Blog Archive

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wild Caught Lake Tanganyika Chihlids - Pre Order

Hello all cichlid lovers.

We have an amazing opportunity next week to get in a selection of wild caught lake Tanganyika chiclids.  This we believe would be the first direct import into Ireland direct from the lakes themselves.

Below is the list of fish that are available. As we have not used this supplier before we are not yet 100% on what is to arrive and in what sizes.  We do have minimum orders that we need for the order and if you are not after the full minimum amount then still let us know as you may be able to piggy back on order orders from other customers.

Please give specific names and prices when sending across orders to make sure that we order the correct fish that you are after.

I am sure there will be many breeder looking for species that you see only on the internet and never in store.  This will be a chance for you to get access to the fish that you have been looking for,.

Please email all orders to

Enjoy..  Pictures of the landed shipment to follow after they fish are landed and passed quarantine.


Name Min Qty Price Each
Altolamprologus Calvus Black Congo                          6 €50
Altolamprologus Calvus Black Lunangwa  6 €50
Altolamprologus Calvus Black Kapampa 6 €50
Altolamprologus Calvus Black Chipimbi 6 €50
Altolamprologus Calvus White  Chaitika 6 €50
Altolamprologus Calvus Yellow Nkambabay 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps black Ikola  6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps black Kigoma 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Goldrn Head 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Yellow-Mabibili 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Red – Magara 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Orange-Karago 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Red-Bulu Point  6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Red fin 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Fire fin 6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Shell fish  6 €50
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Red Kigoma 6 €50
Altolamprologus Comp. copper heal - Namansi 6 €50
Aulonocranus Dewindti – Mabilibili 6 €40
Aulonocranus Dewindti – Nkamba bay 6 €40
Aulonocranus Dewindti – Moliro 6 €40
Aulonocranus Dewindti Isanga 6 €40
Bentochromis Tricot Msalaba 2 €150
Bentochromis Tricot Bulu Point 2 €150
Bentochromis Tricot Maswa 2 €100
Bentochromis Tricot – Kantalamba 2 €100
Bentochromis Tricot - Kigoma 2 €100
Bentochromis Tricot - Chitula 2 €100
Callnoromis mocrops golden streak - Namansi 3 €125
Callnoromis Macrops  6 €35
Challinochromis brichard black mask, Magara 6 €35
Challnoromis brichard Black mask Helembe 6 €35
Challinochromis sp ndobhoi Bulu Point  6 €40
Challinochromis ndobhoi – Cape Kabogo 6 €40
Challinochromis Bifrenatus 6 €35
Challinochromis popelini Kekese 6 €35
Challinochromis popelini Ulwile Island 6 €35
Challinochromis papelini – Cape Mpimbwe  6 €35
Cunningtonia Longiventralis – Ulwile Island 6 €40
Cunningtonia Longiventralis – cape Mpimbwe 6 €40
Cyathopharynx Foai – Helembe 2 €150
Cyathopharynx Foai – Sibwesa Copper 2 €150
Cyathopharynx Foai – Magara  2 €150
Cyathopharynx Foai – Nkondwe  2 €150
Cyathopharynx Foai – Kekese 2 €150
Cyathopharynx Foai – Ulwile  2 €150
Cyathopharynx –Furafu - Kigoma 2 €100
Cyathopharynx Furafu – Cape Kabogo 2 €100
Cyathopharynx Furafu - Gombe 2 €100
Cyphotilapia frontasa Blue congo Kapampa
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €125
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €175
Medium large size  12 – 14 cm 5 €225
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €275
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €325
Show 23cm + 1 €500
Cyphotilapia frontasa Blue Congo – Moba/ KITUMBA
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €125
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €125
Medium large size  12 – 14 cm 5 €175
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €225
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €275
Show 23cm + 1 €751
Cyphotilapia frontasa Blue Mpimbwe
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €75
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €75
Medium size large  12 – 14 cm 5 €100
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €125
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €150
Show 23cm + 1 €200
Cyphotilapia frontasa Blue Blue Kipili
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €75
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €90
Medium large size  12 – 14 cm 4 €100
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €150
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €200
Show 23cm + 1 €250
Cyphotilapia frontasa light Blue - Ikola
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €100
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €100
