We got an amazing marine shipment in stock. The colourful Exquisite Wrasse with the bright red, orange, yellow markings will look great in any aquarium which is at least 260 litres. They're coral safe which makes them ideal for any reef aquariums. Make sure to have a fitting lid to prevent them from jumping out of the tank. We also got the Coral Hogfish. This phenomenal cleaner will take care of his tank-mates removing any parasites. When adults they have a sunburst-like yellow/orange colour making a perfect contrast with the black stripe. The Eyed Flounder this cutely compressed fish needs a big aquarium (at least 450 ltr) with a sandy bottom allowing it to blend in and change positions.
The list is endless... So pop over to have a closer look!
M A R I N E | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Six-Banded Angelfish Juvenile | Pomacanthus sexstriatus |
Coralbeauty Angelfish | Centropyge bispinosus |
Red Lined Surgeonfish | Ctenochaeatus cf striatus |
Clown Tang | Acanthurus lineatus |
Orange Shoulder Tang | Acanthurus olivaceous |
Redtooth Triggerfish | Odonus niger |
Pajama Cardinalfish | Sphaeramia nematoptera |
Dragon Wrasse Juvenile | Novaculichthys taeniourus |
Decorated Rabbitfish | Siganus puellus |
Longnose Hawkfish | Oxycirrhites typus |
Copperband Butterflyfish | Chelmon rostratus |
Exquisite Fairywrasse | Cirrhilabrus cf. exquisitus |
Aptasia Filefish | Acreichthys tomentosus |
Lyretail Anthias | Pseudanthias squamipinnis |
Bluestreak Cardinalfish | Apogon leptacanthus |
Goldbelly Damsel | Pomacentrus auriventris/P.coelistis |
Green Wrasse Juvenile | Halichoeres chloropterus |
Yellow Filament Fairywrasse | Cirrhilabrus filamentosus |
Diana's Hogfish Adult | Bodianus diana |
Sixstripe Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Rainford'S Goby | Amblygobius rainfordi |
Orange-spotted Goby | Valenciennea puellaris |
Whitetail Vermiculated Angelfish | Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus |
Coral Hogfish | Bodianus axillaris |
Golden Wrasse | Halichoeres chrysus |
Solorensis Fairywrasse | Cirrhilabrus solorensis |
Threadfin Butterflyfish | Chaetodon auriga |
Koran Angelfish Juvenile | Pomacanthus semicirculatus |
Twinspot Lionfish | Dendrochirus biocellatus |
Purple Surgeonfish | Acanthurus xanthopterus |
Orange-stripped Triggerfish | Balistapus undulatus |
Zebra Lionfish | Aeoliscus strigatus |
Spotfin Lionfish | Pterois antennata |
Lubbock'S Fairywrasse | Heteroconger hassi |
Spotted Toby Puffer | Canthigaster solandri |
Cleaner Wrasse Adult | Pterois russelli/ P.miles |
Pacific Sailfintang Juvenile | Zebrasoma veliferum |
Hector's goby | Amblygobius hectori |
Flagtail Prawngoby | Amblyeleotris yanoi |
Psychedelic Mandarin | Synchiropus picturatus |
Dwarf Hawkfish | Cirrhitichthys falco |
Eyed Flounder | Bothus ocellatus |
Six-spot Goby | Valenciennea sexguttata |
Decorated Firefish | Nemateleotris decora |
Eibl's Angelfish | Centropyge eibli |
Blue-Green Chromis | Chromis viridis |
Yellow-tail Azure Damsel | Chrysiptera parasema |
Yellow-spotted Pipefish | Corythoichthys polynotatus/C.excitu |
Banded Pipefish | Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus |
Black-saddled Toby | Canthigaster valentini |
Red spotted Cardinalfish | Apogon parvulus |
Birdnest crl. | Seriatopora spp |
Anchor crl. | Euphyllia ancora |
Anchortree crl. | Euphyllia paraancora |
Simplex bubble crl. | Plerogyra simplex |
Tooth crl | Scolymia spp |
Flame crl. | Goniastrea spp |
Lemon Coral | Goniopora spp |
Green grazer | Cypraea annulus |
Spoted grazer | Cypraea tigris |
Fenestratus grazer | Tectus fenestratus |
Histrio grazer | Trochus histrio |
Strawberry conch | Strombus luhuanus |
Dark red long starfish | Echinaster luzonicus |
Finger red starfish | Fromia monilis |
Common dancing shrimp | Rhynchocinetes durbanensis |
Banded boxer shrimp | Stenopus hispidus |
White leg hermit crab | Calcinus laevimanus |
Cleaner sand starfish | Archaster typicus |
Blue starfish | Linckia laevigata |
Colored polyp | Zoanthus sociatus |
Fruit sea urchin (Short-spine) | Mespilia globulus |
Red long cucumber | Opheodesoma australiensis |
Coloured sand anemone | Heteractis malu |
Red-white sand tubeworm | Bispira guinensis |
Purple clay sand tubeworm | Megalomma v. lanigera |
Common featherworm | Sabellastarte sanctijosephi |
Yellow featherworm | Sabellastarte spectabilis |
Blue long small xenia | Anthelia desjardiniana |
Sexy shrimp | Thor amboinensis |
Retusa spider crab | Camposcia retusa |
Red coral crab | Trapezia lutea |
Pompom anemone crab | Lybia tesselata |
Leaf nudibranch | Chromodoris spp |
Nine hole abalone | Haliotis asinina |
Hairy brittle starfish | Ophiomastix annulosa |
Black brittle starfish | Ophiocomina scolopendrina |
Orange eye long spine sea urchin | Diadema setosum |
Common black back cucumber | Holothuria atra |
Yellow mini cucumber | Colochirus robustus |
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