We got a very exciting marine shipment! For the first time we brought the Antler Crab. This is a truly unique crab that makes its house out of the staghorned hydrocoral (Janaria mirabilis). This active little creature is ideal for algae management. Also note that its shell must not come in contact with stinging corals and anemones. We also got the very pretty French Black Angelfish. Its dark-coloured body combined with the striking yellow stripes make a stunning fish for any aquarium. The colourful Fathead Anthias is also here! An explosion of colours, this little ultra bright fellow needs a few hiding places and peaceful tankmates to keep him happy.
Have a look through the list below and make sure to pop over!
M A R I N E | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Octopus | Octopus vulgaris |
Black French Angel | Pomacanthus arcuatus |
Majestic Angel | Pomacanthus navarchus |
Passer Angel | Holacanthus passer |
Coral Beauty | Centropyge bispinosus |
Fireball Angel | Centropyge acanthops |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Sunburst Butterfly | Chaetodon kleinii |
Skunk Clown | Amphiprion perideraion |
Banggai Cardinal - Spotted | Sphaeramia nematoptera |
Green Chromis | Chromis viridis |
Regal Damsel | Chrysiptera hemicyanea |
Banggai Cardinal - Emperor | Pterapogon kauderni |
Clown Trigger | Balistoides conspicillum |
Aiptasia Eating Filefish | Acreicthys tomentosus |
Regal Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus |
Powder Blue Tang | Acanthurus leucosternon |
Sailfin Tang | Zebrasoma flavescens |
Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Jade Wrasse | Halichoeres chloropterus |
Pyjama Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Red Fairy Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis |
Algae Blenny - Jewel | Salarias ramosus |
Bicolour Blenny | Ecsenius bicolor |
Red Spot Flymo Blenny | Blenniella chrysospilos |
Chalk Goby | Valenciennea sexguttata |
Purple Firefish | Nemateleotris decora |
Orange Spot Goby | Valenciennea puellaris |
Yellow Goby | Gobiodon okinawae |
Fox Face | Siganus uspi |
Orchid Dottyback | Pseudochromis fridmani |
Carberryi Anthias | Nemanthias carberryi |
Chevron Tang | Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis |
Emperor Angel | Pomacanthus imperator |
Jewel Tang | Acanthurus guttatus |
Laboute's Fairy Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus laboutei |
Pink Shimmering Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus |
Yellow Boxfish | Ostracion cubicus |
Bartlett's Anthias | Pseudanthias bartlettorum |
Fat Head Anthias | Serranocirrhitus latus |
Hawaiian Idol | Zanclus canescens |
Duncan's Red Polyp | Duncanopsammia spp. |
Button Polyp - Giant | Protopalythoa spp. |
Antler Crab | Manucomplanus varians |
Spineless Urchin - Red | Mespilia globulus |
Long Spine Urchin | Diadema setosum |
Red Bamboo Algae | Solieria spp. |
Shaving Brush Algae | Penicillus capitatus |
Fan Algae - Giant | Halimeda spp. |
Maidens Hair Algae | Chlorodesmis spp. |
Hermit Crab | Calcinus spp. |
Emerald Crab | Mithraculus sculptus |
Anemone Crab - Pink | Neopetrolisthes maculatus |
Yellow Cucumber | Colochirus robustus |
Candy Cucumber | Colochirus crassus |
Sand Sifting Snail | Strombus spp. |
Orange Spot Snail | Mitra mitra |
Orange Marble Snail | Babylonia formosae |
Seahare - Giant | Dolabella auricula |
Banded Trochus Snail | Trochus histrio |
Tiger Shrimp | Alpheus bellulus |
Sexy Shrimp | Thor amboinensis |
Harlequin Shrimp | Hymenocera picta |
Fire Shrimp | Lysmata debelius |
Cleaner Shrimp | Lysmata amboinensis |
Star Polyp - Jasmin | Cervera spp. |
Toadstool Soft Coral | Sarcophyton spp. |
Finger Coral - White Polyp Long | Lobophytum spp. |
Sun Orange | Tubastrea spp. |
Ritteri Anemone - Purple Foot | Heteractis magnifica |
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