An extensive new shipment of fish both Marine and Freshwater arrived in this week. There is something for everyone. With over 170 species of Marines including corals and inverts, you can be sure you'll find something special. Along with your Freshwater classics we also got in some rare beauts such as the Arowana-silver. Be sure to check out the new arrivals through the list below and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Marine | |
White fin lion | Perois antennata |
Porcupine puffer | Diodon hystrix |
Lipstick tang | Naso lituratus |
Striped bristletooth tang | Ctenochaetus striatus |
Orange tipped rainbowfish | Halichoeres melanurus |
Lineatus fairy wrasse | Cirrhilabrus lineatus |
Golden head goby | Valenciennea strigata |
Fire fish goby | Nemateleotris magnificus |
Pyramid snail | Tectus pyramis |
Moon snail | Polinices mammilla |
Tiger snail | Tiger sand conch |
Blue lobster | Panularus ornatus |
Blue starfish | Linkia caeviqata |
Leopard wrasse | Macropharyngodon meleagris |
Rainbow wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Ju Red wrasse | Coris gaimard ju. |
Chelmon Butterfly | Chelmon rostratus |
Green Chromis | Chromis viridis |
Tiger Shark | Atelomycterus marmoratus |
Striatus Tang | Ctenochaetus striatus |
Rainbow Wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus |
Hectori Goby | Amblygobius hectori |
Tail Spot Blenny | Ecsenius stigmatura |
Red Leg Hermit Crab | Ciliopagurus strigatus |
Tube Worm Orange | Cerianthus membranaceus |
Sea Urchin Tuxedo | Mespilia globulus |
Turbo snail | Trochus sp. |
Caridina japonica | Clean shrimp |
Button polyps | Zoanthus Orange |
Corkscrew tentacle sea anemone | AN03 Macrodactyla Doreensis |
Mini carpet anemone | Stichodactyla Tapetum Sp |
Bulb tentacle anemone | Entacmaea Quadricolor |
Magnificent anemone | Heteractys Magnifica |
Button polyps | Zoanthus Sp |
Tube anemone | Cerianthus Sp |
Leather coral | Sarcophyton Glocum |
Leather coral feeding | Sarcophyton Ehrenbergi |
Lavender mushroom | Rhodactis Sp |
Warty mushroom | Discosoma Sanctithomae |
Pinnate Sea fan | Muricea Pendula |
Gorgonian fan | Melithaea SP |
Green lettuce leather | Sinularia Dura Sp |
Rainbow mushroom | Actinodiscus sp |
Rainbow polyp | Zoanthus praelarges |
Star polyp | Pachyclavularia |
Bangka button polyp | Palithoa sp |
Specialcoloured sand polyp | Zoanthus praelarges |
Christmas tree | Studeriotes |
Tree shape soft | Litophyton arboreum |
Yellow leather umbrella | Sarcophyton |
Clown anamone | Radianthus sp |
Coloured corn anamone | Radianthus sp |
Long finned batfish | Platax pinnatus |
Copperband butterflyfish | Chelmon rostratus |
Yellow boxfish | Ostracion cubicus |
Green chromis | Chromis viridis |
Steinitz's shrimp goby | Amblyeleotris steinitzi |
Gold rimmed surgeon | Acanthurus Glaucopareius |
Stiped bristletooth | Ctenochaetus striatus |
Brown sailfin tang | Zebrasoma Scopas |
Lyretail anthias | Pseudanthias squamipinnis |
Two spot goby | Signigobius biocellatus |
Rosy goatfish | Parupeneus rubescens |
Carpenter's flasher wrasse | Paracheilinus carpenteri |
Clown surgeon | Acanthurus lineatus |
Yellow coris | Halichoeres chrysus |
White/red tail tamarin | Anampses chrysocephalus |
