We got an amazing Christmas marine and discus shipment. The marine shipment includes the gorgeous looking Blue-Ring Angelfish. It has a very graceful yellow/brown - blue pattern. The Blue-Ring Angelfish will definitely stand out for the rest of the fish thanks to its brilliant sapphire stripes. We also go the stunning Zebra Mantis Shrimp, Coloured Mantis Shrimp and much more. The Discus shipment includes a fascinating variety of really beautiful discus. Brilliant Turquoise Discus, Tefe, Dark Angel, Marlboro Red and much more in stock.
Pop over to have a look!
M A R I N E | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Flagfin Angel | Apolemichthys trimaculatus |
Bicolor Angelfish | Centropyge bicolor |
Coralbeauty Angelfish | Centropyge bispinosus |
Blue-Ring Angelfish Adult | Pomacanthus annularis |
Emperor Angelfish | Pomacanthus imperator |
Copperband Butterflyfish | Chelmon rostratus |
Clownfish | Amphiprion ocellaris |
Clarkii Clownfish | Amphiprion clarkii |
Saddleback Anemonefish Papua | Amphiprion polymnus (Papua) |
White Band Maroon | Premnas biaculeatus |
Gold Band Maroon | Premnas biaculeatus |
Percula Clownfish | Amphiprion percula |
False Skunk-Striped Clownfish | Amphiprion perideraion |
Bicolor Chromis | Chromis margaritifer/C. bicolor |
Blue-Green Chromis | Chromis viridis |
Banded Pipefish | Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus |
Common Shrimpfish | Aeoliscus strigatus |
Shortfin Lionfish | Dendrochirus brachypterus |
Volitan's Lionfish (Black) | Pterois volitans |
White Ribbon Eel | Pseudechidna brummeri |
Yellow Wrasse | Halichoeres chrysus |
Orange-Tipped Wrasse Adult | Halichoeres melanurus |
Leopard Wrasse Adult | Macropharyngodon meleagris |
Yellospoted Wrasse Adult | Macropharyngodon negrosensis |
Sixstripe Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Mentawai Fairywrasse | Cirrhilabrus adornatus |
Exquisite Fairywrasse | Cirrhilabrus cf. Exquisitus |
Solorensis Fairywrasse | Cirrhilabrus solorensis |
Filament Flasherwrasse | Paracheilinus filamentosus |
Powderblue Surgeonfish | Acanthurus leucosternon |
Orange-blotch Surgeonfish Adult | Acanthurus olivaceous |
Regal Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus |
Spotted Unicornfish Juvenile | Naso brevirostris (j) |
Orange-dorsal Unicornfish Adult | Naso elegans |
Orange-spine Unicornfish Adult | Naso lituratus |
Vlaming's Unicornfish Adult | Naso vlamingi - |
Bristlemouth | Ctenochaetus cf strigosus |
Desjardin'S Sailfintang Adult | Zebrasoma desjardinii |
Pacific Sailfintang Adult | Zebrasoma veliferum |
Double-Barred Rabbitfish | Siganus virgatus |
Foxface Rabbitfish | Siganus (Lo) vulpinus |
Yellow Boxfish | Ostracion cubicus |
Longhorn Cowfish | Lactoria cornuta |
Black-saddled Toby | Canthigaster valentini |
Matted Filefish | Acreichthys tomentosus |
Jawelled Blenny | Salarias fasciatus |
Crosshatch Goby | Amblygobius decussatus |
Brown-barred Goby | Amblygobius phalaena |
Maiden Goby (Orange-spotted Goby) | Valenciennea puellaris |
Chalk Gboies | Valenciennea sexguttata |
False Golden Head Sleeper Goby | Valenciennea randalli |
Pink-speckled Shrimpgoby | Cryptocentrus leptocephalus |
Black-rayed Shrimpgoby | Stonogobiops nematodes |
Yellow Coralgoby | Gobiodon okinawae |
Ocellated Dragonet | Synchiropus ocellatus |
Mandarin Dragonet Male | Synchiropus splendidus |
Aioleops megastigma | Aioleops megastigma |
Purple Firefish | Nemateleotris decora |
Blackfin Dartfish | Ptereleotris evides |
Pajama Cardinalfish | Sphaeramia nematoptera |
Red-blotched Perchlet | Plectranthias inermis |
Arc-Eyed Hawkfish | Paracirrhites arcuatus |
Coloured mantis shrimp | Odontodactylus scyllarus |
Zebra mantis shrimp | Odontodactylus scyllarus |
Anemone shrimp | Periclimenes aasp |
White spoted anemone shrimp | Periclimenes brevicarpalis |
Banded boxer shrimp | Stenopus hispidus |
Sexy shrimp | Thor amboinensis |
Metalic blue leg hermit crab | Calcinus elegans |
White leg hermit crab | Calcinus laevimanus |
Red hermit crab | Calcinus sp. |
Ink nudibranch | Aplysia aasp |
Leaf nudibranch | Chromodoris aasp |
Seahare nudibranch | Dolabella auricularia |
Fenestratus grazer | Tectus fenestratus |
Histrio grazer | Trochus histrio |
Strawberry conch | Strombus luhuanus |
Dark red long starfish | Echinaster luzonicus |
Zebra brittle starfish | Ophiolepis superba |
Black brittle starfish | Ophiocomina scolopendrina |
Orange eye long spine sea urchin | Diadema setosum |
Fruit sea urchin (Short-spine) | Mespilia globulus |
Multicolor sea urchin (Short-spine) | Tripneustes gratilla |
Green sea urchin (Short-spine) | Anthocidaris crissipinina |
Tiger Cucumber | Theletonota rubrolineata |
Coloured sand anemone | Heteractis malu |
Flame mushroom | Discosoma marmoratus |
