We got an amazing Marine shipment and we're so so excited. The shipment includes the extremely rare Black Tang, the mesmerising Queen Angelfish, the enchanting Yellow Eye Tang and much much more. You know what you have to do... Pop over to have a look and admire them in the flesh!
M A R I N E | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
French Angelfish | Pomacanthus paru |
Queen Angelfish | Holocanthus ciliaris |
Blueface Angel | Pomacanthus xanthometopon |
Regal Angel | Pygoplites diacanthus |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Copperband Butterfly | Chelmon rostratus |
Maroon Clown | Premnas biaculeatus |
Common Clown | Amphiprion ocellaris |
Pyjama Cardinal | Sphaeramia nematoptera |
Black Trigger | Melichthys niger |
Clown Tang | Acanthurus lineatus |
Lipstick Tang | Naso elegans |
Black Tang | Zebrasoma rostratum |
Yellow Eye Tang - True Hawaiian | Ctenochaetus strigosus |
Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Pinkface Wrasse | Halichoeres melanurus |
Cuban Hog | Bodianus pulchellus |
Marine Betta | Calloplesiops altivelis |
Royal Red Scooter | Synchiropus moyeri |
Blue Cheek Goby | Valenciennea strigata |
Court Jester Goby | Amblygobius rainfordi |
Eye Spot Goby | Signigobius biocellatus |
Purple Firefish | Nemateleotris decora |
Blue Neon Goby | Elacatinus oceanops |
Golden Fox Face | Siganus vulpinus |
Lion Volitans | Pterois volitans |
Blue Pipefish | Doryrhamphus excisus |
Scribbled Pipefish | Corythoichthys intestinalis |
Seahorse Erectus | Hippocampus erectus |
Royal Gramma | Gramma loreto |
Sebae Anemone | Heteractis crispa |
Pistol Shrimp | Alpheus randalli |
Feather Cucumber | Synapta maculata |
Long Spine Urchin | Diadema setosum |
Red Tuxedo Urchin | Mespilia globulus |
Royal Gramma | Gramma loreto |
Yellow Frilly Sponge | Halichondria sp |
Red Frilly Sponge | Halichondria sp |
Pygmy Angelfish | Centpopyge argi |
Blue Reef Chromis | Chromis cyanea |
Neon Goby | Gobisoma oceanops |
Black Cap Basslet | Gramma melacara |
Yellow Head Jawfish | Opistognathus aurifrons |
Porcupine Puffer | Diodon trystix |
Spiny Box Puffer | Chilomycterus schoepfi |
Passer Angelfish | Holacanthus passer |
Cuban Hogfish | Bodianus pulchellus |
Yellow Tang | Zebrasoma flavescens |
Astrea Snail | Lithopoma spp |
Cerith Snail | Cerithium spp |
Mexican Turbo Snail | Turbo fluctuosus |
Bumblebee Snail | Pusiostoma mendicaria |
Lettuce Nudibranch | Elysia crispata |
Flame Scallop | Lima scabra |
Fighting Conch | Strombus alatus |
Shrek Seahare | Dolabrifera dolabrifera |
Coral Banded Shrimp | Stenopus hispidus |
Haitian Condylactis Anemone | Condylactis gigantea |
Pincushion Urchin | Lytechinus variegatus |
Red Rock Anemone | Ultra Epicystis crucifer |
Arrow Crab | Stenorhynchus |
Emerald Crab | Mithrax sculptus |
Blue Legged Hermits | Clibanarius tricolor |
Scarlet Reef Hermit | Paguris cadenati |
Horseshoe Crab | Limulus polyphemus |
Porcelain Crab | Porcellana sayana |
Sallylightfoot | Percnon gibbesi |
Corky Sea Finger | Briareum sp |
Carribean Feather Duster | Sabellastarte sp |
Shaving Brush | Penicillus sp |
Hawaiian Red OGO Gracilaria | Gracilaria parvispora |
Brown Tree Gorgonian | Pseudoplexaura sp |
Red/Orange Tree Sponge | Ptilocaulis sp |
Black/Red Urchin | Echinometra viridis |
Brittle Star | Ophioderma sp |
Serpent Star | Ophioderma appressum |
Purple Condylactis | Condylactis gigantea |
Ricordea | Ricordea florida |
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