Blog Archive

Saturday, February 27, 2016

HUGE Coral/Marine Shipment - 27th of February

Hi guys,

We are absolutely over the moon! We got an amazing coral shipment. The colours have never been so bright in a coral. When you see them in person their colours will blow you away - we guarantee  this. Bright Montipora, excellent Goniopora, amazing Cyphastrea corals and much much more, With these phenomenal corals we also got some XL Lipstick tangs, the very popular Snowflake Moray Eel, impressive Lionfish and much more.

You have to pop over to have a look!

Common Name Latin Name
Montipora Digitata Orange Culture Strong Color - Excellent Large Red Montipora spp
Montipora Efflorescens Culture Strong Color Montipora spp
Acropora Secale Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. secale)
Leptastrea Yellow Culture Leptastrea sp
Favia Green Culture Favia spp
Favites Red  Culture Favites spp
Seaweed Red Grape - Jumbo Pieces Rhodymenia sp
Acropora Carduus Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. carduus)
Acropora Caroliniana Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. caroliniana)
Acropora Formosa Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. formosa)
Cauliflower Common Nephthea sp
Jasmine Polyps Green Anthelia sp
Yaeyamaensis Yellow Culture Euphyllia yaeyamaensis
Leather Soft Tentacle Sarcophyton sp
Favites Yellow Culture Favites spp
Ancora Green Tentacle Celebes Culture Euphyllia ancora
Seaweed Red Rhodymenia sp
Meat Brain Coral Green Culture Lobophyllia spp
Meat Brain Coral Red Culture Lobophyllia spp
Meat Coral Flat Green Culture Australomussa rowyelensis
Acropora Macrostoma Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. macrostoma)
Yaeyamaensis Green Java Culture Euphyllia yaeyamaensis
Lithophyllon Yellow Culture Lithophyllon spp
Favia Red Culture Favia spp
Favia Green Culture Favia spp
Glabrescens Green Celebes with Yelow spot Culture Euphyllia glabrescens
Pearl Coral Flat Green Culture Physogyra lichtensteini
Gorgonia Orange Gorgonia sp
Meat Coral Flat Red Culture Australomussa rowyelensis
Caulastrea Small Pipe Green Metalic Culture Caulastraea spp
Stylophora Pistillata Culture Strong Color Stylophora spp
Acropora Millepora Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. millepora)
Acropora Nobilis Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. nobilis)
Paraancora Green Pipe Sumba Culture Euphyllia paraancora
Paraancora Green Pipe Celebes Culture Euphyllia paraancora
Shrimp Boxing Stenopus hispidus
Sea Slug Alage Eating Dolabella sp
Acropora Tenuis Culture Strong Color Acropora spp. (A. tenuis)
Montipora Monasteriata Culture Strong Color Montipora spp
Mycedium Green  Culture Mycedium robokaki
Kenya Tree Capnella sp
Montipora Undata Culture Strong Color Montipora spp
Paraancora Green Tip Sumba Culture Euphyllia paraancora
Montipora Setosa Culture - Very Special Bright Red Montipora spp
Acanthastrea Red Stripe Spc Culture - XL Good Large Polyps Acanthastrea spp
Leptoseris Color  Culture - Excellent Green Leptoseris spp
Cyphastrea Red Culture - Excellent Volcano Cyphastrea Cyphastrea spp
Glabrescens Green Celebes Culture Euphyllia glabrescens
Shrimp Cleaner Lysmata amboinensis
Ancora Green Celebes Culture Euphyllia ancora
Sea Cucumber Red Pentacta sp
Glabrescens Yellow Culture - Best Gold Stem EVER! Euphyllia glabrescens
Sea Urchin Diadema sp
Mushrooms Giant Celebes S Amplexidiscus sp
Paraancora Green Pipe Sumba Culture Euphyllia paraancora
Fox Coral Culture Plerogyra turbida
Eating Algae Shell Trochus sp
Nassarius Cleaner Nassarius sp
Bubble Coral Green Culture Plerogyra sinuosa
Starfish Spider Ophiomastix sp
Starfish White Astropecten sp
Mushrooms Spotted Yellow Discosoma sp
Mushrooms Hairy Green Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Carpet Green Metalic Rhodactis sp
Mushrooms Elephant Ear Green Sumba Rhodactis sp
Anemone Corn Green Entacmaea sp
Foxface Lo vulvinus
Blue-sppoted Shrimp Goby Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus
Magnificent Foxface Lo magnifica
Koran Angelfish (Juv) Pomacanthus semicirculatus
Lionfish Pterois volitans
Comet Callopleisiops altivelis
Lipstick Tang XL Naso elegans
Snowflake Moray Echidna nebulosa
Honeycomb Moray Gymnothorax favagineus

