Blog Archive

Thursday, April 24, 2014

New Arrivals of Freshwater Plants & Marine

Hey Everyone.
We hope you had a great Easter weekend. We just got a new Marine shipment, as well as receiving several boxes of Freshwater Plants. The marine shipment includes not only a vast variety of different fish, but also various corals, crustacea, anemone's, pipefish, and seahorse. With plenty of plants to choose from you can be sure that there is something for everyone in this shipment; so be sure not to miss out and check out the list below.

Fox Face - Fiji Siganus uspi
Pipefish - Candy Dunckerocampus pessuliferus
Pipefish - Flame Doryrhamphus janssi
Seahorse Kuda - Cultured Hippocampus kuda
Spotted Grunt Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
Bubble Anemone - Coloured Entacmaea quadricolor
Caribbean Anemone Condylactis spp.
Carpet Anemone - Coloured Stichodactyla haddoni
Malu Anemone - White Heteractis crispa
Blue Polyp Gorgonia Acalycigorgia spp.
Pipefish - Banded Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus
Sally Lightfoot Crab Percnon gibbesi
Seahare - Giant Dolabella auricula
Snail - Super Turbo  Turbo fluctuosa
Black Cucumber Holothuria lencospilota
Orange Fan Sponge Clathria rugosa
Spineless Urchin - Red Mespilia globulus
Red Starfish Fromia indica
Orange Finger Starfish Echinaster sepositus
Button Polyp - Super coloured Zoanthus spp.
Barletts Anthias Barletts Anthias
Princess Anthias Princess Anthias
Ricordea Florida Mushroom Rock Ricordea Florida Mushroom Rock
Bellus Angel Genicanthus bellus
French Angel  Pomacanthus paru
Rusty Angel Centropyge ferrugata
Melannotus Butterfly - Fiji Chaetodon melannotus
Red Stripe Hog - Ind O Terelabrus rubrovittatus
Spiny Finned Basslet Belonepterygion fasciolatum
Sawtail Tang Sawtail Tang
Blueface Angel  Pomacanthus xanthometopon
Emperor Angel  Pomacanthus imperator
Koran Angel  Pomacanthus semicirculatus
Lamark Angel Genicanthus lamarck
Watanabei Angel Genicanthus watanabei
Longnose Butterfly - Yellow Forcipiger flavissimus
Maroon Clown - Yellow Premnas biaculeatus
Trumpet - Cultured Caulastrea spp.
Spiny Brain - Coral Sea Lobophyllia spp.
Yellow Eye Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus
Bubble Anemone - Coloured Entacmaea quadricolor
Fine Scaled Pygmy Basslets Fine Scaled Pygmy Basslets
Hammerhead Euphyllia spp.
Hammerhead  - Branched Euphyllia spp.
Plate L/T - Coral sea Heliofungia spp.
Cushion - Coral Sea Cynarina spp.
Brain - Coral sea Trachyphyllia spp.
Fox Coral - CULTURED Nemenzophyllia sp.
Moon  - Coral Sea Goniastrea spp.
Mimic Tang - Lemon Peel Acanthurus pyroferus
Micronesian Orange Tail Damsel Chrysiptera cyanea
Tricolour Damsel Chrysiptera rollandi
Fan Belly Filefish - Australian Monacanthus chinensis
Achilles Tang Acanthurus achilles
Blue Eye Tang - Fiji Ctenochaetus binotatus
Caribbean Blue/Yellow Tang Acanthurus coeruleus
Lipstick Tang - Ind O Naso elegans
Mimic Tang - Red Stripe Acanthurus tristis
Orange Shoulder Tang  Acanthurus olivaceus
Orange Stripe Kole Tang Ctenochaetus striatus
Powder Brown Tang Acanthurus nigricans
Round Face Tang Acanthurus mata
Sailfin Tang - Ind O Zebrasoma desjardinii
Sailfin Tang - Pacific Zebrasoma veliferum
Sailfin Tang - Yellow Zebrasoma flavescens
Silver Spot Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus
Premium Rock - South Pacific 
Cultured Rock
Sohal Tang Acanthurus sohal
Gold Rush Tang Ctenochaetus tominiensis
Wetmorella Wetmorella spp.
