More to follow for this week with 40 boxes in from Marindo our Indonesian super supplier.
Bali | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
blue ring angelfish | pomacanthus annularis |
purple queen anthias | pseudanthias tuka |
copperband butterflyfish | chelmon rostratus |
pretty prawn goby | valencienna puellaris |
blue tang | paracanthurus hepatus |
red corn anemone | entacmaea quardicolor |
sebae anemones | heteractis crispa |
yellow sand anemone | gyrostoma helianthus |
red sand anemone | gyrostoma helianthus |
yellow sebae anemones | heteractis crispa |
yellow boxfish | ostracion cubicus |
pretty prawn goby | valencienna puellaris |
leopard wrasse | macropharyngodon ornatus |
Fire Shrimps | Lysmata debelius |
Purple Queen Anthias | Mirolabrichthys Tuka |
Singapore | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Rummeynose | Hemigrammus bleheri |
Cardinal Tetra | Paracheirodon axelrodi |
Neon Tetra | Paracheirodon innesi |
Czech Republic | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Chocolate Lyretail | Aphyosemion australe Gold |
Redtail Notho | Nothobranchius guentheri red |
Placidochromis phenochilius | Placidochromis phenochilius "lupingu" |
Elongate Mbuna | Pseudotropheus elongatus neon spot |
TMC | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Blueface Angel | Euxiphipops xanthometapon |
Bicolour Angel | Centropyge bicolor |
Coral Beauty | Centropyge bispinosus |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Keyhole Angel | Centropyge tibicen |
Lemon Peel | Centropyge flavissima |
Heniochus Butterfly | Heniochus acuminatus |
Longnose Butterfly - Yellow | Forcipiger flavissimus |
Maroon Clown - Yellow | Premnas biaculeatus |
Tank Bred Clown - Saddleback | Amphiprion polymnus |
Picasso Clowns | Amphiprion percula |
Scolly - Australia | Scolymia spp. |
Regal Damsel | Chrysiptera hemicyanea |
Blue Eye Tang - Fiji | Ctenochaetus binotatus |
Caribbean Blue/Yellow Tang | Acanthurus coeruleus |
Clown Tang | Acanthurus lineatus |
Lipstick Tang - Ind O | Naso elegans |
Lipstick Tang - Pacific | Naso lituratus |
Mimic Tang - Lemon Peel | Acanthurus pyroferus |
Orange Shoulder Tang | Acanthurus olivaceus |
Powder Blue Tang | Acanthurus leucosternon |
Regal Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus |
Sailfin Tang - Yellow | Zebrasoma flavescens |
Cleaner Wrass | Labroides dimidiatus |
Peacock Wrass | Macropharyngodon bipartitus |
Pyjama Wrass - Pinstripe | Pseudocheilinops ataenia |
Yellow Wrass | Halichoeres chrysus |
Harlequin Tusk - Aust | Choerodon fasciata |
Gold Flash Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis |
Hi Fin Sword Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus filamentosus |
Koi Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus solorensis |
Marine Betta | Calloplesiops altivelis |
Boxfish - Yellow | Ostracion cubicus |
Cowfish - Long Horn | Lactoria cornuta |
Algae Blenny | Salarias fasciatus |
Goldstreak Blenny | Escenius stigmatura |
Green Eel Blenny | Congrogadus subducens |
Red Spot Flymo Blenny | Blenniella chrysospilos |
Blue Cheek Goby | Valenciennea strigata |
Firefish - Ind O | Nemateleotris magnifica |
Chalk Goby | Valenciennea sexguttata |
Longnose Hawk | Oxycirrhitus typhus |
Fox Face | Siganus vulpinus |
Fox Face - Fiji | Siganus uspi |
Strawberry Pigmy Basslet | Pictichromis porphyreus |
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Neon Back | Pseudochromis aldabraensis |
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Orchid | Pseudochromis fridmani |
