We just got some new stock of Marine and Freshwater in this week. Both the marine and freshwater list is really impressive and there are some great choices for you, so be sure to check it out. We look forward to you dropping by and hope to see you soon.
Bellus Angel | Genicanthus bellus |
Emperor Angel | Pomacanthus imperator |
Lamark Angel | Genicanthus lamarck |
Fisher's Angel - Hawaii | Centropyge fisheri |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Lemon Peel | Centropyge flavissima |
Collare Butterfly | Chaetodon collare |
Longnose Butterfly - Yellow | Forcipiger flavissimus |
Copperband Butterfly - Giant Aust. | Chelmon rostratus |
Blue Damsel | Chrysiptera cyanea |
Chromis - Green | Chromis viridis |
Chromis - Blue Reef | Chromis cyanea |
Regal Damsel | Chrysiptera hemicyanea |
Orange Spot Filefish - Fiji | Oxymonacanthus longirostris |
Blue Eye Tang - Fiji | Ctenochaetus binotatus |
Caribbean Blue/Yellow Tang | Acanthurus coeruleus |
Chevron Tang | Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis |
Clown Tang | Acanthurus lineatus |
Powder Blue Tang | Acanthurus leucosternon |
Powder Brown Tang | Acanthurus nigricans |
Sailfin Tang - Ind O | Zebrasoma desjardinii |
Sailfin Tang - Pacific | Zebrasoma veliferum |
Sailfin Tang - Yellow | Zebrasoma flavescens |
Silver Spot Tang | Ctenochaetus strigosus |
Yellow Eye Tang | Ctenochaetus strigosus |
Sohal Tang | Acanthurus sohal |
Gold Rush Tang | Ctenochaetus tominiensis |
Orange Shoulder Tang | Acanthurus olivaceus |
Cleaner Wrasse - Red Sea | Larabicus quadrilineatus |
Leopard Wrasse | Macropharyngodon meleagris |
Peacock Wrasse | Macropharyngodon bipartitus |
Pyjama Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Harlequin Tusk - Australian | Choerodon fasciatus |
Gold Flash Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis |
Velvet Dwarf Parrot - Red Patch | Cirrhilabrus scottorum |
Koi Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus solorensis |
Red Fairy Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis |
Porcupine Puffer | Diodon holocanthus |
Puffer - Blue Spot | Canthigaster papua |
Puffer - Valentini | Canthigaster valentini |
Spiny Boxfish | Chilomycterus schoepfii |
Algae Blenny | Salarias fasciatus |
Algae Blenny - Jewel | Salarias ramosus |
Bicolour Blenny | Ecsenius bicolor |
Jawfish - Blue Dot | Opistognathus rosenblatti |
Jawfish - Yellowhead | Opistognathus aurifrons |
Goldstreak Blenny | Escenius stigmatura |
Blue Cheek Goby | Valenciennea strigata |
Mandarin | Pterosynchiropus splendidus |
Midas Blenny | Ecsenius midas |
Eye Spot Goby | Signigobius biocellatus |
Mandarin - Red | Pterosynchiropis splendidus |
Chalk Goby | Valenciennea sexguttata |
Scarlet Hawk | Neocirrhitus armatus |
Gramma - Royal | Gramma loreto |
Longfin Anthias | Pseudanthias pulcherrimus |
Barletts Anthias | |
Sun Orange | Tubastrea spp. |
Hammerhead - Cultured | Euphyllia spp. |
Caribbean Anemone | Condylactis spp. |
Malu Anemone - Pink | Heteractis crispa |
Finger Gorgonia - Red | Lophogorgia nodulifera |
Blue Polyp Gorgonia | Acalycigorgia spp. |
Golden Polyp Gorgonia | Menelia spp. |
Boxing Shrimp | Stenopus hispidus |
Cleaner Shrimp | Lysmata amboinensis |
Fire Shrimp | Lysmata debelius |
Peppermint Shrimp | Lysmata wurdemanni |
Arrowhead Crab | Stenorhynchus seticornis |
Emerald Crab | Mithraculus sculptus |
Hermit Crab - Rock Red Leg | Paguristes cadenati |
Horseshoe Crab | Limulus polyphemus |
Sally Lightfoot Crab | Percnon gibbesi |
Hermit Crab - Blue Leg | Clibanarius tricolor |
Birds Nest Algae - Red | Galaxaura spp. |
Algae on Rock - Cactus | Halimeda spp. |
Red Bamboo Algae | Solieria spp. |
Seahare - Giant | Dolabella auricula |
Snail - Super Turbo | Turbo fluctuosa |
Snail - Nitrus | Nassarius vibex |
Snail - Orange Marble | Babylonia formosae |
Snail - Sand Sifting | Strombus spp. |
Cultured Clam - Maxima Ultra | Tridacna maxima |
Feather Duster | Sabellastarte spp. |
Maldive Starfish | Fromia monilis |
Orange Finger Starfish | Echinaster sepositus |
Cornet - Cultured | Euphyllia spp. |
Staghorn | Acropora spp. |
Striped Turbo Snail | Trochus histrio |
Guppy Metallic Blue Neon | Poecilia Reticulata |
Guppy Lemon | Poecilia Reticulata |
Guppy Snakeskin Green Delta | Poecilia Reticulata |
Guppy Half Black Red Delta Neon | Poecilia Reticulata |
Guppy Mix Female | Poecilia Reticulata |
Molly Mix Lyertail | Poecilia Velifera |
Molly Black Spenops | Poecilia Sphenops |
Swordtail Mix | Xyphophorus Helleri |
Swordtail Black | Xyphophorus Helleri |
Platy Dark Red Mickey Mouse | Xyphophorus maculatu |
Platy Coral Dark Red Shiptz | Xyphophorus maculatu |
Platy Coral Red Wagtail | Xyphophorus maculatu |
Ranchu | Carassius Auratus |
Telescope Mix | Carassius Auratus |
Telescope Black Moor | Carassius Auratus |
Clown Loach | Chromobotia macracantha |
Steel Blue Killifish | Aphiosemion gardneri |
Orange Blotched Peacock Cichlid | Aulonocara sp. |
Yellow Regal Aulonocara | Aulonocara baenschi |
Red Eye Golden Malawi | Haplochromis sp. |
Haplochromis boadzulu | Haplochromis boadzulu |
Princess cichlid | Neolamprologus brichardi |
Jack Dempsey Cichlid | Rocia octofasciata |
Red Neon Jewel | Hemichromis bimaculatus |
Green Terror | Aequidens rivulatus |
Hornet Tilapia | Tilapia buttikoferi |
Figure 8 Puffer | Tetraodon biocellatus |
Spotted Puffer | Tetraodon nigroviridis |
Salvinis Cichlid | Cichlasoma salvini |
African Jewel Cichlid | Hemichromis bimaculatus |
Black Ghost Knife Fish | Apteronotus albifrons |
Red Crab | |
Otocinclus | |
Pleco | Plecostomus |
Oranda | Carassius Auratus |
Ryukin | Carassius Auratus |
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