We got some lovely freshwater and marine fishes in the shop today. The freshwater list includes the Lemon Tetra, Wild Cupid Cichlids, Wild Elegant Corydoras and much more. The marine list includes Flame Wrasses, some BIG Yellow Tangs, Bartlett's Anthias and much much more.
Pop over to have a look!
F R E S H W A T E R | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Wild Myers Hatchetfish | Carnegiella marthae |
Wild Marbled hatchetfish | Carnegiella strigata |
Wild Guppy | Poecilia reticulata |
Wild Apistogramma iniridae | Apistogramma iniridae |
Wild Cupid Cichlid | Biotodoma cupido |
Wild Corydoras Decker | Corydoras sp. |
Wild Elegant Corydoras | Corydoras elegans |
Wild Green Gold Cory | Corydoras melanotaenia |
Wild Punctatus cory C-12 | Corydoras sp. |
Wild Rummynose tetra | Hemigrammus rhodostomus |
Wild Columbian Shark Catfish | Arius jordani |
Wild Red Phantom Tetra | Hyphessobrycon sweglesi |
Wild Otocinclus (Amazon river) | Otocinclus sp. |
Wild Cardinal Tetra | Paracheirodon axelrodi |
Wild Altum Angelfish TRUE | Pterophyllum altum |
Pinoy Angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare |
Neon Golden Barb | Puntius semifasciolatus |
Tiger Barb | Puntigrus tetrazona |
Corydoras Panda | Corydoras sp. |
Lemon Tetra | Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis |
Gold Severum | Heros serverus |
Neon Tetra | Paracheirodon innesi |
Marble Lyretail Molly | Poecilia sphenops |
Chinese Algae Eater | Gyrinocheilus aymonieri |
Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish | Melanotaenia praecox |
Dwarf Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Neon Royal Blue Dwarf Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Neon Royal Red Dwarf Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Gold SF Molly | Poecilia velifera |
M A R I N E | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Fire Shrimp | Lysmata debelius |
Cleaner Shrimp | Lysmata amboinensis |
Potter's Angelfish | Centropyge potteri |
Flame Wrasse | Cirrhilabrus jordani |
Geoffroy's Wrasse | Macropharyngodon geoffroy |
Orange band Surgeonfish | Acanthurus olivaceus |
Moorish Idol | Zanclus cornutus |
Yellow Tang | Zebrasoma flavescens |
Flame Angelfish | Centropyge loricula |
Bartlett's Anthias | Pseudanthias bartlettorum |
Multibarred Angelfish | Centropyge multifasciata |
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