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Galway Shop: New Freshwater & Marine Shipment - 10th of February

Hi everyone,

We just got a new freshwater and marine delivery. The freshwater delivery includes the peaceful Green Neon Tetra, the social and cute Corydoras nanus and much more. The marine shipment includes the colourful elegant Yellow Sapphire Seahorse, some very beautiful Goniopora corals and much much more.

Pop over to our Galway shop to have a look!

Common NameLatin Name
Cory NanusCorydoras nanus
Skunk CorydorasCorydoras arcuatus
Cardinal TetraParacheirodon axelrodi
Green Neon TetraParacheirodon innesi
Dwarf sucking catfishOtocinclus affinis
Clown PlecosPeckoltia vittata
Rummynose TetraHemigrammus rhodostomus
Powder Blue SurgeonAcanthurus leucosternon
Red Sea Sailfin TangZebrasoma desjardini
Bright Red Dragonet BlennySynchoropus stellatus
Pennant Coral FishHeniochus acuminatus
Blue Green WrasseThalasoma lunari
Blue Ringed AngelfishPomocanthus annularis
Emperor AngelfishPomocanthus imperator
Yellow Sapphire SeahorseHippocampus reidi
LaDder Glider GobyValenciennea sexgutta
Sand  Anemone OrangeActinia eyuina
Yellow Sand  Anemone Orange BaseActinia eyuina
Cleaner ShrimpLysmata amboinensis
Fire ShrimpLysmata debelius
Euphyllia ancoraEuphyllia sp
Elegance CoralCatalaphyllia sp
GonioporaGoniopora sp
Duncan CoralDuncanopsammia sp

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Huge Marine Shipment - 06th of February

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we got a very impressive marine shipment. For the first time we got the very pretty Purple-leg Shrimp, the very elegant Alligator Pipefish, some very bright Orange Tube Anemones, decorative extra large Bright Orange Spotted Snails a really nice variety of starfish and much much more.

Pop over to have a look!