Shimmering Dwarf Parrot - Coral Sea Cirrhilabrus lineatus
Jawfish - Blue Dot Opistognathus rosenblatti
Eye Spot Goby Signigobius biocellatus
Longnose Hawk Oxycirrhitus typus
Fox Face Siganus vulpinus
Acropora spp Nano  
Monntipora spp Nano, coloured 
Seriatopora hystrix, NANO, Pink
Stylophora pistillata, NANO, Pink tips
Pocillopora spp., Nano, Pink
Vallisneria gigantea - Bunch
Vallisneria nana - Bunch
Vallisneria spiralis - Bunch
Fissidens fontanus (Phoenix moss)  Beauty Moss Cup
PadMoss Vesicularia species
Various Anubias sp.
Cryptocoryne parva 
Hemianthus callitrichoides 
Hydrocotyle leucocephala 
Hydrocotyle tripartita (sp. Japan) 
Ophiopogon kyoto 
Pogostemon helferi 
Pogostemon erectus
Rotala wallichii 
Eichhornea crassipes - Floating plants
Pistia stratiotes - Floating plants
Various Cryptocoryne sp.
Various Echinodorus sp.
Various Microsorum sp.

Friday, April 11, 2014

New Arrivals of Marine & Freshwater

Hey Everyone,
We got a great new shipment of both Marine and Freshwater. There is lots to choose from, so be sure not to miss out. We look forward to seeing you.

Ancistrus green spotted Ancistrus sp
Apistograma pucallpensis Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis
Copeina arnoldi Copella arnoldi
Copeina red line Copella nigrofasciata
Cory arcuatus Corydoras arcuatus
Cory rabauty Corydoras rabauti
Porthol cat fish Dianema longibarbis
Pleco red eye l 178 Lasiancistrus sp
Otocinclus orange Nannopotopoma sp
Otocinclus zebra Otocinclus coccama
Peckoltia enana Paraotocinclus sp
Sturiosoma Sturiosoma aureum
  Rhinogobius candidianus
Panda Corydoras panda
Black bristlenose Ancistrus sp.
Albino bristlenose Ancistrus sp. "albino"
Blue eyed yellow bristlenose  Ancistrus sp.
Crystal red shrimp Caridina sp. "red crystal" "bred in Taiwan"
Snowball Shrimp Neocaridina var.
Mono Monodactylus argenteus
Freiberg's peacock Aulonocara jacobfreibergi
Fenestratus Haplochromis fenestratus
Red fin borleyi Haplochromis borleyi
Malawi eye-biter Haplochromis compress
Yellow lemon Labidochromis caeruleus
Yellow peacock "male" Aulonocara baenschi "yellow" "male"
Cobalt blue Pseudotropheus cobalt
Rusty Lodotropheus sprengerae
Albino yellow lemon  Labidochromis caeruleus var.  
Bandit cichlid Acarichthys geayi
Green terror Aequidens rivualtus
Regans cichlid  Vieja regani 
Silver cichlid Vieja argentea
Galaxy rasbora Microrasbora Galaxy "tank bred"
Kutubu rainbow fish Melanotaenia lacustris
Rainbow fish Melanotaenia splendida sp.
Forktail rainbow fish Pseudomugil furcatus
  Simpsonichthys magnificus
Asst. Male Betta  Betta splendens
Burmese Red Crystal Barb  Puntius Odessa
Burmese Red Crystal Barb  Puntius Odessa
Albino Corydoras  Corydoras aeneus
Albino Corydoras  Corydoras aeneus
Burmese Glowlight Danio Danio Choprae
Dwarf Gourami-Male Colisa lalia
Dwarf Gourami-Male Colisa lalia
Burmese Polka Dot Botia Botia kubotai
Various Anubias sps.
Various Cryptocoryne sps.
Various Echinodorus sps.
Various Microsorum sps.
