We got a new shipment of both Marine and Freshwater in this week. There is a great variety so be sure to check it out through the list below.
Barb-red striped torpedo | Sahyadria denisoni- Tank Raised |
Shrimp-navi blue | Neocaridina sp |
Betta-peaceful | Betta imbellis |
Botia-clown loach | Chromobotia macracanthus |
Cichlid-agassizi dwarf | Apistogramma agassizi |
Shrimp-red cherry " fire " | Neocaridina heteropoda |
Betta-halfmoon mixed colours | Betta splenden |
Betta-crown tail mixed colours | Betta splenden |
Betta-halfmoon double tail | Betta splenden |
Copper halfmoon betta | Betta splenden |
Betta with black body and red fins | Betta splenden |
Shrimp-orange fire sakura | Neocaridina heteropoda |
Shrimp-rili sakura red | Neocaridina heteropoda |
Shrimp-blue fire sakura | Neocaridina heteropoda |
Shrimp-d'orange | Neocaridina propinqua |
Snail-orange rabbit | Tylomelania sp |
Tetra-neon | Parassheirodon innesi |
Zebra Danio | Brachydanio rerio |
Blue Cobalt Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Dwarf Gourami-Pair | Colisa lalia |
Neon Royal Red Gourami | Colisa lalia |
Chocolate Gourami | Sphaerichtys osphromenoides |
Electric Blue Ramirezi | Apistogramma ramirezi |
Golden Honey Gourami | Colisa chuna |
Black Ghost Knife | Apteronotus albifrons |
Indian Scarlet Badis | Dario Dario |
Indian Dwaft Avenior Puffer | Monotrete Travancoricus |
Popodetta furcatus | Popodetta furcatus |
Neon Yellow Rasbora | Micro-Rasbora kubotai |
Asst. Male Betta | Betta splendens |
LDA-01 Goldstripe Panaque | Panaqolus sp. |
L-239 Blue Panaque Plecos | Baryancistrus beggini |
Silver Arowana | Osteoglossum bicirrhosum |
False Bandit Cory | Corydoras melini |
Pygmy Corydoras | Corydoras pygmaeus |
Black Fin Shark | Arius jordani |
Elegant Cory | Corydoras elegans |
Blue Face Heckel Discus | Symphysodon aequifasciatus |
Gold Pleco | Anicstrus spec. Gold L |
Bristlenose Pleco | Anicstrus spec. std. |
Gold Long Fin Pleco | Ancistrus spec. Gold Long Fin |
Bristlenose "Super Red" | Ancistrus germany super red |
Sultan Pleco | Hypaancistrus L264 Leporacanthicus Pleco |
Albino Corydora | Corydoras paleatus albino |
Bearded Cory | Corydoras barbatus |
Blue Victoria Mouthbrooder | Haplochromis nubila (red tail) |
Elliot's cichlid | Thorichthys ellioti |
Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid | Apistogramma agassizii Gold Red |
Elizabeth's Dwarf Cichlid | Apistogramma Elizabethae Red |
Nijsseni's Dwarf Cichlid | Apistogramma nijsseni |
Red-lined dwarf cichlid | Apistogramma hongsloi Gold Red |
Three-Striped Dwarf Cichlid | Apistogramma trifasciata Red |
Gold Apistogramma viejita | Apistogramma viejita II Gold |
Goldeneye cichlid | Nannacara anomala |
Slender krib | Pelvicachromis taeniatus "Lobe" |
German Gold Ram | Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Gold |
Electric Blue Ram | Micro ramirezi electric blue |
Chocolate Lyretail | Aphyosemion australe Gold |
Gardneri Killifish | Aphyosemion gardneri akure |
Killifish | Aphyosemion sjoezdteti |
Redchin panchax | Epiplatys dageti monroviae |
Guppy | Poecilia wingei |
Blue Orchid Peacock | Aulonocara new blue orchid |
Neon spot | Pseudotropheus elongatus neon spot |
Shelldweller Blue | Lamprologus ocellatus blue |
Electric Blue Iceberg | Scienochromis freieri silver dorsal |
Shelldweller Orange | Lamprologus ocellatus orange |
Rummy nose Tetra | Hemigrammus rhodostomus |
Bentos White Tip Tetra, | Hyphessobrycon bentosi White Fin |
Cardinal tetra | Paracheirodon (Cheirodon) axelrodi |
