We got a fantastic freshwater and marine shipment in store. The freshwater shipment includes the very rare Panda Uaru. This peaceful cichlids should be kept with other medium-sized cichlids providing also rocks and driftwood as hiding places. The gorgeous Redtail Hermiodus with its fascinating red tail will be a great addition to most tanks. It should be kept in a group and can be easily combined with other cichlids or carachins of the same size. This marine shipment includes the much sought after Purple Tang. Give them space to swim and a few hiding spots and they'll perfectly happy in any aquarium. We also got a some very pretty Seahorses. Their beauty cannot be put into words! Just pop over to have a look.
F R E S H W A T E R | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Cory Punctatus | Cory punctatus |
Flase Spotted Catfish | Corydoras leucomelas |
Rust Corydoras | Corydoras rabauti |
Emerald Catfish | Brochis Splendens |
Skunk Corydoras | Corydoras Arcuatus |
Masked Corydoras | Corydoras Metae |
Green Neon Tetra | Paracheirodon simulans |
Gold Tetra | Hyphessobrycon saizi |
Rainbow Emperor Tetra | Nematobrycon lacortei |
Ram Cichlid | Mikrogeophagus ramirezi |
Red-Tailed Hemiodus | Hemiodus gracilis |
Corydoras Asher | Corydoras sp. |
Otocinclus | Otocinclus huaorani |
Royal Pleco | Panaque nigrolineatus |
Rummynose Tetra | Hemigrammus Rhodostomus |
Black-Winged Hatchetfish | Carnegiella marthae |
Marbled Hatchetfish | Carnegiella strigata |
Hystrix Ray | Potamotrygon orbignyi |
Three-Stripepencilfish | Nannostomus trifasciatus |
Apistogramma I. | Apistogramma Iniridae |
L240 Leporacanthicus Sp | L240 Leporacanthicus Sp |
L199 Hypancistrus Furunculus | L199 Hypancistrus Furunculus |
L257 Pseudolithoxus Tigris | L257 Pseudolithoxus Tigris |
Panda Uaru - Very Rare | Uaru Fernandezyepezi |
Raphael Catfish | Platydoras costatus |
Lyretail Checkerboard Cichlid | Dicrossus Filamentosus |
M A R I N E | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Blue Hippo Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus |
Baby Clown Trigger Fish | Balistoides conspicllium |
Purple Fire Fish | Nemateleotris decora |
Bicolour Butterfly | Hemitaurichthys zoster |
Long Nosed Hawkfish | Oxycirithus typus |
Black Frost - Snowflake | Amphiprion ocellaris variation |
Leopard Yellow Sea Horse | Hippocampus reidi |
Cleaner Shrimp | Lysmata amboinensis |
Fire Shrimp | Lysmata debelius |
Purple Tang | Zebrasoma xanthurus |
White Tail Singapore Angelfish | Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus |
Emperor Angelfish | Pomancanthus imperator |
Bicolor Angelfish | Centropyge bicolor |
Powder Blue Tang | Acanthurus leucosternon |
Green Mandarin | Pterosynchiropus splendidus |
Yellow Coris | Halichoeres chrysus |
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Yellow Coral Goby | Gobiodon okinawae |
Two Spot Goby | Signigobius biocellatus |
Yellow Rose Goby | Stonogobiops nematodes |
Carpenter'S Flasher Wrasse | Parachilinus carpenteri |
Banded Turbo Snail | Trochus histero |
Strawberry Conch | Strombus luhuanus |
Sand Siftig Star (White Star) | Archaster typicus |
Coral Beauty Angel | Centropyge bispinosus |
Juv. Emperator Angel | Pomacanthus imperator |
Golden Tang | Acanthurus japonicus |
Carpenter'S Flasher Wrasse | Paracheilinus carpenteri |
Black Ribbon Eel | Rhinomuraena quesita |
Blue Ribbon Eel | Rhinomuraena quesita |
Tuxedo Urchin | Mespilia globulus |
Bumble Bee Snail | Pusiostoma mendicaria |
Tiger Snail | Tiger sand conch |
Banded Shrimp | Stenopus hispidus |
Clown Shrimp | Hymenocera picta |
Blue Lobster | Panularus ornatus |
Black & White Heniochus | Heniochus acuminatus |
Red Reef Hermit Crab | Paguristes cadenati |
Green Chromis | Chromis viridis |
Green Mandarin | Pterosynchiropus splendidus |
Yellow Sea Cucumber | Colochirus robustus |
Red Scallop | Lima scraba |
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