Longhorn Cowfish                     Lactoria cornuta         
Assorted Color Carpet Anemone       Radainthus ritteri       
Sand Flower Anemone       Actina sp                
Red Sea Star       Fromia milleporella      
Assorted Color Gorgonian       Euplexaura species       
Assorted Color Sea Fan       Euplexaura species       
Orange Jagger Sponge                   Haliclona sp             
Green Mushroom       Discosoma sp             
White Tube Anemone                    Cerianthus membranacus   
Royal Gramma Gramma loreto
Pink Tip anemone Condylactis gigantea
Rock Anemone Epicystis crucifer
Curlique Anemone Bartholomea annulata
Emerald Green Crab Mithrax sculptus
Porcelain Crab Porcellana sayana
Scarlett Crab Paguristes cadenati
Blue Leg Hermit Crab Clibanarius tricolor
West Indian Turbo Snail Cittarium pica
Red Thorny Sea Star Acanthaster planci
Walking Batfish Ogcocephalus nasutus
Green Ricordia Polyps Ricordia Florida
Orange Ricordia Polyps Ricordia Florida
Blue Ricordia Polyps Ricordia Florida
Bi-Colour Ricordia Polyps Ricordia Florida
Emperor Angel  Pomacanthus imperator
Majestic Angel  Pomacanthus navarchus
Rock Beauty Holacanthus tricolor
Swallowtail Angel Genicanthus melanospilos
Velvet Angel Chaetodontoplus melanosoma
Watanabei Angel Genicanthus watanabei
Bicolour Angel Centropyge bicolor
Coral Beauty Centropyge bispinosus
Fireball Angel Centropyge acanthops
Flame Angel Centropyge loriculus
Keyhole Angel Centropyge tibicen
Lemon Peel Centropyge flavissima
Red Stripe Angel Centropyge eibli
Rusty Angel Centropyge ferrugata
Copperband Butterfly Chelmon rostratus
Longnose Butterfly - Yellow Forcipiger flavissimus
Pearlscale Butterfly - Pacific Chaetodon xanthurus
Teardrop Butterfly - Ind O Chaetodon interruptus
Hammerhead  - Branched Euphyllia spp.
Spiny Brain Lobophyllia spp.
Hammerhead - Cultured Euphyllia spp.
Spiny Brain Coral - Cultured Lobophyllia spp.
Spiny Brain - Coral Sea Lobophyllia spp.
Scolly  -  Australia Scolymia spp.
Chromis - Bicolour Chromis bicolor
Chromis - Green Chromis viridis
Micronesian Orange Tail Damsel Chrysiptera cyanea
Tricolour Damsel Chrysiptera rollandi
Clown Trigger Balistoides conspicillum
Aiptasia Eating Filefish Acreicthys tomentosus
Orange Spot Filefish - Fiji Oxymonacanthus longirostris
Achilles Tang Acanthurus achilles
Blue Eye Tang - Fiji Ctenochaetus binotatus
Chevron Tang Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
Lipstick Tang - Ind O Naso elegans
Mimic Tang - Lemon Peel Acanthurus pyroferus
Mimic Tang - Red Stripe Acanthurus tristis
Orange Shoulder Tang  Acanthurus olivaceus
Powder Brown Tang Acanthurus nigricans
Sailfin Tang - Ind O Zebrasoma desjardinii
Sailfin Tang - Pacific Zebrasoma veliferum
Silver Spot Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus
Sohal Tang Acanthurus sohal
Misc. Tangs  
Gold Rush Tang Ctenochaetus tominiensis
Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus
Leopard Wrasse Macropharyngodon meleagris
Peacock Wrasse Macropharyngodon bipartitus
Pinkface Wrasse - Australian Halichoeres melanurus
Pyjama Wrasse - Pinstripe Pseudocheilinops ataenia
Harlequin Tusk - Australian Choerodon fasciatus
Lyretail Hog Bodianus anthioides
Hi Fin Sword Dwarf Parrot Cirrhilabrus filamentosus
Shimmering Dwarf Parrot - Coral Sea Cirrhilabrus lineatus
Red Hooded Dwarf Parrot Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus
Sapphire Dwarf Parrot Cirrhilabrus lubbocki
Naoko's Dwarf Parrot Cirrhilabrus naokoae
Black Ribbon Eel Rhinomuraena quaesita
Boxfish - Yellow Ostracion cubicus
Bicolour Blenny Ecsenius bicolor
Jawfish - Yellowhead Opistognathus aurifrons
Goldstreak Blenny Escenius stigmatura
Blue Cheek Goby Valenciennea strigata
Mandarin Pterosynchiropus splendidus
Mandarin - Spotted Pterosynchiropus picturatus
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas
Orange Spot Goby Valenciennea puellaris
Saffron Goby Gobiodon citrinus
Sulphur Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus
Yellow Goby Gobiodon okinawae
Firefish Lilac Nematelotris helfrichi
Longnose Hawk Oxycirrhitus typus
Fox Face - Fiji Siganus uspi
Fox Face - Red Siganus magnificus
Fox Face - Black Spot Siganus unimaculatus
Leaf Fish - Red Taenianotus triacanthus
Lion - Fuzzy Dwarf Dendrochirus brachypterus
Seahorse Kuda - Cultured Hippocampus kuda
Longfin Anthias Pseudanthias pulcherrimus
Wreck Fish - Pacific Pseudanthias cheirospilos
Spotted Grunt Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
Angler Fish - Wart Skin Antennarius maculatus
Finger Gorgonia - Red Lophogorgia nodulifera
Blue Polyp Gorgonia Acalycigorgia spp.
