Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi all,
Well we have another big shipment in this week so this weekend expect us to be full to the brim of fish.
Here are the lists with location that the fish have been sourced from. Also come back for the full listing of Tropica plants that will be landed later in the week.

Brazil (Belem)

Pitbull Pleco Parotocinclus jumbo LDA25
Otocinclus Catfish Otocinclus hoppei Otocinclus
Chubby Pleco Parancistrus aurantiacus
Sunshine Pleco Scobiancistrus aureatus L014
Altum Angels Pterophyllum altum


Assorted Male Betta Betta Splendens
Apistogramma sp. Daniel Apistogramma sp. Daniel
Red Tail Catfish Phractocephalus hemioloppterus
Bumble bee Goby Brachygobius Doriar
Chilli Rasbora Boraras Briggittae
Pheonix Rosbora Boraras Merah
Green Neon Cypris Danionella CF Dracula
Bornco Mini Amber crab Parathelpusa Species
Assorted platty Xiphophorus maculatus
Neon Blue Rasbora Rasbora Axelrodi Blue Neon
Blue Ramirezi Apistogramma Ramirezi
Cherry barb Capoeta titteya
Aphyosemion australe-golden Aphyosemion australe-golden
Aphyosemion bivitatum-Lagos Aphyosemion bivitatum-Lagos
Burneese Kyathit Danio Danio species Kyathit
Blue cobalt Gourami - Male Colisa lalia
Neon Royal Red Gourami - pair Colisa lalia
Lamp eye Aplocheillichthys mnormani
Electric Blue Ramirezi Apistogramma Ramirezi


Panda Corydoras panda
Clown anemone-fish Amphiprion ocellaris
Rochow's Notho. Nothobranchius rachovi
Yellow peacock Aulonocara baenschi(yellow)male
Red peacock Aulonocara baenschi(red),male
Johanni Mbuna Melanochromis johanni
Rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus


danio-leopard long fin brachydanio frankei var
oryzias-fountain blue oryzias woworae
pacu-red piranha serrasalmus nattereri
rainbow-forktail popondichthys furcata
tetra-rosy hyphessobricon bentosi
shrimp-green stone neocaridina sp
tetra-black phantom megalamphodus megalopterus
tetra-white fin hyphessobrycon ornatus
tetra-rummy nose petitella georgiae
tetra-neon parassheirodon innesi


Wild Angels Pterophyllum sp
Bandit Cichlids Guianacara geayi
Green neon Tetra's Paracheirodon simulans

Sri Lanka

epaulette surgeonfish Acanthurus nigricauda
Striped cardinal Apogon angustatus
Moorish idol Zanclus cornutus
Striped cardinal Apogon angustatus
Diamond goby Valenciennea puellaris
White banner Heniochus acuminatus
Dragon goby Amblygobius maculata
Lippstick tang Naso lituratus/XL
Green bird Gomphosus varius / male
Striped cardinal Apogon angustatus
Snow flake eel Echidna nebulosa
Zebra eal Gymnothorax zebra
Diamond goby Valenciennea puellaris
Clown fish Amphiprion sebae
Sea plant Caulerpa species (INV)
Green starfish Linckia species (INV)
Filament Fin wrasse Paracheilinus Filamentosus
Sealilies Himerometrapalmata (INV)
Red starfish Fromia elegans (INV)
Dancing shrimp Rhynchocinites uritai (INV)
Red clawed goby shrimp Alpheus sp. (INV)
Red Fire Shrimp Lysmata debelius (INV)
Boxing shrimp Stenopus hispidus (INV)
Brittle starfish (black) Othiocomina nigra (INV)

Cleaner Shrimp Large Lysmata Amboinensis


fairy basslet female pseudanthias luzonensis
false percula clown amphiprion ocellaris
rolandi damsel chrysiptera rollandi
fairy basslet male pseudanthias luzonensis
long horn cowfish lactoria cornuta
rolandi damsel chrysiptera rollandi
matted leatherjacket acreichthys tomentosus
blue spotted stingray taeniura lymma
white star archaster typicus
decorated butterflyfish chaetodon semion
copperband butterflyfish chelmon rostratus
false percula clown amphiprion ocellaris
hass's garden eel heteroconger hassi
sea hare algae slug dolabella sp
carpenter's fairy wrasse parachilinus carpenteri
green dragon pipefish syngnathoides biaculeatus
cleaner shrimp lysmata grabhami
white star archaster typicus
sebae anemones heteractis crispa
yellow sand anemone gyrostoma helianthus
red sand anemone gyrostoma helianthus
colored corn anemone entacmaea quardicolor
carpenter's fairy wrasse parachilinus carpenteri


blue koran angel pomacanthus semicirculatus
coral beauty angel centropyge bispinosus
emperor angel pomacanthus imperator
japanese swallow angel genicanthus melanospilus
yellow angel centropyge heraldi
falcula butterfly chaetodon ulietensis
rafflesii butterfly chaetodon rafflesii
yellow - fin tang ctenochaetus teminiensis
red checkered butterfly chaetodon xanthurus
yellow long nose butterfly forcipiger flavissimus
fire fish goby nemateleotris magnifica
yellow clown goby gobiodon okinawae
banded goby amblyeleotris speinitzi
pink spotted shrimp goby cryptocentrus leptocephalus
red banded antenna goby stonogobius nematodes
blue dotted yellow goby cryptocentrus singapurensis
diadema grouper pseudochromis diadema
strawberry grouper pseudchromis porphyreus
dwarf lion dendrochirus zebra
blue - fin dwarf lion dendrochirus zebra
maroon/ bubble anemone radianthus retteri
moorish idol zanclus canesens
dog face puffer arothron stellatus
tiger pistol shrimp alpheus bellulus
red pistol shrimp alpheus randalli
powder brown tang acanthurus japonicus
yellow watch man goby cryptocentrus cinctus
hi - fin heniochus heniochus chrysostomus
dwarf lion dendrochirus zebra
blue - fin dwarf lion dendrochirus zebra
colored finger tube sabellastarte specie
colured spiral finger tube sabellastarte indica
brittle starfish ophiarachna incrassata

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