Blog Archive

Monday, February 27, 2012

Arrivals from Golden Marindo

Hi Everyone,

Here is the list of of the arrivals on Friday from Golden Marindo. Also I have a video of the hard corals system posted on our YouTube channel -

Here is the list,


Jewel Stone Budding Green Goniopora sp
Jewel Stone Purple Goniopora sp
Jewel Stone Purple Papua Goniopora sp
Jewel Stone Red Short Tentacle Goniopora sp
Jewel Stone Red Long Tentacle Goniopora sp
Jewel Stone Green Papua M Goniopora sp
Elongate Mushroom Coral Green Fungia paumotensis
Durian Coral Galaxea fascicularis
Brain Coral Red Branch Lobophyllia spp
Trumpet Coral Small Caulastraea echinulata
Trumpet Coral Big Caulastraea echinulata
Montipora Circumvallata Montipora spp
Montipora Confusa Montipora spp
Tongue Coral Poly Polyphyllia talpina
Meat Brain Coral Red Lobophyllia spp
Meat Brain Coral Carpet Red Lobophyllia spp
Brain Coral Brown Branch Lobophyllia spp
Favites Brain Red Favites abdita
Star Coral Green Metalic Favites abdita
Star Coral Red M Favites abdita
Close Maze Brain Coral Green Goniastrea spp
Durian Coral Green Metalic Galaxea fascicularis
Montastrea Red Montastrea valenciennesi
Acropora Millepora Acropora spp
Meat Coral Pachysepta Premium Lobophyllia spp
Favites Brain Green Premium Favites abdita
Favites Brain Red Premium Favites abdita
Hammer Coral Green Tips Andalas
Euphyllia ancora
Hammer Coral Yellow Java Premium Euphyllia ancora
Close Maze Brain Coral Green Goniastrea retiformis
Montastrea Coral Stripe Montastrea valenciennesi
Montastrea Coral Bright Red Montastrea valenciennesi
Hammer Coral Green Tentacle Celebes Euphyllia ancora
Hammer Coral Green Full Euphyllia ancora
Hammer Coral Yellow Java Euphyllia ancora
Favites Brain Green Favites abdita
Star Coral Green Favites abdita
Close Maze Brain Coral Goniastrea spp
Sunflower Pipe Tubastrea sp
Montipora Foliosa Green Montipora spp
Montipora Foliosa Purple Montipora spp
Montipora Capricornis Montipora spp
Mushroom Coral Green Metalic Fungia paumotensis
Acropora Loripes Premium Acropora spp
Acropora Millepora Premium Acropora spp
Meat Coral Carpet Yellow Premium Lobophyllia spp
Lobophytum Finger Yellow Lobophytum sp
Montipora Crassituberculata Montipora spp
Elongate Mushroom Coral Purple Fungia paumotensis
Elongate Mushroom Coral Red Fungia paumotensis
Star Coral Green Metalic Favites abdita
Brain Coral Green Branch Lobophyllia spp
Acropora Millepora Premium Acropora spp
Montastrea Yellow Eyes Montastrea valenciennesi
Montipora Foliosa Orange Premium Montipora spp
Jewel Stone Red Short Tentacle Goniopora sp
Meat Coral Pachysepta Premium Lobophyllia spp
Tongue Coral Poly Polyphyllia talpina
Tongue Coral Poly Common S Polyphyllia talpina
Tongue Coral Poly Colour Polyphyllia talpina
Montastrea Stripe Montastrea valenciennesi
Carnation Pink Dendronephthya sp
Button Polyps Green Palythoa sp
Yellow Polyps M Parazoanthus sp
Montipora Foliosa Orange Montipora spp
Mushrooms Common Green Discosoma sp
Colt Big Stalk Java M Alcyonium sp
Leather Green S Sarcophyton sp
Sponge Fan Red Axinella sp
Button Polyps Common Palythoa sp
Button Polyps Green Protopalythoa sp
Mushrooms Hairy Green Rhodactis sp
Star Polyps Greenish Java Pachyclavularia violace
Lobophytum Finger Yellow Lobophytum sp
Chilli Sponge Young Siphonogorgia sp
Star Polyps Big White Erythropodium sp
Star Polyps Green Java Erythropodium sp
Lobophytum Finger Lobophytum sp
Lobophytum Finger Green Lobophytum sp
Leather Green M Sarcophyton sp
Kenya Tree M Capnella sp
Sponge Orange Stylissa sp
Mushrooms Marble Discosoma sp
Mushrooms Flame Discosoma sp
Mushrooms Stripe Java Discosoma sp
Mushrooms Carpet Green Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Metalic Java Rhodactis sp
Cladiella Soft Young M Cladiella sp
Colt Short Andalas S Alcyonium sp
Kenya Tree S Capnella sp
Anthellia White Anthelia sp
Mushrooms Giant Celebes S Amplexidiscus sp
Mushrooms Spotted Discosoma sp
Star Polyps Green Metalic Papua M Pachyclavularia violace
Briareum Green M Briareum sp
Colt Short Andalas M Alcyonium sp
Colt Big Stalk Java S Alcyonium sp
Leather Curly Green S Sinularia dura
Cauliflower Common Nephthea sp
Cauliflower Spine Java Neospongodes sp
Xenia Pumping Heteroxenia sp
Polyps Small Eye Green Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Green Tentacle Red Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Green Tentacle Orange Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Blue Tentacle Silver Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Orange Tentacle Green Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Orange Tentacle Red Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Orange Tentacle
Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Purple Tentacle Silver Zoanthus sp
Polyps Small Eye Batik Tentacle Orange Zoanthus sp
Polyps Long Yellow Tentacle Orange Zoanthus sp
Polyps Long Yellow Tentacle Silver Zoanthus sp
Mushrooms Elephant Ear Green Sumba Rhodactis sp
Cladiella Young Cladiella sp
Leather Soft Tentacle Sarcophyton sp
Mushrooms Multi Colored Discosoma sp
Sand Polyps Premium Zoanthus sp
Staghorn Green Hydnophora exesa
Staghorn Red Hydnophora exesa
Mushrooms Metalic Java Rhodactis sp
Star Polyps Green Metalic Papua Pachyclavularia violace
Cladiella Young Cladiella sp
Finger Green Sinularia sp
Sponge Blue Haliclona sp
Clove Polyps Green Papua Clavularia sp
Finger Green M Sinularia sp
Seaweed Green Fern Rhodymenia sp
Anemone Saddle Carpet Cryptodendron sp
Anemone Carpet Common Stichodactyla sp
Anemone Radianthus Heteractis magnifica
Anemone Red Foot Macrodactyla dorrensis
Anemone Corn Green Entacmaea sp
Eating algae shell Trochus sp
Nassarius cleaner Nassarius sp
Sea Urchin Diadema sp
Sea Cucumber Red Pentacta sp
Anemone Carpet Common Stichodactyla sp
Anemone Common Heteractis crispa
Anemone Radianthus Heteractis magnifica
Anemone Red Foot Macrodactyla dorrensis
Anemone Corn Entacmaea sp
Anemone Corn Green Entacmaea sp
Starfish Zebra Serpent Ophiolepis superba
Starfish White Astropecten sp
Sea Urchin Boring Echinometra sp
Sea Urchin Tuxedo Mespilia globulus
Wild Live Rock Premium Scleractinian
Cultivated Live Rock Premium Scleractinian