Harlequin Shrimp Hymenocera picta
Decorator Crab Camposcia retusa
Snail - Orange Marble  Babylonia formosae
Cultured Clam - Maxima  Coloured Tridacna maxima
Black Cucumber Holothuria lencospilota
Red Ball Sponge Pseudaxinella spp.
Orange Finger Starfish Echinaster sepositus
Bartlett Anthias Pseudanthias bartlettorum
Sailfin Anthias Rabaulichthys stigmaticus
Silver Belly Wrasse Halichoeres trispilus
Scooter Blenny - Pink Synchiropus stellatus
Misc. Flag Basslets  
Snail - Bumble Bee  Engina mendicaria
Half Black Angel - Yellow Centropyge vroliki
Blue Throat Trigger Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Red Sea Trigger Rhinecanthus assasi
Orange Stripe Kole Tang Ctenochaetus striatus
Round Face Tang Acanthurus mata
Yellow Eye Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus
Misc. Tangsfeatheri  
Earmuff Wrasse Halichoeres melasmapomus
Slingjaw Epibulus insidiator
Wetmorella Wetmorella spp.
Dogface Puffer - Hush Puppy Arothron nigropunctatus
Puffer - Blue Spot Canthigaster papua
Eye Spot Goby Signigobius biocellatus
Tangerine Line Goby Amblyeleotris randalli
Tiger Goby Valenciennea wardii
Sunrise Pygmy Basslet Pseudochromis flavivertex
Misc. Blennies blue eye  

Friday, April 4, 2014

Potential Orders

Potential Orders
We have a great new supplier with wild, pond raised, and tank raised African fish now available to order. Order deadline 10th of April. A deposit is required, ½ the price of the order. Also substitutes would be recommended just in case. *Please not the fish below are only available via pre order not in store  

Status abbreviations are as follows:  F1 = Babies from Wild parents     WF = Wild collected  SNZ = Pond raised   NZ = Tank raised

Variety Origin Status Notes Size         € each
Altolamprologus compressiceps golden head Tanganjikasee WF very nice 7-10 cm €86.54
Altolamprologus compressiceps golden zambia Tanganjikasee WF nice 7-10 cm €78.49
Altolamprologus compressiceps orange chaitika Tanganjikasee WF rare,nice 7-10 cm €78.49
Altolamprologus calvus black nangu Tanganjikasee WF very rare,few 6-10 cm €78.49
Altolamprologus calvus white tanzania Tanganjikasee WF few 5-7cm €78.49
Benthochromis tricoti Tanganjikasee WF   13-19 cm €233.45
Cyathopharynx furcifer kabogo Tanganjikasee WF very rare, few 12 - 16 cm €221.38
Cyphotilapia frontosa blue samazi Tanganjikasee WF   12-16 cm €181.13
Cyphotilapia frontosa kipili blue Tanganjikasee WF very nice 10-17 cm €181.13
Cyphotilapia frontosa 7 stripes Tanganjikasee WF very nice 10-17 cm €181.13
Cyphotilapia frontosa kantalamba blue pearly Tanganjikasee WF very nice 9 - 15 cm €181.13
Cyprichromis leptosoma msalaba Tanganjikasee WF very rare, nice 9-11 cm €78.49
Cyprichromis leptosoma utinta red tail Tanganjikasee WF few, rare 8-11 cm €78.49
Cyprichromis leptosoma jumbo yellow head Tanganjikasee WF few 7- 10 cm €78.49
Cyprichromis microlepidotus sibwesa Tanganjikasee WF very rare, few 8 - 11 cm €108.68
