We just got a very exciting freshwater shipment in store. The African haplochromine from Lake Malawi known as Fossorochromis rostratus has made its way to Seahorse Aquariums. When young they have this "snow leopard" pattern whereas when the get older they get a fascinating blue-green iridescent colour. The peaceful and active Rasbora Sundadanio Axelrodi with its charming glittering colouration will look great in any tank. Make sure to have plenty of free swimming space and will do great with other peaceful and similarly-sized species. We also got the not-difficult-to-keep and very adaptable Danio Moustache (Danio dangila). Aquascape your tank with driftwood roots, branches, fine gavel and/or rock to keep them happy.
Pop over to have a closer look...
F R E S H W A T E R | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Galaxy Rasbora | Microrasbora galaxy |
Amano Shrimp | Caridina japonica |
Black & White Crystal Shrimp | Caridina sp. |
Snow-Leopard Cichlid | Fossorochromis rostratus |
Black Bristlenose | Ancistrus sp. |
Naked Microrasbora | Sawbwa resplendens |
Red Necklace Barbs | Dawkinsia assimilis |
Wild Zebra Danio | Brachydanio rerio |
Danio Moustache | Danio dangila |
Dadio | Chela dadyburjorie |
Dwarf Anchor Catfish | Hara jerdoni |
Barb-Banded Pentazona | Desmopuntius pentazona |
Barb-Rhombo | Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus |
Red Shiner | Cyprinella lutrensis |
Red Tiger Oscar | Astronotus ocellatus |
Red Smooth Oscar | Astronotus ocellatus |
Pseudotropheus Elongatus | Cichlid-Pseudotropheus elongatus " Mpanga" |
Bolivian Ram | Papiliochromis altispinosa |
Datnoid-Papua Tiger | Datnoides campbelli |
Fire Eel | Mastacembelus erythrotaenia |
Golden Pancax Killifish | Aplocheilus lineatus gold |
Clown Killifish | pseudepiplaty annulatus |
Blue Clausen's Killifish | Aphyosemion gardneri |
White Cloud Golden Minnow | Tanichthys albonubes |
Dwarf Blue Neon Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Sunset Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Cardinal Tetra | Paracheirodon axelordi |
Lake Kutubu Rainbow | Melanotaenia lacustris |
Blehers Rainbow | Chilatherina bleheri |
Rasbora Sundadanio Axelordy Blue | Sundadanio axelrodi |
Red Tail Shark | Epalzeorhynchus bicolor |
Red Cherry " Fire " Shrimp | Neocaridina heteropoda |
Siamese Flying Fox | Crossochelius siamensis |
Yellow Fire Sakura Yellow | Neocaridina heteropda |
Red Phantom Tetra | Megalamphodus sweglesi |
Silver Tip Tetra | Hasemania nana |
Lemon Tetra | Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis |
Penguin Tetra | Thayeria boehlkai |
Conggo Albino Tetra | Phenacogramus interuptus |
Brunei Beauty Betta | Betta macrostoma |
Crown Tail Mixed Colors Betta | Betta splenden |
Halfmoon Mixed Colors Betta | Betta splenden |
Zebra Thorn Snail | Clithon diadema |
Norman'S Lamp Eyes Tetra | Poropancax normani |
Neon Tetra | Parassheirodon innesi |
Yellow Phantom Tetra | Megalomphodus roseus |
Redfin Dwarf Rasbora | Boraras brigittae |
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