We have one of the biggest ever shipments, with 32 boxes arriving this week. There is soft corals, marine fish & inverts, freshwater fish, plants & inverts and a wide variety of anemone's and crustacea. There really is something for everyone. Be sure to check out the list below.
Emperor Angel | Pomacanthus imperator |
Bellus Angel | Genicanthus bellus |
Blue Queen Angel | Holacanthus isabelita |
Queen Angel | Holacanthus ciliaris |
Black French | Pomacanthus arcuatus |
Bicolour Angel | Centropyge bicolor |
Coral Beauty | Centropyge bispinosus |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Keyhole Angel | Centropyge tibicen |
Lemon Peel | Centropyge flavissima |
Rusty Angel | Centropyge ferrugata |
Redface Batfish | Platax pinnatus |
Burgess' Butterfly | Chaetodon burgessi |
Longnose Butterfly - Yellow | Forcipiger flavissimus |
Pearlscale Butterfly - Pacific | Chaetodon xanthurus |
Plate S/T | Fungia spp. |
Bubble - Coral sea | Plerogyra spp. |
Pipe - Coral Sea | Blastomussa spp. |
Trumpet - Cultured | Caulastrea spp. |
Spiny Brain - Coral Sea | Lobophyllia spp. |
Cardinal - Spotted | Sphaeramia nematoptera |
Chromis - Bicolour | Chromis bicolor |
Chromis - Blue Reef | Chromis cyanea |
Cardinal - Red Spot Tail | Apogon parvulus |
Regal Damsel | Chrysiptera hemicyanea |
Tricolour Damsel | Chrysiptera rollandi |
Blue Trigger | Odonus niger |
Clown Trigger | Balistoides conspicillum |
Picasso Trigger | Rhinecanthus aculeatus |
Pineapple Trigger | Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus |
Mimic Filefish | Paraluteres prionurus |
Orange Spot Filefish - Fiji | Oxymonacanthus longirostris |
Scribbled Filefish | Aluterus scriptus |
Mimic Tang - Red Stripe | Acanthurus tristis |
Orange Stripe Kole Tang | Ctenochaetus striatus |
Silver Spot Tang | Ctenochaetus strigosus |
Vampire Tang | Acanthus tennenti |
Gold Rush Tang | Ctenochaetus tominiensis |
Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Peacock Wrasse | Macropharyngodon bipartitus |
Pyjama Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot - Hi Fin | Paracheilinus carpenteri |
Velvet Dwarf Parrot - Red Patch | Cirrhilabrus scottorum |
Red Fairy Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis |
Red Hooded Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus |
Sapphire Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus lubbocki |
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot | Paracheilinus mccoskeri |
Marine Betta | Calloplesiops altivelis |
Black Ribbon Eel | Rhinomuraena quaesita |
Cowfish - Long Horn | Lactoria cornuta |
Dogface Puffer - Coloured | Arothron hispidus |
Algae Blenny - Jewel | Salarias ramosus |
Scooter Blenny - Pink | Synchiropus stellatus |
Arrow Goby | Pholidichthys leucotaenia |
Blue Cheek Goby | Valenciennea strigata |
Mandarin | Pterosynchiropus splendidus |
Midas Blenny | Ecsenius midas |
Suntail Goby | Cryptocentrus aurora |
Eye Spot Goby | Signigobius biocellatus |
Seahorse Kuda - Cultured | Hippocampus kuda |
Gramma - Royal | Gramma loreto |
Carberryi Anthias | Nemanthias carberryi |
Longfin Anthias | Pseudanthias pulcherrimus |
Bubble Anemone - Coloured | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Malu Anemone - White | Heteractis crispa |
Purple Frilly Gorgonia | Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae |
Boxing Shrimp | Stenopus hispidus |
Bumble Bee Shrimp | Gnathaphyllum americanum |
Harlequin Shrimp | Hymenocera picta |
Pistol Shrimp - Red/white striped | Alpheus randalli |
Sexy Shrimp | Thor amboinensis |
Decorator Crab | Camposcia retusa |
Emerald Crab | Mithraculus sculptus |
Hermit Crab - Rock Red Leg | Paguristes cadenati |
Horseshoe Crab | Limulus polyphemus |
Hermit Crab - Blue Leg | Clibanarius tricolor |
On Rock - Moss Algae | Chaetomorpha spp. |
Red Bamboo Algae | Solieria spp. |
Seahare - Giant | Dolabella auricula |
Snail - Banded Trochus | Trochus histrio |
Snail - Nitrus | Nassarius vibex |
Snail - Orange Marble | Babylonia formosae |
Black Cucumber | Holothuria lencospilota |
