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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

50 box week for Christmas

Ho Ho Ho Everyone

Santa has delivered us to many boxes of fish and coral - but these will be the last arrivals for 2012 to get us over the holiday season.

We are stocked up to our eyeballs and we have something in store for everyone.

Here are the arrivals for this week.

Common Latin
Powder blue tang Acanthurus leucosternon
Yellow  Bristletooth Ctenochaetus Strigosus - yellow
Blue eye tang Ctenochaetus Strigata 
Blue-green Cromis Chromis viridis
Mushroon - leaf shaped colonies Sinularia sp.
Mushroon - brocolli Cladiella sp.
Pom - pom xenia Xenia sp.
waving hand polyp Anthelia sp.
Harlequin Shrimps Hymenocera - picta
Yellow Boxfish Ostrcion sp. - Yellow
Blue-spot Ray Taeniura lymna
Yellow-tail Tamarin Anampses meleagrides
Yellowhead butterflyfish Chaetodon xanthocephalus
African Clown Wrasser Coris gaimard
Spotted Bristletooth Ctnochaetus strigosus
African Pygmy Angel Centropyge acanthops
Allard´s clownfish Amphiprion allardi
Pennat Glider Valenciennea strigata
lyretail Hogfish Bodianus anthioides
Mushroon - green/yellow Sarcophyton sp.
Mushroon - kenya tree Capnella sp.
Sponges - Orange Sponges - Orange
Sponges - Red Sponges - Red
Lyretail Coralfish Anthias squannipinnis - female
Lyretail Coralfish  Anthias squannipinnis - male
Black Boxfish Ostrcion sp. - Black
Skunk-striped Anemonefish Amphiprion akallopisos
Midas Blenny Ecenius midas
Blue Star Fish Linkia - lavigata - Blue
Common Latin
six bar angelfish juv  euxiphipops sextriatus
six bar angelfish   euxiphipops sextriatus
threadfin butterflyfish  chaetodon auriga
decorated butterflyfish  chaetodon semion
copperband butterflyfish  chelmon rostratus
true percula clown amphoprion percula
orange spine unicornfish  naso lituratus
red coris juv  coris gaimard africana
yellow coris  halichoeres chrysus
red corn anemone entacmaea quardicolor      
yellow sand anemone  gyrostoma helianthus
red sand anemone gyrostoma helianthus
colored corn anemone special  entacmaea quardicolor      
round faced batfish  platax teira
long finned batfish  platax pinnatus
yellow type clark's clownfish amphiprion clarkii
sailfin tang  zebrasoma veliferum  
green l.t. anemone  radianthus species
white corn anemone  entacmaea quardicolor      
green chromis chromis viridis
dusky blenny black escenius bicolor
brown sailfin tang zebrasoma scopas
spotted unicornfish juv naso brevirustris
spot cheeked surgeonfish acanthurus nigrofuscus
red coris coris gaimard africana
moustache jawfish opistognathus lonchurus
spoted grunt  plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
black peacock lionfish  pterois violitan
banded pipefish doryrhamphus dactyliopharus
powder blue tang  acanthurus leucosternon
bicolor angelfish  centropyge bicolor
eight stripe butterflyfish chaetodon octofasciatus
black type clark's clownfish  amphiprion trinictus
two colored blenny ecsenius bicolor
segmented blenny salarias segmentatus
yellow coral goby gobiodon okinawae
two spot goby signigobius biocellatus
wheeler's prawn goby amblyeleotris wheeleri
decorated firefish nemateleotris decora
black coral goby gobiodon ceramensis
clown surgeon  acanthurus lineatus
brown sailfin tang  zebrasoma scopas
orange skunk clown  amphiprion akallopisos
black tomato clown  amphiprion melanopus
hass's garden eel heteroconger hassi
philippine garden eel  gorgasia preclara
forktail blenny meiacanthus atrodorsalis
blue blanquillo malacanthus latovittatus
golden heads goby valenciena strigata
pretty prawn goby valencienna puellaris
sea hare algae slug dolabella sp
carpenter's fairy wrasse (male) parachilinus carpenteri
six line wrasse pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Indonesia Freshwater
Common Latin
Barb-shiner  Notropis chrosmosus
Bicher-Endlicheri  Polypterus endlicheri
Botia-Clown Loach Chromobotia macracanthus
Cichlid-Red Tiger Oscar  Astronotus ocellatus
Tetra-White Fin Hyphessobrycon ornatus
Tetra-Cardinal Paracheirodon axelordi - Tank Raised
Crab-Red Devil  Geosesarma sp
Eel-Fire Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
Killi-Clown  pseudepiplaty annulatus
Loach-Borneo Sucker  Pseudogastromyzon myersi
Shrimp-Diamond  Caridina cf. cantonensis
Knife Fish-Black Ghost  Apteronotus albifrons
Pleco-Tiger Gold  L-333 Hypancistrus sp
Common Latin
coral beauty angel centropyge bispinosus
juv. emperor angel  pomacanthus imperator
key hole angel centropyge tibicin
regal angel pygoplites diacanthus
zebra swallow angel genicanthus melanospilus
yellow long nose butterfly forcipiger flavissimus
razor goby oxymetopon cyanoctenosum
pink spotted shrimp goby cryptocentrus leptocephalus
moorish idol zanclus canesens