Marine Fish

Green Wrasse Halichores chloropterus
Leopard Rockskipper Exallias brevis
Head-stripe Goby (1000 Island) Amblygobius stethophthalmus
Blue-sppoted Shrimp Goby Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus
Pink & blue Spotted Goby Cryptocentrus leptocephalus
Ocellated Gudgeon Valenciennea longipinnis
Pretty prawn Goby Valenciennea puellaris
Ladder Glider Valenciennea sexguttata
Snowflake Moray Echidna nebulosa
White Ribbon Eel Pseudechina brummeri
Banded Pipefish Doryramphus dactyliophordus
Yellow Prawn Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus
Blue-finned Shrimp Goby Cryptocentrus fasciatus
Black-nape Shrimp Goby Cryptocentrus inexplicatus
Mural Sleeper-goby Valenciennea muralis
Pretty prawn Goby Valenciennea puellaris
Squirelfish Sargocentron sp
Royal Dottyback Pseudochromis paccagnellae
Common Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris
Golden Rainbowfish Halichores chrysus
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus
Six-stripe Wrasse Pseudochelinus hexataenia
Yellowstripe Clingfish Diademichthys lineatus
Skunk Stripe Anemonefish Amphiprion akallopisos
Two-banded Anemonefish Amphiprion bicinctus
Saddleback Clown, Amphiprion polymnus
Six-stripe Wrasse Pseudochelinus hexataenia
Orange-spotted Prawn Goby Amblyeleotris guttata
Steinitz's Goby Amblyeleotris steinitzi
Wheeler's Prawn Goby Amblyeleotris wheeleri
Yellow-tailed Blenny Ecsenius namiyei
Yellow-eye Combtooth Blenny Ecsenius ops
Grammistes Blenny Meiacanthus grammistes
Mandarinfish Pterosynchiropus splendidus
Jewelled Rockskipper Salarias fasciatus

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Freshwater arrivals for this week

Hi Everyone.

We got 11 boxes in of freshwater fish to top up the systems this week. We did have 2 boxes of plants as well from singapore but the department of Argiculture found a white tabacoo fly on one plant and decided to burn the whole lot - well I guess they are just protecting the eco system here in Ireland.