Spotted yellowtail wrasse | Anampses meleagrides |
Filamented flasher | Paracheilinus filamentosus |
Chiseltooth wrasse | Pseudodax moluccanus |
Sand anemone | Macrodactyla doreensis |
Red anthias (dispar anthias) | Mirolabrichthys Dispar |
Collector urchin | Tripneustes gratilla |
Long black urchin | Diadema setosum |
Six line wrasse | Pseudocheilinus Hexataenia |
Purple queen anthias | Mirolabrichthys Tuka |
Leopard wrasse | Macropharyngodon meleagris |
Blue leg hermit crab | Clibanarius tricolor |
Black turbo snail | Turbo Setosum |
Majestic Angel | Pomacanthus navarchus |
Regal Angel - Ind O | Pygoplites diacanthus |
Swallowtail Angel - Male | Genicanthus melanospilos |
Swallowtail Angel | Genicanthus melanospilos |
Coral Beauty | Centropyge bispinosus |
Fireball Angel | Centropyge acanthops |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Lemon Peel | Centropyge flavissima |
Red Stripe Angel | Centropyge eibli |
Pearlscale Butterfly - Pacific | Chaetodon xanthurus |
Tank Bred Maroon Clown | Premnas biaculeatus |
Bubble - Coral sea | Plerogyra spp. |
Comb - Coral Sea (Teardrop Shape) | Catalaphylia spp. |
Trumpet - Cultured | Caulastrea spp. |
Scarlet Damsel | Neoglyphidodon crossi |
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel | Chrysiptera parasema |
Clown Trigger | Balistoides conspicillum |
Blue Eye Tang - Fiji | Ctenochaetus binotatus |
Regal Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus |
Peacock Wrasse | Macropharyngodon bipartitus |
Harlequin Tusk - Australian | Choerodon fasciatus |
Koi Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus solorensis |
Shimmering Dwarf Parrot - Coral Sea | Cirrhilabrus lineatus |
Naoko's Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus naokoae |
Snowflake Eel | Echidna nebulosa |
Black Ribbon Eel | Rhinomuraena quaesita |
Porcupine Puffer | Diodon holocanthus |
Puffer - Valentini | Canthigaster valentini |
Spiny Boxfish | Chilomycterus schoepfii |
Jawfish - Yellowhead | Opistognathus aurifrons |
Arrow Goby | Pholidichthys leucotaenia |
Court Jester Goby | Amblygobius rainfordi |
Nano Goby - Firecracker | Trimma cana |
Longnose Hawk | Oxycirrhitus typus |
Fox Face | Siganus vulpinus |
Fox Face - Red | Siganus magnificus |
Lion - Fuzzy Dwarf | Dendrochirus brachypterus |
Seahorse Kuda - Cultured | Hippocampus kuda |
Gramma - Royal | Gramma loreto |
Wreck Fish - Ind O | Pseudanthias squamipinnis |
Wreck Fish - Pacific | Pseudanthias cheirospilos |
Bass - Caribbean Blue | Serranus tortugarum |
Bubble Anemone - Coloured | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Tube Anemone - Common | Cerianthus spp. |
Medusa Coral | Sinularia flexibilis |
Toadstool Soft Coral | Sarcophyton spp. |
Toadstool Soft Coral - Knobbly | Sarcophyton spp. |
Cultured Medusa Coral | Sinularia flexibilis |
Star Polyp - Soft | Anthelia spp. |
Star Polyp - Xenia Green | Pachyclavularia violacea |
Harlequin Shrimp - PAIR | Hymenocera picta |
Peppermint Shrimp | Lysmata wurdemanni |
Arrowhead Crab | Stenorhynchus seticornis |
Emerald Crab | Mithraculus sculptus |
Sally Lightfoot Crab | Percnon gibbesi |
Scallop - Pink | Limaria fragilis |
Snail - Banded Trochus | Trochus histrio |
