaris
Saddleback Clown Amphiprion polymnus
Spine-cheek Anemonefish M/L Premnas biaculeatus
Redbreasted Wrasse Cheilinus fasciatus
Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus lubbocki
Clown Wrasse (Juv) Coris gaimard
Yellow lined Wrasse Halichoeres hoeveni
Cheekerboard Wrasse (Juv) Halichoeres hortulanus
Dusky Wrasse Halichoeres marginatus
Orange-tipped Rainbowfish Halichoeres melanurus
Picture Wrasse Halichoeres nebulosus
Golden Rainbowfish Halichores chrysus
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus
Orange-axil Wrasse Stethojulis bandanensis
Green Blotched Parrotfish Scarus quoyi
Orange-spotted Prawn Goby Amblyeleotris guttata
Wheeler's Prawn Goby Amblyeleotris wheeleri
Dusky Blenny Atrosalarias fuscus
Two colored Blenny (Yellow) Ecsenius bicolor
Yellow-tailed Blenny Ecsenius namiyei
Yellow-eye Combtooth Blenny Ecsenius ops
Leopard Rockskipper Exallias brevis
Grammistes Blenny Meiacanthus grammistes
Mandarinfish Pterosynchiropus splendidus
Jewelled Rockskipper Salarias fasciatus
White-rayed Shrimp Goby Stonogobiops sp
Psychedelic Fish Synchiropus picturatus
Dragonet Synchiropus sp
Orangemarked Goby Amblygobius decussatus
Rainford's Goby Amblygobius rainfordi
Blue-sppoted Shrimp Goby Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus
Yellow Prawn Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus
Blue-finned Shrimp Goby Cryptocentrus fasciatus
Pink & blue Spotted Goby Cryptocentrus leptocephalus
Ocellated Gudgeon Valenciennea longipinnis
Pretty prawn Goby Valenciennea puellaris
Pennant Glider Valenciennea strigata
Spot-cheeked Surgeonfish Acanthurus nigrofuscus
Chocolate Surgeonfish Acanthurus pyroferus
Convict Surgeonfish Acanthurus triostegus
Prickly Leather Jacket Chaetodermis pencilligerus
False-eye Toby Canthigaster solandri

TMC Fish and Inverts

Emperor Angel : J Pomacanthus imperator
Bicolour Angel Centropyge bicolor
Keyhole Angel Centropyge tibicen
Lemon Peel Centropyge flavissima
Mimic Tang - Lemon Peel Acanthurus pyroferus
Copperband Butterfly - Giant Aust. Chelmon rostratus
Fijian Blue & Gold Damsel Chrysiptera taupou
Aiptasia Eating Filefish Acreicthys tomentosus
Orange Spot Filefish - Fiji Oxymonocanthus longirostris
Clown Tang Acanthurus lineatus
Lipstick Tang - Ind O Naso elegans
Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens
Yellow Eye Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus
Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurus
Pyjama Wrass Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot Paracheilinus mccoskeri
Boxfish - Common Rhynchostracion nasus
Boxfish - Yellow Ostracion cubicus
Cowfish - Caribbean Lactoria quadricornis
Jawfish - Yellowhead Opistognanthus aurifrons
Blue Cheek Goby Valenciennea strigata
Chalk Goby Valenciennea strigata
Scarlet Hawk Neocirrhitus armatus
Fox Face Siganus vulpinus
Goat - Yellow Parupeneus cyclostomus
Pistol Shrimp - Red/white striped Alpheus randalli
Decorator Crab - Deepwater Achaeus spp.
Hermit Crab - Rock Red Leg Paguristes cadenati
Snail - Banded Trochus Trochus histrio
Hermit Crab - Blue Leg Clibanarius tricolor
Red Starfish Fromia indica
Fijian Blue & Gold Damsel Chrysiptera taupou
Angler Fish - Coloured Antennarius spp.
Flame Angel Centropyge loriculus
Green Goby Gobiodon histrio
Bubble Anemone - Coloured Entacmaea quadricolor
Malu Anemone - Common Heteractis crispa
Peppermint Shrimp - Giant Lysmata spp.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Final Ultra Premium Golden Marindo Corals

Hi Everyone.

Ok here is the last list to choose from for Golden Marindo.

Please remember to email for orders.

Enjoy.... Some crazy coloured stuff in here..

Acropora Elegans SOLD P.J

Red cyclo SOLD UK Customer Brain Red SOLD AV

Golden Marindo SPS Pre-Selection

Hi SPS lovers.

Please have a look at the selection of Cultured SPS corals we have available. Don't say we dont give you any selection........
Please send orders to - All order to be in by this Sunday.

Most pieces would be €65 each. (stamps not included)

Stylophora Pistillata SOLD PH

Milleopra SOLD PK

Acropora Tenuis SOLD PK

Montipora SOLD DP

Acropora Loripes Orange SOLD MJ Acropora Loripes SOLD PJ

Acropora Hyacinthus SOLD PK

Acropora Formosa SOLD DP

Acropora Formosa SOLD DP

Acropora elegantula SOLD MJ

Acropora Tenuis SOLD PM

Acropora Millepora SOLD PK

Hi SPS lovers.

Please have a look at the selection of Cultured SPS corals we have available. Don't say we dont give you any selection........
Please send orders to - All order to be in by this Sunday.

Most pieces would be €65 each. (stamps not included)