yellow tang acanthurus pyroferus
yellow angel centropyge heraldi
long horned cow fish ostracion cornuta
lyretail/scissortail hogfish bodianus anthoides
purple parrot cirrhilabrus rubriventralis
orange line chromis neopomacentrus cyanomos
african clown amphiprion sebae
fire fish goby nemateleotris magnifica
green clown goby gobiodon histrio
golden head goby valenciennea strigata
yellow watch man goby cryptocentrus cinctus
orange spot goby (male) amblyleotris guttata
stripe goby/blenny melacanthus grammistes
white goby valenciennea puellaris
red scooter blenny parapercis schuinslandi
emperor angel  pomacanthus imperator
tomato clown amphiprion frenatus
black peacock lion pterois volitan
sea hares slug dolabella auricularia
flame scallop lima hians
yellow box fish ostracion cubicus
blue star fish linkia laevigata
black & white heniochus heniochus acuminatus
mask heniochus heniochus monocerus
lipstick tang naso litoratus
Indonesia Marine
Common Latin
rainbow mushroom actinodiscus sp
rainbow polyp zoanthus praelarges
metalic green star polyps briareum
metalic mushroom  actinodiscus sp
red mushroom  actinodiscus sp
blue sponge halicona sp
star polyp pachyclavularia
white star polyp briareum
coloured sand polyp zoanthus praelarges
leather star polyp briareum
cabbage soft  cladiella sp
yellow cabbage soft  cladiella sp
blue mushroom  actinodiscus sp
green  hairy mushroom actinodiscus sp
orange cauliflower scleronephthya
silk cauliflower scleronephthya
red cauliflower dendronephthya sp
orange pimples mushroom ricordea
green clove polyp star clavularia
spagatti cauliflower lemnalia
tree soft stereonephthya
broccoli soft nephthea
yellow tree shape soft litophyton arboreum
tree shape soft  litophyton arboreum
cracker soft sinularia 
young soft  sinularia polydactylas
yellow leather umbrella sarcophyton
green leather umbrella sarcophyton
coloured sand anamone radianthus sp
red corn  anamone radianthus sp
Common Latin
Blue Diamond Symphysodon discus 
Marlboro Red Symphysodon discus
Pigeon Red Symphysodon discus
Pigeon Gold Symphysodon discus 
Gold Ring Butterfly Sucker Sewellia lineolata
Siamese Algae Eater Crossocheilus siamensis sp
Common Pleco Hypostomus plecostomus
Sailfin molly Poecilia velifera
Common Latin
Bellus Angel Genicanthus bellus
Queen Angel : J Holacanthus ciliaris
Flame Angel Centropyge loriculus
Lemon Peel Centropyge flavissima
Collare Butterfly Chaetodon collare
Copperband Butterfly Chelmon rostratus
Hawaiian Four Spot Butterfly Chaetodon quadrimaculatus
Longnose Butterfly - Caribbean Chaetodon aculeatus
Maroon Clown - Yellow Premnas biaculeatus
Caribbean Sunset Damsel Chromis insolatus
Chromis - Green Chromis viridis
Chromis - Blue Reef Chromis cyaneus
Fijian Blue & Gold Damsel Chrysiptera taupou
Micronesian Orange Tail Damsel Chrysiptera cyanea
Red Spot Tail Cardinals
Orange Spot Filefish - Fiji Oxymonocanthus longirostris
Orange Shoulder Tang : J Acanthurus olivaceus
Sailfin Tang - Ind O Zebrasoma desjardinii
Sailfin Tang - Pacific Zebrasoma veliferum
Sailfin Tang - Yellow Zebrasoma flavescens
Yellow Eye Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus
Yellow Tail Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurus
Vampire Tang Acanthus tennenti
Pyjama Wrass Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Algae Blenny Salarias fasciatus
Bicolour Blenny Ecsenius bicolor
Red Scribble Blenny Cirrhipectis stigmaticus
Scooter Blenny - Pink Synchiropus sp.
Dot Dash Blenny Escenius lineatus
Goldstreak Blenny Escenius stigmatura
Blue Cheek Goby Valenciennea strigata
Court Jester Goby Amblygobius rainfordi
Manderin Pterosynchiropis splendidus
Sulphur Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus
Court Jester Goby - Gold Amblygobius hectori
Scarlet Hawk Neocirrhitus armatus
Fox Face - Fiji Siganus uspi
Pipefish - Flame Doryrhamphus janssi
Gramma - Royal Gramma loreto
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Neon Back Pseudochromis aldabraensis
Longfin Anthias Pseudanthias pulcherrimus
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot Paracheilinus mccoskeri
Algae on Rock - Cabbage Codium spp.
Algae on Rock - Caulerpa Caulerpa sertularioides
Red Bamboo Algae Solieria spp.
Crimson Knobbed Starfish Protoreaster lincki
Hermit Crab - Rock Red Leg  Paguristes cadenati
Bubble  Plerogyra spp.
Birds Nest Seriatopora spp.
Bubble Anemone - Coloured Entacmaea quadricolor
Malu Anemone - White Heteractis crispa
South Pacific Pulse - White Xenia spp.
Star Polyp - Pulse Xenia spp.
Blue Polyp Gorgonia Acalycigorgia spp.
Bumble Bee Shrimp Gnathaphyllum americanum
Cleaner Shrimp Lysmata amboinensis
Fire Shrimp Lysmata debelius
Emerald Crab  Mithraculus sculptus
Staghorn Acropora spp.
Comb  Catalaphylia spp.
Hammerhead Coral Euphyllia spp.