Neon Fish | Paracheirodon innesi |
Red-Blue PeruTetra | Hyphessobrycon sp.Red/Blue Peru |
African Dwarf Frogs | Hymenochirus |
Lamark Angel | Genicanthus lamarck |
Chelmon Butterfly | Chelmon rostratus |
Zebra Lion | Dendrochirus brachypterus |
Red Fin Fairy Wrasse | Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis |
Spot Fin Wrasse | Halichoeres melanurus |
Lubbock Fairy Wrasse | Cirrhilabrus lubbocki |
Longnose Puffer | Canthigaster valentini |
Eviota Pygmy Goby | Eviota sp. |
Ladder Glider | Valenciennea sexguttata |
Hectori Goby | Amblygobius hectori |
Tail Spot Blenny | Ecsenius stigmatura |
Anemone Crab | Neopetrolisthes ohshimai |
Bubble Anemone | Entacmaea sp. |
Tube Worm | Cerianthus membranaceus |
Tube Worm Color | Cerianthus membranaceus |
Tube Worm Orange | Cerianthus membranaceus |
Tube Worm Purple | Cerianthus membranaceus |
Star Fish Chocolate | Protoreaster nodosus |
Sea Urchin Tuxedo | Mespilia globulus |
Sand Sifting Snail | Nassarius distortus |
Turbo snail | Trochus sp. |
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel | Chrysiptera parasema |
Angler fish | Antennarius hispidus |
Coral beauty angel | Centropyge bispinosus |
Maroon clown | Bremnas biaculeatus |
Saddle back clown | Amphiprion polymnus |
Green mandarin | Pterosynchiropus splendidus |
Porcupine puffer | Diodon hystrix |
Green pipe fish | Syngnathus species |
Flag fin angel | Holacanthus trimaculatus |
Half black angel | Centropyge vrolicki |
Queen angel | Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus |
Lunula butterfly | Chaetodon lunula |
Lineatus fairy wrasse | Cirrhilabrus lineatus |
Pink+blue spotted goby | Crysptocentrus leptocephalus |
White fin lion | Pterois antennata |
Black peacock | Pterois volitan |
Powder brown tang | Acanthurus japonicus |
Orange tipped rainbowfish | Halichoeres melanurus |
Blue sided fairy wrasse | Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura |
White flat anemones | Radianthus |
L.t. anemones | Macrodactyla doreensis |
Finger tubeworm | Cerianthus species |
Colored finger tubeworm | Ceriahthus species |
Colored tube worm | Cerianthus filiformis |
Red bottom anemones | Radianthus |
Yellow bottom anemones | Radianthus |
Col. hard tube feather duster worms | Protula magnifica straughan |
Dragon sea hares | Aplysia dactylomela |
Calappa crab | Calappa hepatica |
Red scooter blenny | Synchiropus species |
Sea urchin | Pseudocentrotus depressus |
Pyramid snail | Tectus pyramis |
Nassa mud snail green | Nassarius dorsatus |
Peacock wrasse | Xyrichthys pavo |
Red crab | Petrolisthes species |
Red & yellow banded hermit crab | Trizopagurus strigatus |
Green clown goby | Gobiodon histrix |
Bumble bee goby | Gobiodon oculolineatus ju. |
Yellow prawn goby | Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia |
Colour jelly fish | Mastigias papua |
Tuxedo urchin | Mespilia globulus |
Egg shark | Chiloscyllum plagiosum |
Tiger snail | Tiger sand conch |
Violet spider conch | Lambis violacea |
Blue starfish | Linkia caeviqata |
Chocolate starfish | Protoreaster linki |
Rainbow wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Six line wrasse | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Percula clown | Amphiprion ocellaris |
Green chromis | Chromis viridis |
Fire fish goby | Nemateleotris magnificus |
Salarias blenny | Exallias brevis |
Banded pipe fish | Dunckerocampus sacthliophorus |
Leopard wrasse | Macropharyngodon meleagris |
Red line wrasse | Halichoeres biocellatus |
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