Hi guys,
We got an amazing marine and freshwater shipment in stock. We got the enchanting Moon Jellyfish. These unique-looking creatures can be relaxing to the eye and very enjoyable to watch. We also got the big belly seahorse. This is one of the largest types of seahorses in the world and you can easily distinguish them due to their very wide and round belly. Many beautiful corals, feather dusters and anemones are in this marine shipment too. The freshwater shipment includes the majestic Red Empress. Give them enough space to swim and plenty of hiding places too. A decent variety of gorgeous Dwarf Gouramis also made their way to Seahorse Aquariums this week. See the whole list below and make sure to pop over to have a look!
M A R I NE | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Tube Anemone Orange | Pachycerianthus fimbriatus |
Tube Anemone Purple | Pachycerianthus fimbriatus |
Tube Anemone White | Pachycerianthus fimbriatus |
Mandarin Fish (Pair) | Pterosynchiropus splendidus |
Duncanops Coral | Duncanopsammia axifuga |
Pygmy Seahorse | Hippocampus zosterae |
Big - Belly Seahorse | Hippocampus abdominalis |
Maroon Clownfish | Premnas biaculeatus |
Birdsnest Coral | Seriatopora sp. |
Acropora Coral Green | Acropora formosa |
Acropora Coral Blue Tip | Acropora formosa |
Acropora gomezi Blue | Acropora gomezi |
Moon Jelly | Aurelia aurita |
Peppermint Shrimp | Lysmata wurdemanni |
Cerith Snail | Cerithium sp |
Nerite Snail | Nerita sp |
Mexican Turbo Snail | Turbo fluctuosus |
Nassarius Snail | Nassarius distortus |
Bumblebee Snail | Pusiostoma mendicaria |
Fighting Conch | Strombus alatus |
West Indian Star Snail | Lithopona tectum |
Blue Leg Pistol Shrimp | Alpheus sp |
Red Pistol Shrimp | Alpheus bisincisus |
Brittle Star | Ophioderma sp |
Ricordea Mushroom | Ricordea florida |
Haitian Condy Anemone | Condylactis giantea |
Green Condy | Condylactis giantea |
Red Ball Sponge | Pseudoaxinella lunaecharta |
Red/Orange Tree Sponge | Ptilocaulis sp |
Yellow Frilly Sponge | Halichondria sp |
Arrow Crab | Stenorhynchus sp |
Emerald Crab | Mithrax sculptus |
Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab | Paguris cadenati |
Horseshoe Crab | Limulus polyphemus |
Porcelain Crab | Porcellana sayana |
Caribbean Feather Duster | Sabellastarte sp |
Giant Sea Rod | Plexaurella nutans |
Royal Gramma | Gramma loreto |
Pygmy Angelfish | Centpopyge argi |
Flame Cardinal | Apogon sp |
Queen Angel | Holocanthus ciliaris |
Blue Tang | Acanthurus coeruleus |
Lemonpeel Angel | Centropyge flavissimus |
F R E S H W A T E R | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Weather Loach Gold | Misgurnus anguillicaudatus |
Angelfish Black (Long Fin) | Pterophyllum scalare |
True Apistogramma Borellii | Apistogramma borellii |
Rainbow Cichlid | Herotilapia multispinosa |
Cynotilapia afra Cobue | Cynotilapia afra |
Dwarf Gourami Blue | Colisa lalia |
Dwarf Gourami Red | Colisa lalia |
Dwarf Rainbow Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Guppy Endler | Poecilia wingei |
Guppy Metallic Blue | Poecilia reticulata |
Red Empress | Protomelas taeniolatus |
Killifish Clown | Epiplatys annulatus |
Elephantnose Fish | Gnathonemus petersii |
Bluefin Notho | Nothobranchius rachovii |
Rusty Pleco | Hypostomus cochliodon |
Demasoni Cichlid | Demasoni cichlid |
Tropheops Chilumba | Tropheops chilumba |
Spotted Puffer Fish | Tetraodon sp |
Red Rasbora | Red Rasbora |
Wolffish | Hoplias |
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