Amazing Marine Shipment 01-04-20 Settled and ready to go!
Species: | Size | Quantity |
Aiptasia Eating Filefish | SM | 10 |
Algae Blenny - Jewel : Salarias ramosus | LG | 6 |
Algae Blenny : Salarias fasciatus | ME | 10 |
Anemone Crab - Spotted : Neopetrolisthes ohshimai | ME | 3 |
Arrowhead Crab : Stenorhynchus seticornis | LG | 2 |
Auriga Butterfly : Chaetodon auriga | ME | 1 |
Bicolour Angel - Melanesia | ME | 2 |
Bicolour Blenny : Ecsenius bicolor | ME | 4 |
Blue Cheek Goby : Valenciennea strigata | ME | 2 |
Blue Eye Tang - Fiji : Ctenochaetus binotatus | ME | 2 |
Blue Finger Starfish - Melanesia : Linckia laevigata | LG | 1 |
Blue Ribbon Eel | LG | 1 |
Boxing Shrimp : Stenopus hispidus | LG | 2 |
Button Polyp - Coloured | LG | 3 |
Caribbean Blue/Yellow Tang : Acanthurus coeruleus | ME | 2 |
Chalk Goby : Valenciennea sexguttata | ME | 5 |
Cleaner Shrimp : Lysmata amboinensis | ME | 25 |
Cleaner Wrasse : Labroides dimidiatus | ME | 6 |
Clown Tang : Acanthurus lineatus | LG | 1 |
Clown Tang : Acanthurus lineatus | ME | 2 |
Copperband Butterfly : Chelmon rostratus | LG | 1 |
Copperband Butterfly : Chelmon rostratus | ME | 3 |
Cornet - Coral Sea : Euphyllia spp. | ME | 2 |
Crosshatch Goby : Valenciennea muralis | ME | 10 |
Emerald Crab : Mithraculus sculptus | SM | 10 |
Emperor Angel Juv: Pomacanthus imperator | ME | 2 |
Feather Duster | ME | 6 |
Fiddler Crab - Red | ME | 2 |
Fire Shrimp : Lysmata debelius | ME | 10 |
Firefish - Purple : Nemateleotris exquisita | LG | 10 |
Firefish - West Ind Ocean : Nemateleotris magnifica | LG | 1 |
Firefish - West Ind Ocean : Nemateleotris magnifica | LG | 10 |
Fox Face - Red : Siganus magnificus | LG | 2 |
Fox Face : Siganus vulpinus | ME | 2 |
Frogspawn - Coral Sea Euphyllia spp. | SM | 1 |
Goat - Yellow | ME | 2 |
Gold Rush Tang : Ctenochaetus tominiensis | SM | 2 |
Gramma - Royal : Gramma loreto | ME | 10 |
Green Goby : Gobiodon histrio | ME | 10 |
Hammerhead - Coral Sea | LG | 1 |
Hammerhead - CS (per polyp) | TY | 1 |
Hammerhead -Frag (per polyp) | TY | 10 |
Harlequin Shrimp : Hymenocera picta | SM | 2 |
Hawaiian Lemon Butterfly : Chaetodon miliaris | ME | 1 |
Hermit Crab - Rock Red Leg Paguristes cadenati | ME | 50 |
Hi Fin Dwarf Parrot | ME | 3 |
Koi Dwarf Parrot | ME | 1 |
Koran Angel Juv: Pomacanthus semicirculatus | ME | 1 |
Laboute's Fairy Dwarf Parrot | ME | 1 |
Leopard Wrasse - False : Macropharyngodon ornatus | LG | 1 |
Longnose Butterfly - Yellow : Forcipiger flavissimus | ME | 1 |
Mandarin : Pterosynchiropus splendidus | ME | 3 |
Marble Starfish Fromia spp. | SM | 11 |
Marine Betta | SM | 1 |
Maroon Clown - Yellow | SM | 2 |
Mustard Tang - Melanesia : Acanthurus pyroferus | ME | 1 |
Naoko's Dwarf Parrot | ME | 2 |
Orange Shoulder Tang : Acanthurus olivaceus | ME | 1 |
Pink Cucumber : Holothuria edulis | LG | 2 |
Pom-Pom S/T - Coral Sea : Goniopora spp. | ME | 1 |
Queen Angel Adult: Holacanthus ciliaris | ME | 1 |
Red Spot Flymo Blenny : Blenniella chrysospilos | ME | 4 |
Regal Angel - West Ind Ocean Pygoplites diacanthus | ME | 1 |
Regal Tang - Coral Sea : Paracanthurus hepatus | SM | 11 |
Sailfin Tang - Melanesia : Zebrasoma veliferum | ME | 2 |
Scooter Blenny : Synchiropus ocellatus | LG | 4 |
Scribble Angel : Chaetodontoplus duboulayi | ME | 1 |
Seafighter Dwarf Parrot | LG | 2 |
Seahare - Giant : Dolabella auricula | ME | 2 |
Shimmering Dwarf Parrot - Coral Sea | LG | 1 |
Shrimp/Goby - PAIR | ME | 1 |
Snail - Banded Trochus | ME | 100 |
Snail - Nitrus Bulk | LG | 100 |
Snail - Orange Marble : Babylonia formosae | ME | 11 |
Snail - Sand Sifting : Strombus spp. | ME | 11 |
Snail - Super Turbo : Turbo fluctuosa | ME | 10 |
Snail - Turbo : Astraea tectum | ME | 25 |
Sohal Tang : Acanthurus sohal | ME | 1 |
Spineless Urchin - Red/Blue : Mespilia globulus | ME | 10 |
Spiny Brain : Lobophyllia spp. | TY | 1 |
Strawberry Crab | ME | 1 |
Sulphur Goby : Cryptocentrus cinctus | LG | 4 |
Swallowtail Angel : Genicanthus melanospilos | ME | 1 |
Swallowtail Angel: Genicanthus melanospilos | ME | 1 |
Tank Bred Clown - Black & White | ME | 22 |
Tank Bred Clown - Common (50+) | SM | 50 |
Vampire Tang : Acanthus tennenti | ME | 1 |
Velvet Dwarf Parrot-Red Patch : Cirrhilabrus scottorum | LG | 1 |
Watanabei Angel - Female Genicanthus watanabei | ME | 1 |
Yellow Angel - Fiji | ME | 1 |
Yellow Back Anthias | ME | 10 |
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel | ME | 10 |
Yellow Tail Purple Tang : Zebrasoma xanthurus | SM | 2 |
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