Well we have a big arrival this week with lots of locations and lots of boxes. We also have arrived in some new Freshwater Dwarf shrimps from a breeder in Germany. Be sure to check out our new Freshwater Shrimp event for next month with the world best experts on shrimp arriving in for an event - More on the web or Facebook
As our shop extension is nearly finished, We now have lots more room as well as the new planted system that is now up and running. Too many plants to make the list as it's a mad busy week here this week. So here is a video to give you an idea of the stock from Tropica and Dennerle.
Ok so here is the list
Colombia | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Marbled Hatchetifish | Carnegiella strigata |
Cory decker | |
Elegant Cory | Corydora elegans |
Melini Cory | Corydoras Melini |
Spotfin Cory | Corydora punctactus |
Cheker board cichlid | Dicrossus filamentosa |
Apistograma Ramirezi | Ram cichlid |
Rummynose Tetra | Hemigrammus bleheri |
Red Phanton Tetra | Hyphessobrycon sweglesi |
Royal Plecos L330 | Panaque nigrolineatus |
Small stingrays | |
Cardinal Tetra | Paracheirodon axelrodi |
L 200, Hemiancistrus Subdiviris, | |
High Fin Lemon Pleco | Green Phantom Pleco |
L 240, Leporacanthicus Adonis | |
Three Beacon Pleco | L 091, Leporacanthicus Triactis |
L 129, Hypancistrus sp, | |
Otocinclus | Otocinclus vestitus |
Bali | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Bright red mushroom | Discosoma cardinalis (Budding) |
Striped mushroom | Discosoma striata (Budding) |
Colored ear mushroom | Rhodactis inchoata (Budding) |
Common Multitype Soft | Capnella spp (Budding) |
Kenya tree soft | Capnella spp (Budding) |
Green kenya tree soft | Capnella spp (Budding) |
Branch hair soft | Cladiella spp |
Colorful x'mas tree soft | Dendronephthya spp (Budding) |
Brown polyp colt soft | Klyxum spp (Budding) |
Lg finger brown w/coloured polyps s | Lobophytum spp (Budding) |
Loobed/ruffled pattern flat form so | Lobophytum spp (Budding) |
Sm finger shaped w/green polyps sof | Lobophytum pauciflorum |
Colored water soft | Nephthea spp (Budding) |
Common Sacrophyton brown | Sarcophyton spp (Budding) |
Sacrophyton thin-body in colony | Sarcophyton spp (Budding) |
Sacrophyton coloured polyp (soft) | Sarcophyton spp |
Sacrophyton coloured polyp (hard) | Sarcophyton spp |
Golden coloured Sacrophyton | Sarcophyton spp (Budding) |
Sacrophyton thin-body soft/white po | Sarcophyton spp (Budding) |
Sacrophyton hard thick-body yellow | Sarcophyton spp (Budding) |
strawberry soft | Scleronephthya spp (Budding) |
White short thick armed-brown polyp | Sinularia asterolobata (Budding) |
Small body long thin-arm branch | Sinularia mollis (Budding) |
Yellow long thick-arm branch | Sinularia polydactyla (Budding) |
Green centre rain polyp | Cervera spp |
Green star polyp | Pachyclavularia violacea (Budding) |
Colored polyp | Zoanthus sociatus |
Paddle / vase sponge | Clathria rugosa |
Orange Paddle sponge | Clathria vulpina |
Yellow 'X'mas sponge | Stylotella aurantium (Budding) |
Blue hard sponge | Xestospongia spp (Budding) |
Monkey squirts | Polycarpa aurata |
Leaf nudibranch | Chromodoris spp |
Green grazer | Cypraea annulus |
Black cleaner cucumber | Actinopyga miliaris |
Bright red mushroom | Discosoma cardinalis (Budding) |
Flame mushroom | Discosoma marmoratus (Budding) |
Green mushroom | Discosoma nummiforme |
Green kenya tree soft | Capnella spp (Budding) |
Lg finger brown w/coloured polyps s | Lobophytum spp (Budding) |
Sm finger shaped w/white polyps sof | Lobophytum pauciflorum (Budding) |