Medium large size  12 – 14 cm 4 €125
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €125
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €150
Show 23cm + 1 €175
Cyphotilapia frontasa Leven stripes Kigoma
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €75
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €100
Medium large size  12 – 14 cm 4 €100
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €125
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €150
Show 23cm + 1 €175
Cyphotilapia frontasa Kavalla 
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €75
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €100
Medium large size  12 – 14 cm 4 €100
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €125
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €150
Show 23cm + 1 €175
Cyphotilapia frontasa Bulu Point
Small size 4 – 6 cm 7 €75
Medium size  7 – 11cm 6 €100
Medium large  size  12 – 14 cm 4 €125
Large size 15 – 18 cm  3 €125
Extra large 19 – 22cm  2 €150
Show 23cm + 1 €175
Cyprichromis Leptosoma Jumbo
Kitumba 7 €60
Kekese  7 €50
Kavalla Kibiji Cyprichromis 7 €50
Kabwimbwa  7 €50
Tembwe 11 7 €50
Moliro 7 €50
Samazi 7 €50
Kapampa 7 €50
Cyprichromis PAVO
Samazi PAVO 7 €50
Kapampa PAVO 7 €50
Zongwe PAVO 7 €50
Cyprichromis Leptosoma
Kigoma Tri Colur 10 €40
Kekese  10 €40
Bulu Point 10 €40
Samazi  10 €40
Mpimbwe  10 €40
Kantalamba 10 €40
Uhwile  10 €40
Cyprichromis Microlepidotus
Bulu Point 6 €50
Magara  6 €50
Ubwari  6 €50
Kigoma  6 €50
Pemba or Bemba 6 €50
Kiriza  6 €50
Cyprichromis Zebra
Enantiopus Melanogenys 5 €75
Enantiopus Melanogenys Namasi 5 €75
Enantiopus Sp Kilesa 5 €75
Eretmodus Cyanostictus
Kigoma Orange 10 €35
Ulwile  10 €35
Kasanga 10 €35
Chaitika  10 €35
Eretmodus Cyanostictus north
Msalaba  10 €40
Isanga  10 €40
Kapampa 10 €40
Magara 10 €40
Lumbyo 10 €40
Kapemba 10 €40
Gnathochromis Pelmaxillarli
Ophthalmotila Boops
Nkondwe Neon Strike 4 €125
Mpimbwe Black 4 €100
Ophthalmotilapia Nasuta
Golden Kipili and Mtosi 4 €60
Tiger 4 €60
Mukosa,North Kalemie 4 €60
Sela, North Kalemie 4 €60
Orange Sibwesa 4 €60
Mabilibili 4 €60
Ulwile 4 €60
Milima 4 €60
Helembe 4 €60
Kekese 4 €60
Leopard, Moliro 4 €60
Resha  4 €60
Ophlhalmotilapia Ventralis 
Bright Blue Kambwimbwa 4 €50
Bright Blue Kantalamba 4 €50
Bright Blue Katoto & Kitumba 4 €50
Black & White Helembe 4 €50
Black & White Kalilani 4 €50
Black & White Sibwesa 4 €50
Black & White Tembwe 4 €50
Black & White Mtoto 4 €50
Black & White Maswa 4 €50
Orange – Moliri 4 €50
Yellow, Kapampa 4 €50
Yellow, Samazi 4 €50
Ophlhalmotilapia Heterodonta 
Kigoma 4 €50
Mboko  4 €50
Julidochromis dickfeldi 
Moliro 6 €40
Nsumbu 6 €40
Kachese 6 €40
Julidochromis Marlieri
Helembe 6 €50
Cape Tembwe 6 €50
Milima  6 €50
Simazi 6 €50
Magara 6 €50
Kalambu 6 €50
Makobola 6 €50
Kabwimbwa 6 €50
Julidochromis Regani
Kigoma 6 €40
Kalilani Island 6 €40
Ulwile 6 €40
Mvuna 6 €40
Msalaba 6 €40
Kerenge 6 €40
Mahale 6 €40
Kipili 6 €40
Nyanza Lac 6 €40
Ndole 6 €40
Julidocromis Ornatus
Mbete 6 €50
Uvira 6 €50
Kapampa 6 €50
Kalungwe Yellow 6 €50
Livua 6 €50
Lupota 6 €50
Julidochromis Transcriptus
Gombi Zambia 6 €75
Luhanga 6 €75
Kapampa 6 €75
Pemba or Bemba 6 €75
Lamprologus Brevis  15 €35
Lamprologus Callipterus 11 €35
Lamprologus Kungweensis 15 €30
Lamprologus Leleupi 6 €50
Lamprologus Meleagris
Lamprologus Ocellatus 15 €35
Lamprologus Shell 15 €35
Lamprologus Similis Kalilani 25 €35
Lamprologus Similis Tembwe 25 €35
Lamprologus Speciosus 10 €35
Lepidolamprologus  Kendali 5 €60
Lepidolamprologus Nkambae 5 €60
Neolaprolugus Brichard 7 €50
Neolaprolugus Buescheri 6 €50
Neolaprolugus Cunningtonia 6 €50
Neolaprolugus Furcifer 6 €40
Neolaprolugus Mustax 7 €40
Neolaprolugus Niger 7 €40
Neolaprolugus Pulcher 7 €40
Neolaprolugus  Sexfaxiatus gold Kepili 6 €40
Neolaprolugus Sexfaciatus gold Kekese 6 €40
Neolaprolugus Ventralis 6 €40
Paracyprichromis brieni – bulu Point 6 €40
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis – blue Neon Kitumba 6 €50
Paracyprichromis  nigripinnis blue neon -Kantalamba 6 €50
Parcyprichromis nihripinnis blue neon-Msalaba 6 €50
Petrochromis sp Ikola- Ikola 5 €75
Petrochromis sp Kipili brown-Kipili 5 €75
Petrochromis sp Moshi yellow- sibwese 4 €100
Petrochromis sp Taxes blue- Kasambala 3 €150
Petrochromis red Texas – Ubwari 2 €200
Petrochromis sp Red Luagala Point 2 €225
Petrochromis trewavasac Moliro 4 €125
Petrochromis trewavasac Kapamba 4 €125
Synodontis Petricola 6 €50
Synodontis Multipunctalus 6 €50
Synodontis Polli 6 €75
Synodontis granulus 3 €300
Spathodus Erythrodon - Kapampa 15 €35
Spathodus Erythrodon – Tembwe 15 €35
Spathodus Erythrodon – Kavalla 15 €35
Spathodus Erythrodon –Kigoma  15 €35
Spathodus Marlieri – Kigoma 6 €40
Spathodus Marlieri - Burundi 6 €40
Tanganicodus Irsacae - Kapampa 15 €35
Tanganicodus Irsacae – Kavalla  15 €35
Tanganicodus Irsacae – Nyanza Lac 15 €35
Tanganicodus Irsacae – Helembe 15 €35
Tanganicodus Irsacae – Mabilibili 15 €35
Tanganicodus Irsacae - Kigoma 15 €35