Here is the list.


pleco-zebra hypancistrus zebra l046
shark-siamese flying fox crossochelius siamensis
tetra-rummy nose petitella georgiae
tetra-cardinal paracheirodon axelordi - tank raised
corydoras-sterba's corydoras sterbai
danio-blue brachydanio kerri
goby-golden spot stiphodon percnopterygionus
rasbora-galaxy celestichtys margaritatus - tank raised
shrimp-rili sakura red neocaridina heteropoda var
tetra-yellow phantom megalomphodus roseus
half moon super red betta splenden sp ( male )
half moon super red betta splenden sp ( female )
dark body yellow half moon betta splenden sp ( male )
dark body yellow half moon betta splenden sp ( female )
black orchid crowntail betta splenden sp ( male )
black orchid crowntail betta splenden sp ( female )
white platinum plakat half moon betta splenden sp ( male )
white platinum plakat half moon betta splenden sp ( female )
orange plakat half moon betta splenden sp ( male )
orange plakat half moon betta splenden sp ( female )

Czech Republic Captive Bred

Puntius conchonius red black long finned
Puntius (Barbus) mahecola
Corydoras aneus Venezuela black
Apistogramma hongsloi Gold Red
Nanochromis transvestitus
Bedotia geayi


Assorted Diamon Angel Pterophyllum Scalare
Assorted premium Discus Symphysoden Aequifasciata
Red Rainbowfish Glossolepis Incisus
Otocinclus Otocinclus Arnoldi
Fire eel Mastacembelus Erythrotaenia
Silver Arowana Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum
Parkinson Rainbowfish Parkinson Rainbow
Glowlight Tetra Hemigrammus Erythrozonus
Cherry Barb Capoeta Titteya
Bloodfin Tetra Prionobrama Filigera
Moutain Shrimp Atyopsis Moluccensis

Monday, February 20, 2012

Golden Marindo SPS Pre-Selection

Hi Eveyone

Sorry for the delay in getting these across. There is bad weather in Indonesia currently and this has effected the camera from taking photo's so this is the reason for the delay. Also the bad weather has also meant that there is no Montipora foliosa available (cup type Monti's).


We have some extra special pieces this month which we have managed to pull away from the USA premium list adn to be able to offer these to the Irish Market. First pictures below are large and XL wild Acropora's that have been rested for over 2 weeks and are ready to ship. I guess the other thing to look at is the sizes of these wild pieces, not for a small tank at all and you will need a good spot to place thes ein your aquariums. yes they are expensive - but if you were to cut one of these up into frags then you would see the value in these rare wild pieces.

We also have a large selection of Cultured SPS corals to choose from. All Cultured corals are €65 each and these are your starter or typical SPS, not like the specialist corals above. Full list of species available under these few pictures.

Cauliflower Coral Pocillopora sp
Stylo Coral Pocillopora sp
Montipora Confusa
Stylophora sp
Monti Digitata Green Montipora spp
Monti Digitata Orange Montipora spp
Monti Foliosa Orange Montipora spp
Montipora Turgescens Montipora spp
Montipora Undata Montipora spp
Acropora Anthocercis Montipora spp
Acropora Appressa Acropora spp
Acropora Austrea Acropora spp
Acropora Awi Acropora spp
Acropora Branchi Acropora spp
Acropora Caroliniana Acropora spp
Acropora Desalwii Acropora spp
Acropora Divaricata Acropora spp
Acropora Elegantula Acropora spp
Acropora Florida Acropora spp
Acropora Formosa Acropora spp
Acropora Gomezi Acropora spp
Acropora Hemprichii Acropora spp
Acropora Hoeksemai Acropora spp
Acropora Horrida Acropora spp
Acropora Humilis Acropora spp
Acropora Kimbeensis Acropora spp
Acropora Loripes Acropora spp
Acropora Millepora Acropora spp
Acropora Nana Acropora spp
Acropora Nobilis Acropora spp
Acropora Plana Acropora spp
Acropora Robusta Acropora spp
Acropora Schmitti Acropora spp
Acropora Secale Acropora spp
Acropora Subglabra Acropora spp
Acropora Tenuis Acropora spp
Acropora Variolosa Acropora spp
Alveopora Green Metalic Acropora spp
Cactus Coral Yellow Alveopora sp
Hydnophora Rigid Pavona sp
Merulina Red Hydnophora sp
Merulina Ampliata Merulina ampliata

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Golden Marindo LPS Pre-Selection

Hi Everyone.

Yes it's time of month - Golden Marindo is due to arrive Thursday 23rd February - Just in time for the new members of the NIRC's trip down to Dublin.

Just so everyone understands how this works - If there is a coral you are after then email with the full file name on the picture. First in get the piece. All corasl will be available from Friday 24th.

Corals will be reserved in the order of the emails that arrive in. SPS and other items will be posted on the weekend once we get the list form the suppliers.


Click on the image for a full size picture.