Common Name Latin Name
Bicolor Angelfish Centropyge bicolor
Coralbeauty Angelfish Centropyge bispinosus
Eibli Angelfish Centropyge eibli Indian Ocean
Keyhole Angelfish Centropyge tibicen
Blue-Faced Angelfish Juvenile Pomacanthus xanthometopon
Bannerfish Banded Heniochus acuminatus
Copperband Butterflyfish Chelmon rostratus
Threadfin Butterflyfish Chaetodon auriga
Raccoon Butterflyfish Chaetodon lunula
Black & White Clownfish Amphiprion darwini
Cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni
Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris
Blue-Green Chromis Chromis viridis
Blue-Green Chromis Chromis viridis
Allen's Damsel - Bluestar Pomacentrus alleni
Banded Pipefish Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus
Alligator Pipefish Syngnathoides biaculeatus
Shortfin Lionfish Dendrochirus brachypterus
Zebra Moray - REEF SAFE! Gymnomuraena zebra
Bluespotted Rare Wrasse Anampses caeruleopunctatus
Yellow-Tail Wrasse Anampses meleagrides
Yellow-Tail Wrasse Anampses meleagrides
Orange-Tipped Wrasse Halichoeres melanurus
Sixstripe Wrasse Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Bicolored Cleaner Wrasse Labroides bicolor
Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus
Exquisite Fairywrasse Cirrhilabrus cf. exquisitus
Lubbock'S Fairywrasse Cirrhilabrus lubbocki
Solorensis Fairywrasse Cirrhilabrus solorensis
Fivestipe Wrasse Thalassoma quinquevittatum
Arrowhead Pygmy Wrasse Wetmorella nigropinnata
Fowler's Surgeonfish Acanthurus fowleri
Powderblue Surgeonfish Acanthurus leucosternon(Indian Ocea
Dusky Surgeonfish Acanthurus nigrofuscus
Chocolate Surgeonfish Acanthurus pyroferus
Lieutenant Surgeonfish Acanthurus tennenti
Spotted Unicornfish Naso brevirostris
Orange-dorsal Unicornfish Naso elegans
Orange-spine Unicornfish Naso lituratus
Tomini Bristletooth Ctenochaetus tominiensis
Pacific Sailfintang Zebrasoma veliferum
Foxface Rabbitfish Siganus (Lo) vulpinus
Spotted Toby Canthigaster solandri
Black-saddled Toby Canthigaster valentini
Blue Throat Male Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Matted Filefish Acreichthys tomentosus
Two-Colored Blenny Ecsenius bicolor
Jawelled Blenny Salarias fasciatus
Yellow Tail Poison-fang Blenny Meiacanthus atrodorsalis
Grammistes Poison-fang Blenny Meiacanthus grammistes
Smith's Poison-fang Blenny Meiacanthus smithii
Bluestriped-fang Mimicblenny Plagiotremus rhinorhynchus
Rainford'S Goby Amblygobius rainfordi
Golden head Sleeper Goby Valenciennea strigata
Two Spot Goby Signigobius biocellatus
Yellow Shrimpgoby Cryptocentrus cinctus
Black-rayed Shrimpgoby Stonogobiops nematodes
Mandarin Dragonet Male Synchiropus splendidus
Filament Dartfish Ptereleotris hanae
Pearly Dartfish Ptereleotris microlepis
Panther Grouper Cromileptes altivelis
Purple-leg marble shrimp - NEW! Saron rectirostris
Banded boxer shrimp Stenopus hispidus
Sexy shrimp Thor amboinensis
Pompom anemone crab Lybia tesselata
White leg hermit crab Calcinus laevimanus
Red hermit crab Calcinus sp.
Seahare nudibranch Dolabella auricularia
Histrio grazer Trochus histrio
Bright Orange Spotted Snails - XL Turbo aasp
Cleaner sand starfish Archaster typicus
Dark red long starfish Echinaster luzonicus
Zebra brittle starfish Ophiolepis superba
Hairy brittle starfish Ophiomastix annulosa
Tuxedo Urchin Mespilia globulus
Common black back cucumber Holothuria atra
Coloured corn anemone Entacmea quadricolor
Purple tip milk anemone Heteractis crispa
Orange tube anemone - BRIGHT! Cerianthus orientalis
Brown sand tubeworm Bispira trisyclia
Common featherworm Sabellastarte sanctijosephi
Decorated rock Concrete rock
Grape algae Caulerpa racemosa 
Blue mushroom  Discosoma coeruleus 
Flame mushroom Discosoma marmoratus 
Green mushroom Discosoma nummiforme 
Striped mushroom Discosoma striata 
Common Multi Type Soft Capnella aasp 
Green kenya tree soft Capnella aasp 
Brown polyp colt soft  Klyxum aasp
Common rose soft  Lobophytum aasp 
Lg finger brown w/coloured polyps s  Lobophytum aasp 
White / yellow water soft  Nephthea aasp 
Grass cluster soft  Paralemnalia aasp 
Common Sacrophyton brown  Sarcophyton aasp 
Sacrophyton thin-body in colony  Sarcophyton aasp 
Sacrophyton thin-body soft/white po  Sarcophyton aasp 
Common Sinularia brown  Sinularia aasp 
White short thick armed-brown polyp  Sinularia asterolobata 
Green glove polyp Grade A  Clavularia aasp 
Green star polyp  Pachyclavularia violacea 
Common wood polyp Acrozoanthus aasp
Colored polyp Zoanthus sociatus 
Red Spider web seafan Echinogorgia aasp
Red whip white polyp seafan  Ellisella aasp
Red whip yellow polyp seafan Menella aasp
Red whip purple polyp seafan Menella aasp
Blue hard sponge  Xestospongia aasp