Tropheus Poli Kongole - Kalamie 6 €40
Tropheus Poli Wimple – Bulu Point 6 €40
Tropheus brichard - Benga 6 €40
Tropheus brichard – Isonga 6 €40
Tropheus brichard canary check – Kalimba 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Kaniosha Variant – Kalamie 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Kalilani 6 €40
Tropheus brichard  Gold Fin – Kalikani 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Tiger – Kigoma 6 €40
Tropheus brichard  Kavala – Kapampa 6 €40
Tropheus brichard  Yellow Zebra – Kipili 6 €40
Tropheus brichard  Yellow Zebra – Korongwe 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Red Check Msalaba 6 €40
Tropheus brichard green Wimple – Malagarasi 6 €40
Tropheus brichard  Mikonga 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Mtosi 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Mvuna 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Ujiji – katonga 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Ulwile – Kipili 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Chocolate – Nyanza Lac 6 €40
Tropheus brichard Zaire F 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Orange Flame - Bemba 6 €50
Tropheus sp Black Banza – Cape Banza 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Cherry spot – Bulu Point 6 €50
Tropheus sp Black Katende variant – Carambe 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Kaizer I – Ikola 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Kaizer II – Kiriza 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Lemon stripe – Kifumbwe 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Red saddle – Magara 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Mboko – Mboko 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Makobola 6 €40
Tropheus sp Black Uvira 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Blue rainabow – Chaitika 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Zambia Red – Chimba 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Chipimbi 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Chiwa 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Ilangi – Nkamba bay 6 €125
Tropheus Moorii Gold Rainbow – Kachese 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Kaku 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Yellow Rainbow - Kala 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii OB Golden Kalambo 6 €225
Tropheus Moorii Yellow Rainbow – Kala 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii green rainbow - Kalibwe 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Red Rainbow – Kasanga 6 €60
Tropheus Moorii Katoto sunspot - Mbete 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii bloodred - Livua 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Kiku 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Sibwesa 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Lufubu 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii red breast - Lupota 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii mamalesa -  Malasa 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii Lemon spot  – Mbita 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii Red – Tail – Moliro 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii Sunset – Mpulungu 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii Murango – Zongwe 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii – Mtosi 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii blue blazed Red Rainbow Muzi 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii Muzumba - Lunangwa 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii Mwerezi 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii red namansi – Namansi 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Chilange Red – Chilanga 6 €50
Tropheus Moorii  Kabeyeye – Nangu 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Golden Chisenze Nundo Head 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii – Samanzi 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Green-red- Nsumbu 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Zongwe 6 €40
Tropheus Moorii Fulwe Rocks 6 €40
Tropheus duboisi Narraw band Kalilani 6 €50
Tropheus duboisi Kigoma 6 €50
Tropheus duboisi Broad band – Maswa 6 €50
Tropheus duboisi Maswa – Helemba 6 €50
Tropheus duboisi Wide band - Bemba 6 €50
Xenotilapia papilio Sunflower
Mvuna 5 €125
Mtosi 5 €125
Msalaba 5 €125
Samazi 5 €125
Isanga 5 €125
Ndole 5 €125
Kantalamba 5 €125
Xenotilapia Papilio Katete
Tembwe 5 €150
Kanoni 5 €150
Moliro 5 €150
Kapampa 5 €150
Kiku 5 €150
Moba 5 €150
Chitula 5 €150
Xenotilapia Flavipinnis
Sibwesa 10 €60
Kekese 10 €60
Ulwile 10 €60
Magara 10 €60
Nyanza lac 10 €60
Milima 10 €60
Kapampa 10 €60
Cape Tembwe 10 €60
Mtolo 10 €60
Kigoma 10 €60
Lyamembe 10 €60
Mabilibil 10 €60
Ruziba 10 €60
Xenotilapia Spilopterus 
Helembe 10 €75
Kalilani 10 €75
Msalaba 10 €75
Kapampa 10 €75
Moliro 10 €75
Kasanga 10 €75
Kipili 10 €75
Ndole 10 €75
Ikola 10 €75
Katoto 10 €75