Red Tree Sponge | Ptilocaulis spp. |
Yellow Frilly Sponge | Axinella spp. |
Spineless Urchin - Red | Mespilia globulus |
Brittle Starfish - Teardrop | Ophiomastix annulosa |
Red Starfish | Fromia indica |
Serpent Starfish - Tiger | Ophiolepis superba |
Regal Angel - Red Sea | Pygoplites diacanthus |
Marble Batfish - Tank Bred | Platax batavianus |
Copperband Butterfly | Chelmon rostratus |
Humbug - Four Stripe | Dascyllus melanurus |
Blue Throat Trigger | Xanthichthys auromarginatus |
Femininus Wrasse | Anampses femininus |
Leopard Wrasse | Macropharyngodon meleagris |
Harlequin Tusk | Choerodon fasciatus |
Cowfish - Caribbean | Lactoria quadricornis |
Rabbit - Yellow (Fiji) | Siganus corallinus |
Rabbit - Masked | Siganus virgatus |
Ricordea SM (per polyp) - Coloured | Ricordea yuma |
Cultured Clam - Derasa | Tridacna derasa |
Blue Finger Starfish | Linckia laevigata |
Sand Sifting Starfish | Archaster typicus |
Hammerhead | Euphyllia spp. |
Hammerhead - Branched | Euphyllia spp. |
Plate S/T - Coral Sea | Cycloseris spp. |
Bubble Pearl | Physogyra spp |
Pineapple | Favia spp. |
Maze | Platygyra spp. |
Brain - Coral sea | Trachyphyllia spp. |
Staghorn | Acropora spp. |
Hammerhead - Toxic Green | Euphyllia spp. |
Orangelined Angelfish | Centropyge eibli |
Goldstripe Maroon Clownfish | Premnas epigramma |
Green Mandarinfish | Synchiropus splendidus |
Green Chromis | Chromis viridis |
Allen's Damselfish | Pomacentrus alleni |
Blue Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Orange spotted Shrimp Goby | Amblyeleotris guttata |
Sixlined Wrasses | Psedocheilinus hexataenia |
Lawnmower Blenny | Salarias fasciatus |
Bluehead Fairy Wrasse | Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura |
Yellow Watchman Goby | Cryptocentrus cinctus |
Yellowtail Fang Blenny | Meiacanthus atrodorsalis |
Black Fang Blenny | Meiacanthus nigrolineatus |
Yellowclown Goby | Gobiodon okinawae |
Squarespot Anthias | Pseudanthias pleurotaenia |
Half Black Angelfish | Centropyge vroliki |
Pennant Bannerfish | Heniochus chrysostomus |
Naso Tang | Naso lituratus |
Yellowtail Anemonefish | Amphiprion clarkii |
Black Blenny | Cirripectes variolosus |
Steinit's Shrimp Goby | Amblyeleotris steinitzi |
Leopard Wrasse | Macropharyngodon meleagris |
Black Ray Partner Goby | Stonogobiops nematodes |
Blue Girdled Angelfish | Pomacanthus navarchus |
Long Nosed Butterfly | Forcipiger longirostris |
Copperband Butterfly | Chelmon rostratus |
Auriga Butterfly | Chaetodon auriga |
Blue Leg Hermit Crab | Calcinus elegans |
Marine Betta | Calloplesiops altivelis |
Smith's Fang Blenny | Meiacanthus smithii |
Nephthea | Nephthea sp |
Strawberry Coral | Scleronephthya sp |
Xenia B | Xenia sp |
Mushroom (Flame) | Discosoma sp |
Mushroom (Stripe) | Discosoma sp |
Leather Star Polyps (Brown) | Briareum sp |
Mushroom (Blue) | Discosoma sp |
Mushroom (Butterfly) | Discosoma sp |
Mushroom (Green) | Discosoma sp |
Rhodactis Mushrooms (Purple) | Rhodactis sp |
Star Polyps (Green) | Cornularia sp |
Sea Fan (Red Fan) | Acabaria sp |
Broccoli Coral (Yellow/Pink) | Neospongodes sp |
Spotted Mushroom (Green) | Discosoma sp |
Mushroom (Red) | Discosoma sp |
Yellow Polyp | Parazoanthus sp |
Polyp (Real Green) | Palythoa sp |
Rhodactis Mushrooms (Orange, Blue, Red) | Rhodactis sp |
Rhodactis Mushrooms (Green) | Rhodactis sp |
Star Polyps (Green Mettalic) | Cornularia sp |
Capnella (Green/Yellow) | Capnella sp |
Bubble Tip Anemone (Metallic Green) | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Hairy Mushrooms (Green) | Rhodactis sp |
Colt Soft Coral | Alcyonium sp |
Finger Coral (Yellow) | Sinularia sp |
Star Polyps (Green) | Cornularia sp |
Red Starfish | Echinaster sepositus |
Red Cauliflower On Rock | Dendronephthya sp |
Leather Coral (Green) | Sarcophyton sp |
Sponge (Blue) | Haliclona sp |
Finger Leather | Cladiella sp |
Devil's Hand (Green) | Lobophytum sp |
Anthellia (Blue) | Anthellia sp |
Giant Cup Mushroom (Green) | Amplexidiscus sp |
Yellow Polyp | Parazoanthus sp |
Orange Sponge | Axinellid sp |