Diamond Anthias | Pseudanthias cf parvirostris |
Longfin Anthias | Pseudanthias pulcherrimus |
Spotted Grunt | Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides |
Manderin | Pterosynchiropis splendidus |
Nano Goby - Firecracker | Trimma spp. |
Hi Fin Clown Goby | Stonogobiops yashia |
Bubble Anemone - Coloured | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Bubble Anemone - Red | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Malu Anemone - White | Heteractis crispa |
Cleaner Shrimp | Lysmata amboinensis |
Fire Shrimp | Lysmata debelius |
Decorator Crab | Camposcia retusa |
Hermit Crab - Rock Red Leg | Paguristes cadenati |
Hermit Crab - Blue Leg | Clibanarius tricolor |
Snail - Super Turbo | Turbo spp. |
Snail - Orange Marble | Turbo spp. |
Hard Tube Worm - Coloured | Protula bispiralis |
Marble Starfish | Fromia spp. |
Red Starfish | Fromia indica |
Pair Katherine's Dwarf Parrots | |
Caribbean Blue/Yellow Tang | Acanthurus coeruleus |
Hawaiian Idol | Zanclus canescens |
Blue Throat Trigger | Xanthichthys auromarginatus |
Peppermint Shrimp - Giant | Lysmata spp. |
Powder Brown Tang | Acanthurus glaucopareius |
Colombia | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Orinoco Eartheater | Biotodoma wavrini |
Banjo cat | Bunocephalus amaurus |
Marthas Hatchetfish | Carnegiella marthae |
Rubbernose plecos | Chaetostoma milesi |
Pygmy Cory | Corydora pygmeus, |
Silver Hatchetfish | Gasteropelecus Sternicla |
Three Beacon Pleco | L 091, Leporacanthicus Triactis |
Czech Republic | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Cockatoo Dwarf | Apistogramma cacatuoides "Triple Red" |
Redgold dwarf cichlid | Apistogramma hongsloi Red Gold |
Blue Neon | Aulonocara stuartgranti Blue Neon |
Afra Cobue | Cynotilapia afra Cobue |
Fenestratus | Protomelas fenestratus Taiwan Reff |
Blue Victoria Mouthbrooder | Astatotilapia nubila |
Black Calvus | Lamprologus calvus Black Pectoral |
White Calvus | Lamprologus calvus Cape Chaitika |
"Super Blue" Emperor Tetra | Inpaichthys kerri Superblue |
Barbus fasciatus | Barbus panda |
Blue eye gold ancistrus | Ancistrus Lemon/Orange L 144 long fin |
Peacock gudgeon | Tateurdina ocellicauda |
Hong Kong | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Red Tiger Oscar | Astronotus ocellatus |
Silver Arowana | Osteoglossum bicirrhosum |
Glass Blodfish | Prionobrama filigera |
Panda Loach | Protomyzon pachychilus |
Tiger Shrimp | Caridina cantonensis sp. "Tiger" |
Blue Shrimp | Caridina sps. |
Bumblebee Shrimp | Caridina sps. |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Neon Juwel Fish | Hemichromis bimaculatus |
Golden Honey Dwarf Gourami | Trichogaster chuna |
Golden Nugguet S/F Molly | Poecilia Sphenops |
Red Terpedo | Puntius denisonii |
Silver Shark | Balantiocheilos melanopterus |
Blue Rainbow | Melanotaenia lacustris |
Boesmani Rainbow | Melanotaenia boesemani |
Indonesia | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Bubble Green/PinkTip Anemone | Entacmaea Quadricolor |
Magnificent anemone | Heteractis magnifica |
Brick Red Rose Anemone | Radianthus Malu |
Yellow Sand Anemone | Heteractis Crispa |
Red Sand Anemone | Heteractis Crispa |
Long Tentacle Anemone | Actinia Tenebrosa |
Colored Red Base Anemone | Actinia Tenebrosa |
Sebae Anemone White | Radianthus Ritteri |
Striated Carpet Anemone | Stoichactis Helianthus |
Mushrooms Blue | Actinodiscus Coeruleus |
Mushrooms Red | Actinodiscus Nummiferus |
Green Pimple Mushrooms | Ricordia Yuma |
Marble Mushroom | Actinodiscus Marmoratus |