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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Galway Shop: Marine & Freshwater Shipment - 12th of May

Hi guys,

We got an amazing marine and freshwater shipment in stock. The marine shipment includes the enchanting Pinktail Triggerfish. The green and pink combination with yellow striped will transform your marine tank into a real jewel. Rocks and caves will keep this emerald treasure happy and stress-free. We also got the exquisite Royal or Regal Angelfish. It has a vivid blue, yellow/orange and white vertical striations and requires a minimum of 470 litres. Live rock and a few good hiding places will offer the perfect environment for your Regal Angel. The freshwater shipment includes some lovely Crowntail Bettas, Swordtails, Glowlight Danios and much much more.

Pop over to our Galway store to have a look!

Common Name Latin Name
Molly Poecilia sphenops
Red Platy Xiphophorus maculatus
Horseface Loach Acantopsis choirorhynchos
Pearl Gourami Trichogaster leerii
Albino Shark Epalzeorhynchos frenatum
Pink-tailed Chalceus Chalceus macrolepidotus
Swordtails Xiphophorus helleri
Giant Danio Devario aequipinnatus
Australia Rainbowfish Melanotaenia splendida
Spotted Headstanded Rasbora Chilodus punctatus
Croaking Gourami Trichopsis vittata
Glowlight Danio Danio choprae
Albino Kribensis Cichlid  Pelvicachromis punctatus
Crown Tail Siamese Fighting Fish Betta splendens
Common Name Latin Name
Common Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris
Orange Clownfish Amphiprion percula
Pinnate Batfish Platax pinnatus
Bangaii Cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni
Randall's Prawn Goby + Pistol Shrimp Amblyeleotris randalli + Alpheus sp
Yellow Prawn Goby + Pistol Shrimp Cryptocentrus cinctus + Alpheus sp
Sea Hare Dolabella auricula
Red Pistol Shrimp Alpheus randalli
Hermit Crab Calcinus sp
Big Variety of Mushroom Corals Discosoma sp
Long-Tentacled Sea Anemone Heteractis malu
Yuma Disc Mushroom Ricordea yuma
Sand Sea Star Archaster angulatus
Sea Cucumber Holothuria atra
Tireless Sea Cucumber Holothuria pervicax
Globular Sea Urchin Mespilia globulus
Brittle Starfish Macrophiothrix nereidina
Blue Mini Sea Squirt Clavelina Robusta
Fine Branching Red Algae Aphiroa foliacea
Keyhole Angelfish Centropyge tibicen
Emperor Angelfish Pomacanthus imperator
Royal Angelfish Pygoplites diacanthus
Razorfish Aeoliscus strigatus
Yellow-edged Moray Gymnothorax flavimarginatus
Dusky Wrasse Halichoeres marginatus
Indian Ocean Mimic Surgeonfish Acanthurus tristis
Naso Tang  Naso elegans
Moorish Idol Zanclus cornutus
Pink-tailed Triggerfish Melichthys vidua
Jewelled Blenny Salarias fasciatus
Byno Goby Amblygobius bynoensis
Squareback Anthias Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
Powder Blue Surgeonfish Acanthurus leucosternon
Spotted Surgeonfish Ctenochaetus strigosus
Six-Line Wrasse Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Bluestripe Pipefish Doryrhamphus excisus
Saddle Valentini Puffer Canthigaster Valentini
Mauritian Anemonefish Amphiprion chrysogaster
Boxfish Ostracion sp
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus
Grape Caulerpa Seaweed  Caulerpa racemosa
Serrated Sea Grapes Caulerpa serrulata
Common Plate Weed Halimeda incrassata
Paddle Weed / Spoon Grass Halophila ovalis
Encrusting Algae (Purple) Mastophora sp
Sargassum Algae Sargassum sp

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