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Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Arrivals of Freshwater

Hi Everyone, 

We just got some new stock of freshwater in this week and it is very impressive. We have gotten some striking new Betta fish just in. There is a wide range of fish for you to choose from, so be sure to check it out. We also have some impressive and eye catching live bearers in store now that are not on the new arrivals list, so be sure not to miss out on them. For all you Marine buffs out there; we also now have some new Phytoplankton in store. The Nemocloripsis algae is €2 and can be used for live food, filter feeders and corals. We look forward to you dropping by and hope to see you soon.

Moss Balls
Cardinal Tetra  Paracheirodon axelrodi
Neon Tetra  Paracheirodon innesi
Ancistrus sp. Black bristlenose
Haplochromis electra Deep water hap
Haplochromis compress Malawi eye-biter
Aulonocara nyassae var. Diana
Pseudotropheus zebra  Red zebra
Caridina japonica  Clean shrimp 
Barb-red shiner  Cyprinella lutrensis
Botia-clown loach Chromobotia macracanthus
Botia-pakistani  Botia Loochata
Discuss-marlboro red  Symphysodon sp
Discuss-pigeon blood  Symphysodon sp
Shrimp-red bee mosura Neocaridina cf.cantonensis
Shrimp-malili red  Caridina cf spinata
Snail-zebra  Neritina turrita
Betta-halfmoon dumbo ear mix color male Betta splenden 
Betta-halfmoon dumbo ear mix female Betta splenden 
Cichlid-severum gold  Heros severus
Crab-panther Parathelphusa pantherina
Eel-fire Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
Shark-silver  Balantiocheilus melanopterus 
Shark-red fin  Epalzeorhynhus frenatus
Shrimp-red bee Neocaridina cf.cantonensis
Shrimp-red cherry " fire " Neocaridina heteropoda
Catfish-red tail  Phractocephalus hemioliopterus
Rasbora-redfin dwarf Boraras brigittae
Half moon super red Betta splenden 
Black copper half moon  Betta splenden 
Green metallic half moon  Betta splenden  
Mattallic crowntail Betta splenden  
Red crowntail Betta splenden  
Black orchid crowntail Betta splenden
Greezle plakat half moon  Betta splenden  
Orange plakat half moon  Betta splenden  
Gold platinum plakat half moon  Betta splenden 
Red dragon plakat half moon Betta splenden  
Violet butterfly plakat half moon Betta splenden 
German Red Devil Angel Pterophyllum scalare
Odessa Barb Puntius padamya
Madagascar cichlid Paretroplus menarambo
Golden Weather Loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
Red Rainbow Glossolepis incisis
Boesemani Rainbow Melanotaenia boesemani
Venezuela Corydoras aeneus  

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