Black And White Spines Urchine | Echinothix calamaris |
Malu Anemone (White/Brown/Yellow) | Heteractis malu |
Magnificent Sea Anemone | Heteractis magnifica |
Soft Finger Coral | Sinularia sp |
Sponge (Blue) | Haliclona sp |
Clove Polyps (Green) | Anthellia sp |
Sand Polyp (Green) | Zoanthus sp |
Blue Starfish | Linckia laevigata |
Curly Leather Cora | Sarcophyton sp |
Clove Polyp (Special Green) | Clavularia sp |
Sand Polyp (Mix Color) | Zoanthus sp |
Black And White Spines Urchine | Echinothix calamaris |
Christmas Tree | Studeriotes sp |
Sand Polyp (Cat Eye) | Zoanthus sp |
Sand Polyp (Special Blue) | Zoanthus sp |
White Banded Cleaner Shrimp | Lysmata amboinensis |
Black And White Spines Urchine | Echinothix calamaris |
Long Tentacle Anemone (Red) | Phymanthus sp |
Leather Star Polyps (Brown) | Briareum sp |
Curly Leather Coral (Green) | Sarcophyton sp |
Sand Polyp (Red) | Zoanthus sp |
Sand Polyp (Special Red) | Zoanthus sp |
Button Polyp (Green) | Protopalythoa sp |
Giant Cup Mushroom | Amplexidiscus sp |
Red Starfish | Echinaster sepositus |
Spider Starfish | Ophiothrix fragilis |
White Starfish | Astropecten sp |
Tropheus bemba | Tropheus bemba |
Ikola yellow caiser Tropheus sp.'black' | Tropheus sp. |
Black Phantom | Megalamphodus megalopterus |
Cardinal Tetra | Paracheirodon axelrodi |
Red Tail Black Shark | Epalzeorhynchus (Labeo) bicolor |
Albino Red Fin Shark | Epalzeorhynchos frenatum |
Silver Tricolour Shark | Balantiocheilos melanopterus |
Venestus | Haplochromis venustus |
Malawi Blue Dolphin (Blue Morii) | Cyrtocara moorii |
Eyespot Rasbora | Brevibora dorsiocellata |
Tiger Barb | Capoeta tetrazona |
Green Tiger Barb | Capoeta tetrazona |
Electric yellow Labido/Lemon Mbuna Cichlid | Labidochromis caeruleus |
Corydoras Panda | Corydoras Panda |
Corydoras adolfoi | Corydoras adolfoi |
Corydoras Green | Corydoras aeneus |
Corydoras Peppered | Corydoras paleatus |
Ember Tetra | Hyphessobrycon amandae |
Apistogramma agassizii Double Red | Apistogramma agassizii sp |
Corydoras Sterbai | Corydoras Sterbai |
Rose Line Barb | Puntius denisonii |
Congo Tetra Mi | Phenacogrammus interruptus |
Brilliant Diamond Head Neon | Paracheirodon innesi |
Micro Rasbora | Microrasbora galaxy |
Zebra Danio | Brachydanio rerio |
Blue Danio | Brachydanio kerri |
Purple Danio | Brachydanio rerio |
Cyphotilapia frontosa | Cyphotilapia frontosa |
Whitefin Ornatus | Hyphessobrycon sp. |
Red Shiner | Notropis lutrensis |
Red Goby | Stiphodon sp. |
Peacock Goby | Tateurndina ocellicauda |
Tropheus mpulungu | Tropheus mpulungu |
Apistogramma agassizii Fire Gold | Apistogramma agassizii sp |
Spotted goby | Stiphodon sp. |
Black Ghost | Apteronotus albifrons |
Kuhlii Loach | Pangio Kuhlii |
Black Kuhlii | Acanthopthalmus myersi |
Pearly Compressiceps | Lamprologus calvus |
Silver Arowana | Osteoglossum bichirrhosum |
Tropheus red morii moliro | Tropheus red morii moliro |
Tropheus moorii Cherry-Spot | Tropheus moorii bulu point |
Parosphromenus tweediei | Parosphromenus tweediei |
Pigeon Checkerboard Discus | Symphysodon aequifasciata |
Blue Diamond Discus | Symphysodon aequifasciata Blue |
Red Tail Catfish | Phractocephalus hemioliopterus |
Spotted Rasbora | Rasbora maculata |
Yellow Flag | Semaprochilodus taeniurus |
Siamese Tiger Fish | Datnioides microlepis |
Betta Crowntail | Betta splendens |
Betta Halfmoon | Betta splendens |
Mosura Shrimp | Mosura Shrimp |
Red Bee Shrimp | Red Bee Shrimp |
Orange Shrimp | Caridina propinqua |
Procambarus mexicanus | Cambarellus patzuarensis |
Blue Mini Mexican Crayfish | Cambarellus diminutus |
Cambarellus texanus | Cambarellus texanus |
Clarkii Red Neon | Cherax sp. |
Papua Blue Moon Crayfish | Cherax sp. |
Orange Poso Rabbit Snail | Tylomelania sp. |
Red carnaval | Red carnaval |
Anubias barteri | |
Anubias mix Rake | |
Cryptocoryne undulata | |
Micranthemum Monte Carlo | |
Microsorum pteropus | |
Rotala rotundifolia | |
Staurogyne sp. | |
Stem plant mix |
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