Ctenochromis horei mpulungu Tanganjikasee WF nice 9-13 cm €84.53
Eretmodus cyanosticus mbita island Tanganjikasee WF very rare, nice 5-8 cm €44.28
Enantiopus melanogenys kantalamba Tanganjikasee WF rare, nice 7-12 cm €78.49
Enantiopus sp. Kilesa Tanganjikasee WF very rare, males 7-10 cm €195.21
Haplotaxodon microlepis Tanganjikasee WF very rare 8 -11 cm €118.76
Lobochilotes labiatus mpulungu Tanganjikasee WF rare 7-13 cm €84.53
Lepidiolalmprologus nkambae Tanganjikasee WF very rare, few 10 - 17 cm €158.99
Lepidiolamprologus elongatus nsumbu Tanganjikasee WF very rare, few 11 - 17 cm €158.99
Neolamprologus sexfaciatus kipili gold Tanganjikasee WF very rare 9 -13 cm €80.50
Neolamprologus brichardi daffodil kipili Tanganjikasee WF rare, nice 6-8cm €66.43
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis chituta Tanganjikasee WF more males 8-10 cm €76.48
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis orange cap Tanganjikasee WF very nice 8-10 cm €94.59
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis mpulungu Tanganjikasee WF more males 8-10 cm €72.45
Petrochromis polyodon nangu Tanganjikasee WF very rare, nice 10-16 cm €193.20
Petrochromis macrognathus green nangu Tanganjikasee WF Nice, only 1:3 10-17 cm €193.20
Simochromis diagramma isanga Tanganjikasee WF rare, nice 7-12 cm €90.56
Simochromis curvifrons mbita island Tanganjikasee WF rare, nice 8 - 16 cm €90.56
Synodontis multipunctatus Tanganjikasee WF   8-10 cm €60.38
Synodontis petricola Tanganjikasee WF   7-10 cm €64.40
Tropheus red chipimbi Tanganjikasee WF rare 8-12cm €78.49
Tropheus chilanga red Tanganjikasee WF   9-11 cm €78.49
Tropheus ilangi yellow Tanganjikasee WF few, rare 8-12 cm €106.66
Tropheus ikola Tanganjikasee WF   8-12 cm €74.46
Tropheus golden kazumbe Tanganjikasee WF rare 8- 12 cm €78.49
Tropheus kasakalawe Tanganjikasee WF   8-10 cm €74.46
Tropheus kachese red Tanganjikasee WF   10-12cm €74.46
Tropheus katoto Tanganjikasee WF   7-9 cm €74.46
Tropheus mpulungu Tanganjikasee WF   7-9 cm €78.49
Tropheus lufubu Tanganjikasee WF   8-11 cm €78.49
Tropheus Bulombora Tanganjikasee WF   8-11 cm €86.54
Tropheus red rainbow kambwimba Tanganjikasee WF   9-12cm €86.54
Tropheus malagarasi Tanganjikasee WF   9-12cm €78.49
Tropheus muzi red rainbow blue blaze Tanganjikasee WF nice 9-12 cm €78.49
Tropheus red rainbow kasanga Tanganjikasee WF very nice 8-12 cm €86.54
Xenotilapia flavipinnis kantalamba Tanganjikasee WF  rare,very nice 6-9cm €94.59
Xenotilapia sp. Red princess Tanganjikasee WF very rare, few 7-9 cm €503.13
Xenotilapia papilio chituta Tanganjikasee WF very rare 5-7 cm €154.96
Xenotilapia papilio msalaba Tanganjikasee WF rare, few 4-6 cm €120.75
Tropheus lupota Tanganjikasee SNZ   5-7 cm €35.82
Tropheus caramba red bishop Tanganjikasee SNZ rare, very nice 4-9 cm €195.21
Tropheus mpimbwe red cheek Tanganjikasee SNZ   4-7 cm €40.25
Aulonocranus dewindti Tanganjikasee NZ   4-7 cm €38.24