Spotted mushroom | Discosoma mutabilis |
Common Multi Type Soft | Capnella aasp |
Kenya tree soft | Capnella aasp |
Green kenya tree soft | Capnella aasp |
Branch hair soft | Cladiella aasp |
Brown polyp colt soft | Klyxum aasp (Alcyonium sp) |
White / yellow water soft | Nephthea aasp |
Chili sponge soft | Nephthyigorgia aasp |
Sacrophyton thin-body soft/white po | Sarcophyton aasp |
Short-armed green branch | Sinularia aasp(deep water) |
Small body long thin-arm branch gr | Sinularia mollis |
Big Trees Xenia | Cespitularia infirmata |
Wild Pulse Xenia | Xenia umbellata |
Green glove polyp Grade A | Clavularia aasp |
Colored polyp (Grade A Mono) | Zoanthus sociatus |
Colored polyp (Grade A Multi Double | Zoanthus sociatus |
Colored polyp (Grade A Multi Triple | Zoanthus sociatus |
Blue hard sponge | Xestospongia aasp |
Compact staghorn crl red. | Acropora aasp |
Aspera staghorn crl. | Acropora aspera |
Cerealis staghorn crl. | Acropora cerealis |
Chesterfieldensis staghorn crl. | Acropora chesterfieldensis |
Divaricata staghorn crl. | Acropora divaricata |
Echinata staghorn crl green. | Acropora echinata |
Horrida staghorn crl. | Acropora horrida |
Hyachintus staghorn crl. | Acropora hyacinthus |
Kimbeensis staghorn crl. | Acropora kimbeensis |
Loripes staghorn crl. | Acropora loripes |
Millepora staghorn crl red. | Acropora millepora |
Nana staghorn crl. (tricoloured) | Acropora nana |
Nana staghorn crl. | Acropora nana |
Nasuta staghorn crl. | Acropora nasuta |
Parilis staghorn crl blue. | Acropora parilis |
Plana staghorn crl. | Acropora plana |
Selago staghorn crl green. | Acropora selago |
Tenuis staghorn crl green. | Acropora tenuis |
Tenuis staghorn crl blue. | Acropora tenuis |
Tenuis staghorn crl. | Acropora tenuis |
Turaki staghorn crl blue. | Acropora turaki |
Yongei staghorn crl green. | Acropora yongei |
Yongei staghorn crl. | Acropora yongei |
Digitata velvet crl green. | Montipora digitata |
Digitata velvet crl red. | Montipora digitata |
Foliosa velvet crl green. | Montipora foliosa |
Damicornis brush crl green. | Pocillopora damicornis |
Hystrix birdnest crl. colored | Seriatopora hystrix |
Curvy Elegant crl. (grade A) | Catalaphyllia jardinei |
Anchor crl. (grade A) | Euphyllia ancora |
Torch crl. (grade B) | Euphyllia glabrescens |
Torch crl. (Golden) Grade A1 | Euphyllia glabrescens |
Torch crl. (grade A) | Euphyllia glabrescens |
Anchortree crl. (grade A) | Euphyllia paraancora |
Octospawnbranch crl. Purple tip | Euphyllia paradivisa |
Octospawnbranch crl. Orange | Euphyllia paradivisa |
Simplex bubble crl. | Plerogyra simplex |
Cactus crl. Green | Pavona cactus |
Talpina tongue crl. | Polyphyllia talpina |
Plate Lettuce crl. | Pectinia spp |
Aurea sun crl. | Tubastraea aurea |
Wellsi pipe crl. Red | Blastomussa wellsi |
Wellsi pipe crl. (grade B) | Blastomussa wellsi |
Corymbosa root crl. Multi colored | Lobophyllia corymbosa multi head |
Hemprichii root crl green. | Lobophyllia hemprichii |
Curvata polyp crl. metalic | Caulastrea curvata |
Tumida polyp crl. | Caulastrea tumida |
Abdita eye crl. red | Favites abdita |
Flower crl. | Alveopora aasp |
Stokesi lemon crl. green | Goniopora stokesi |
F R E S H W A T E R | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Discus Brilliant Turquoise | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Solid Turquoise | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Red Turquoise | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Pigeon Blood | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Pigeon Blood Red | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Pigeon Blood Blue | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Pigeon Blood Silver | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Pigeon Blood Snake | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Checkerboard | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Leopard Snake Skin | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Dark Angel | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Stendker Téfé | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Alenquer | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Santarem | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Marlboro Red | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Red Scribbelt | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Kobalt | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Blue Diamond I | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Blue Diamond II | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Solid Fire Red | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Snake Skin Red | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Snake Skin Blue | Symphysodon spp |
Discus Solid X Snake | Symphysodon spp |