Sm finger shaped w/green polyps sof | Lobophytum pauciflorum (Budding) |
Colored water soft | Nephthea spp (Budding) |
Chili sponge soft | Nephthyigorgia spp |
Sacrophyton coloured polyp (soft) | Sarcophyton spp |
Sacrophyton hard thick-body (green) | Sarcophyton spp (Budding) |
Sacrophyton hard thick-body (yellow) | Sarcophyton spp (Budding) |
Small body long thin-arm branch | Sinularia mollis (Budding) |
Pulse xenia | Xenia umbellata |
Green glove polyp | Clavularia spp |
Monkey squirts | Polycarpa aurata |
Harlequin shrimp | Hymenocera elegans(picta) |
White spoted anemone shrimp | Periclimenes brevicarpalis |
Common dancing shrimp | Rhynchocinetes durbanensis |
Banded boxer shrimp | Stenopus hispidus |
Blue boxer shrimp | Stenopus tenuirostris |
Sexy shrimp | Thor amboinensis |
Red spotted anemone crab | Neopetrolisthes maculatus |
Pompom anemone crab | Lybia tesselata |
Blueline flat nudibranch | Chelidonura varians |
Spanish dancer nudibranch | Hexabranchus sanguineus |
Red banner nudibranch | Hypselodoris bullockii |
White spotted nudibranch | Jorunna funebris |
Stripe nudibranch | Phyllidia spp |
Dark red long starfish | Echinaster luzonicus |
Multicolor sea urchin (Short-spine) | Tripneustes gratilla |
Yellow featherworm | Sabellastarte spectabilis |
Coloured mantis shrimp | Odontodactylus scyllarus |
Latimanus squid | Sepia latimanus |
Nova starfish | Culcita novaeguineae |
Xamachana upsidedown jellyfish | Cassiopea xamachana |
Feather seapen | Pteroeides caledonicum |
White Ribbon Eel | Pseudechidna brummeri |
Spotted Garden Eel | Heteroconger hassi |
Maiden Goby (Orange-spotted Goby) | Valenciennea puellaris |
Two Spot Goby | Signigobius biocellatus |
Tangaroa Shrimpgoby | Ctenogobiops tangaroai |
Black-rayed Shrimpgoby | Stonogobiops nematodes |
Blue-spotted Ribbontail Ray | Taeniura lymma |
Common Shrimpfish | Aeoliscus strigatus |
Volitan's Lionfish (Black) | Pterois volitans |
Moorish Idol | Zanclus cornutus |
Redtooth Triggerfish | Odonus niger |
Maiden Goby (Orange-spotted Goby) | Valenciennea puellaris |
Green & Pink Coralgoby | Gobiodon histrio |
Hong Kong | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
hi cap oranda red cap | Carassius auratus |
sarasa comets | Carassius auratus |
lionhead | Carassius auratus |
ryukin | Carassius auratus |
oranda | Carassius auratus |
black moor | Carassius auratus |
blue oranda | Carassius auratus |
chocolate oranda | Carassius auratus |
calico oranda | Carassius auratus |
red & white oranda | Carassius auratus |
red & white ryukin | Carassius auratus |
calico ryukin | Carassius auratus |
moor/oranda | Carassius auratus |
Sri Lanka Freshwater | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Guppy Assorted | Poecilia reticulata |
Molly Assorted | Poecilia latipinna |
Platy | Xiphophorus maculatus |
Swordtail Assorted | Xiphophorus helleri |
Guppy Female Assorted | Poecilia reticulata |
Miami Marine | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
mexican turbo snail | Turbo Setosum |
pearly jawfish | Opistognathus Aurifrons |
pink tip anemone | |
emerald crab | Mithrax sculptus |
mexican red leg | Clibanarius digueti |
porcelain crab | Porcellana sayana |
peppermint shrimp | Lysmata wurdemanni |
Hong Kong Marine | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Zoanthus Ultra | Zoanthus Sp. |
Miami | |
Common Name | Latin Name |
Xingu Orange Seam | L 081 - Baryancistrus sp. |
Red Hump Geohagus | Geophagus steindachneri |
Cupid Cichlid | Biotodoma cupido |
Flagtail Cory | Corydoras robineae |