Altolamprologus compressiceps chaitika Tanganjikasee F1   3-4 cm €20.13
Altolamprologus compressiceps gombe red Tanganjikasee F1   3-4 cm €20.13
Altolamprologus compressiceps sumbu shell Tanganjikasee F1 very rare 2- 4 cm €24.15
Cyathopharynx foai gitaza Tanganjikasee F1 very rare 5-6 cm €58.36
Cyphotilapia frontosa black widow Tanganjikasee NZ 6 pcs. Very rare 5-6 cm €114.71
Cyprichromis leptosoma utinta red tail Tanganjikasee F1 few 5- 6 cm €34.21
Cyprichromis leptosoma kitumba Tanganjikasee F1   5-8cm €46.29
Cyprichromis leptosoma msalaba Tanganjikasee F1 few, nice 5- 6 cm €28.18
Enantiopus melanogenys kantalamba Tanganjikasee F1 rare 3-6 cm €34.21
Enantiopus melanogenys kipili Tanganjikasee F1 rare 3-5 cm €34.21
Greenwoodochromis bellcrossi Tanganjikasee F1 very rare 5-7cm €90.56
Julidochromis dickfeldi Tanganjikasee NZ   2-6 cm €12.08
Lamprologus ornatipinnis Tanganjikasee NZ   3-4cm €16.10
Neolamprologus brichardi Tanganjikasee NZ   4-8cm €24.15
Neolamprologus modestus Tanganjikasee F1 nice, rare 3-5 cm €28.18
Lamprologus occelatus gold Tanganjikasee NZ   3-5cm €16.10
Lamprologus callipterus Tanganjikasee F1 nice, rare 3-5 cm €28.18
Neolamprologus caudapunctatus Tanganjikasee F1 nice, rare 3-5 cm €28.18
Neolamprologus daffodil kambwimba Tanganjikasee F1   4 -7 cm €26.16
Neolamprologus brichardi fulve rock Tanganjikasee NZ 1 pair 7-8 cm €16.10
Neolamprologus leleupi "orange" Tanganjikasee F1   5-7 cm €34.21
Neolamprologus leleupi "yellow" Tanganjikasee NZ   3- 5 cm €16.10
Neolamprologus multifasciatus Tanganjikasee NZ   2-5 cm €16.91
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta mabilibili OB Tanganjikasee F1 very rare 3-6 cm €58.36
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta kashenge Tanganjikasee F1 very rare 4- 7 cm €58.36
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis chisanse Tanganjikasee F1   7-10 cm €48.30
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis chituta Tanganjikasee F1   5-7 cm €39.45
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis kigundu Tanganjikasee NZ   6- 9 cm €36.23
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis tembwe Tanganjikasee F1   4-6cm €36.23
Petrochromis macrognathus namansi Tanganjikasee F1 rare 4-7cm €56.35
Petrochromis famula tembwe Tanganjikasee NZ rare 4- 6 cm €42.26
Petrochromis famula sangala Tanganjikasee F1 rare 3-6 cm €42.26
Petrochromis trewavasae Tanganjikasee F1 rare 4-6 cm €56.35
Petrochromis sp. red bulu point Tanganjikasee F1 rare 5-7 cm €120.75
Petrochromis sp. red bulu point Tanganjikasee F1 rare 8-12cm €199.24
Synodontis petricola Tanganjikasee F1   3-5 cm €20.13
Tanganicodus irsacae moba Tanganjikasee F1 rare, nice 2-4 cm €24.15
Tropheus bemba Tanganjikasee F1   4-7cm €30.19
Tropheus bulu point Tanganjikasee F1 very nice 3- 5 cm €38.24
Tropheus golden kazumba Tanganjikasee F1 nice 3-8 cm €38.24
Tropheus mpimbwe red cheek Tanganjikasee F1   4-5 cm €34.21