Snail - Cerith | Cerithium spp. |
Snail - Nitrus | Nassarius vibex |
Snail - Orange Marble | Babylonia formosae |
Cultured Clam - Maxima Gold | Tridacna maxima |
Cultured Clam - Maxima Ultra | Tridacna maxima |
Feather Duster - Cluster | Bispira brunnea |
Whitespot Urchin | Parasalenia gratiosa |
Queen Angel | Holacanthus ciliaris |
Snail - Banded Trochus | Trochus histrio |
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot | Paracheilinus mccoskeri |
Leopard Wrasse - Black | Macropharyngodon negrosensis |
Green Furry Mushroom Rock | Rhodactis indosinensis |
Blue Polyp Gorgonia | Acalycigorgia spp. |
Finger Gorgonia - Yellow | Lophogorgia nodulifera |
Cleaner Shrimp | Lysmata amboinensis |
Coral Beauty | Centropyge bispinosus |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel | Chrysiptera parasema |
Shimmering Dwarf Parrot - Coral Sea | Cirrhilabrus lineatus |
Jawfish - Yellowhead | Opistognathus aurifrons |
Fox Face - Red | Siganus magnificus |
Gramma - Royal | Gramma loreto |
Midnight Angel | Centropyge nox |
Dogface Puffer - Common | Arothron spp. |
Emperor Angel | Pomacanthus imperator |
Brain - Coral sea | Trachyphyllia spp. |
Malu Anemone - White | Heteractis crispa |
Finger Gorgonia - Red | Lophogorgia nodulifera |
Staghorn | Acropora spp. |
Button Polyp - Super coloured | Zoanthus spp. |
Anemone Crab - Spotted | Neopetrolisthes ohshimai |
Hermit Crab - Metallic Blue Leg | Calcinus elegans |
Hard Tube Worm - Coloured | Protula bispiralis |
Majestic Angel | Pomacanthus navarchus |
Orange Shoulder Tang | Acanthurus olivaceus |
Fijian Velvet Dwarf Parrot | Cirrhilabrus scottorum |
Freshwater | |
Arowana-silver | Osteoglossum bichirrhosum |
Barb-red shiner | Cyprinella lutrensis |
Betta-brunei beauty | Betta macrostoma |
Betta-painted | Betta-Picta |
Bicher-cuvier's | Polypterus senegalus |
Botia-clown loach | Chromobotia macracanthus |
Half moon super red | Betta splenden |
Black copper half moon | Betta splenden |
Mustard gas half moon | Betta splenden |
Fancy color crowntail | Betta splenden |
Red crowntail | Betta splenden |
Cooper crowntail | Betta splenden |
Fancy plakat half moon | Betta splenden |
Cichlid-many banded shell-dweller | Neolamprologus multifasciatus |
Danio-blue | Brachydanio kerri |
Killi-blue clausen's | Aphyosemion gardneri |
Knife fish-black ghost hi fin | Apteronotus albifrons |
Loach-kuhli | Acanthophtalmus semicinctus |
Loach-panda | Garra flavatra |
Rasbora-hengli | Rasbora hengli |
Rasbora-redfin dwarf | Boraras brigittae |
Shrimp-red bee | Neocaridina cf.cantonensis |
Shrimp-orange fire sakura | Neocaridina heteropoda |
Shrimp-blue fire sakura | Neocaridina heteropoda |
Shrimp-black bee | Caridina cf. cantonensis |
Shrimp-blue morphe | Caridina ensifera |
Snail-yellow antenna | Tylomelania sp |
Shark-flying fox | Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus |
Haplochromis fenestratus | Fenestratus |
Labidochromis caeruleus | Yellow lemon |
Haplochromis milomo | Super VC-10 hap |
Haplochromis venustus | Venustus |
Pseudotropheus cobalt | Cobalt blue |
Ancistrus sp. | Black bristlenose |
Hypostomus plecostomus | Pleco |
Ancistrus sp. | Blue eyed yellow bristlenose |
Moss Balls |