Tropheus ikola Tanganjikasee F1   4-5 cm €34.21
Tropheus ilangi yellow Tanganjikasee F1   3-6 cm €50.31
Tropheus kiriza gold Tanganjikasee NZ very rare, nice 5- 6 cm €118.76
Tropheus kipili albino Tanganjikasee NZ very rare, nice 4- 6 cm €140.88
Tropheus kasakalawe Tanganjikasee F1 nice 5-9 cm €34.21
Tropheus kachese red Tanganjikasee F1   5-8cm €34.21
Tropheus malagarasi Tanganjikasee F1 nice 3- 7 cm €34.21
Tropheus murago Tanganjikasee F1 nice, special price 4-7 cm €26.16
Tropheus red rainbow kasanga Tanganjikasee F1 nice, few 4-8 cm €40.25
Tropheus mpulungu Tanganjikasee F1   4- 7 cm €34.21
Xenotilapia bathyphylus kekese Tanganjikasee F1   7-9cm €64.40
Xenotilapia caudafasciata Tanganjikasee F1   5-9 cm €100.63
Xenotilapia papilio chituta Tanganjikasee F1 rare 4-5 cm €100.63
Xenotilapia sima zambia Tanganjikasee F1 rare 4-6cm €46.29
Xenotilapia spilopterus kachese Tanganjikasee F1 nice, rare 4-6 cm €50.31
Xenotilapia papilio tembwe II Tanganjikasee F1   6-9cm €130.81
Xenotilapia sp. Red princess Tanganjikasee F1 very rare, nice 4-6 cm €140.88
Xenotilapia papilio kanoni Tanganjikasee F1 rare 4-7cm €130.81
Rhamphochromis sp. lake chilanga Sonstiges F1   6-10cm €30.19
Aulonocara blue neon undu Malawisee WF   7-10 cm €74.46
Aulonocara startgranti usisya Malawisee WF   6- 8 cm €74.46
Copadichromis kawanga Malawisee WF more females 9-12cm €76.48
Copadichromis verduyni blue face lundo Malawisee WF rare, nice 9-12cm €66.43
Copadichromis verduyni deep blue Malawisee WF Rare 8- 10 cm €70.44
Cynotilapia afra lupingu Malawisee WF rare 6-9 cm €44.28
Cynotilapia afra mbamba bay Malawisee WF   5-7cm €44.28
Cynotilapia sp. Lion magunga Malawisee WF   6-8 cm €38.24
Lethrinops marginatus red fin matema Malawisee WF very rare, males 8-11 cm €130.81
Lethrinops sp. Malawisee WF show, males 13- 19 cm €80.50
Metriaclima msobo magunga Malawisee WF nice,more males 6-8 cm €38.24
Nyassachromis nyassae itungi Malawisee WF very rare 7- 13 cm €90.56
Otopharynx sp. Big spot tansania Malawisee WF only males 11-14cm €76.48
Pseudotropheus kingsizei yellow lupingu Malawisee WF 2m 4 f 6-10cm €38.24
Pseudotropheus red top ndumbi Malawisee WF   6-8 cm €38.24
Synodontis njassae Malawisee WF rare 8-17 cm €74.46
Aulonocara usisya flourescent Malawisee SNZ   5-7 cm €34.21
Labidochromis sp. Perlmutt Malawisee SNZ   4-6 cm €16.10
Labidochromis yellow Malawisee SNZ   2-5cm €18.11
Metriaclima estherae OB Malawisee SNZ   5-8 cm €20.13
Metriaclima estherae red/red Malawisee SNZ   4-7 cm €16.10
Aristochromis christy Malawisee F1   11-14cm €60.38
Aulonocara blue neon undu Malawisee F1   5-7cm €34.21
Aulonocara kadense Malawisee F1 rare 7-8 cm €38.24
Aulonocara baenschi benga Malawisee F1   6-9 cm €38.24
Aulonocara hansbaenschi red flash Malawisee NZ more females 9-12 cm €40.25
Aulonocara fire fish Malawisee NZ more females 5-7 cm €32.20
Aulonocara guentheri Malawisee NZ   6-9cm €32.20
Aulonocara hansbaenschi red flash Malawisee NZ   5-7 cm €32.20
Aulonocara maylandia Malawisee F1   6-8cm €36.23
Aulonocara mamelela Malawisee F1   6-10cm €32.20
Aulonocara mbenji Malawisee NZ   7-10cm €26.16
Aulonocara eureka Malawisee NZ super red 6-7 cm €38.24
Aulonocara red rubin Malawisee NZ super red 5-8 cm €44.28
Aulonocara stuartgranti ngara Malawisee NZ   7-10cm €44.28
Champsochromis spilorhynchus Malawisee F1 nice 8-13cm €60.38
Chilotilapia rhoadesii Malawisee F1   7-12cm €44.28
Copadichromis borley red fin kadango Malawisee NZ   11-16 cm €56.35
Copadichromis borleyi kandango red fin Malawisee NZ   5-8cm €24.15
Copadichromis kawanga Malawisee F1   6-10 cm €38.24
Copadichromis virginalis fire crest Malawisee NZ   2-6cm €130.81
Copadichromis crysonotus Malawisee F1 rare, few 8-12 cm €46.29
Cynotilapia axelrodi Malawisee NZ males 6-8 cm €15.30
Cyrtocara moorii Malawisee F1   4-7cm €20.13
Dimidiochromis compressiceps Malawisee F1   7-11 cm €26.16
Dimidiochromis strigatus Malawisee F1   3-6cm €22.14
Dimidiochromis strigatus Malawisee F1 1 male 15 cm €44.28
Eclectochromis lobochilus Hertae I Malawisee F1   6-7 cm €32.20
Labeotropheus trewavasae thumbi west Malawisee F1 rare, nice 3-6 cm €20.13
Lethrinops rainbow tanzania Malawisee F1 1m:2f 7-10cm €34.21
Lethrinops red cap itungi Malawisee F1   3-6cm €40.25
Metriaclima estherae red/red Malawisee NZ   4-6 cm €14.11
Metriaclima maigano Malawisee F1 rare 4-5 cm €16.10
Metriaclima johanni eastern Malawisee NZ   3-5 cm €16.10
Metriaclima msobo magunga Malawisee F1 very nice 4-6 cm €26.16
Metricalima lombardoi Malawisee NZ   3-5 cm €16.10
Nimbochromis fuscotaenilatus Malawisee F1   7-10cm €42.26
Nimbochromis venustus Malawisee NZ   6-9cm €32.20
Otopharynx lithobates Malawisee NZ   7-9 cm €24.15
Otopharynx tetrastigma Malawisee NZ   6-9 cm €44.28
Petrotilapia chitimba thick bar Malawisee F1 rare 3-5 cm €16.10
Placidochromis electra Malawisee NZ   8-10cm €42.26
Placidochromis electra Malawisee NZ   5-7 cm €32.20
Placidochromis electra blue hongi Malawisee NZ 1m:5f 7-10cm €34.21
Placidochromis phenochilus lupingu Malawisee F1   5-9cm €34.21
Placidochromis phenochilus mdoka "white lips" Malawisee F1   4-7 cm €28.18
Protomelas fenestratus taiwan reef Malawisee F1   4-8cm €30.19
Protomelas fenestratus yellow taiwan reef Malawisee F1   7-12cm €31.40
Protomelas spilonotus mbenji Malawisee F1   10-14cm €54.34
Protomelas spilonotus tanzania Malawisee F1   8-12cm €34.21
Protomelas steveni tiger chizumulu Malawisee F1 rare 7 -9 cm €44.28
Protomelas steveni taiwan reef Malawisee F1   8-10 cm €38.24
Protomelas virgatus yellow chin Malawisee F1   7 -10 cm €38.26
Pseudotropheus acei Malawisee NZ   4-7cm €14.11
Pseudotropheus acei itungi Malawisee F1 rare 2-4cm €14.11
Pseudotropheus demasoni Malawisee NZ very nice 3-6 cm €18.13
Pseudotropheus salousi Malawisee F1 nice 3- 5 cm €16.10
Pseudotropheus elongatus mpanga Malawisee NZ   3-5 cm €16.10
Sciaenochromis fryeri iceberg Malawisee NZ nice 6-14 cm €38.26