Hi Everyone
We have received 20 boxes of Marine fish and lots for Freshwater.
We have fish this week from Brazil, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Hawaii and Marshal Islands.
First let’s start with the freshwater Fish. We received the most amazing Discus from Stendker. Have a look at the images below of the solid fire red XL. We have never seen anything so bright. Also check out the pictures of the Stingrays and Altum Angels from the Orinoco Rivers of Colombia.
Czech Captive bred fish |
Altolamprologus compressiceps gold head |
Cyprichromis spec.jumbo kitumba |
Julidochromis ornatus yellow |
Lamprologus ocellatus blue |
Puntius (Barbus) filamentosus |
Puntius (Barbus) "odesa" |
Aequidens dorsigeri |
Herotilapia multispinosa |
Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red |
Fossorochromis rostratus |
Microgeophagus ramirezi |
Nanochromis transvestitus |
Apistogramma Viejita rainbow new. |
Haplochromis niererei rock kribensis |
Hypsophrys nicaraguensis |
Pseudotropheus demasoni |
Altotamprologus calvus |
Haplochromis niererei ruti island |
Neolamprologus leleupi orange |
Anicstrus spec. std. |
Sarotherdon mosambicus |
Melanochromis chipokae |
Lamprologus ocellatus orange |
Neolamprologus multifasciatus |
Telmatochromis burgeoni |
Hemigrammus caudovittatus |
Hyphessobrycon bentosi White Fin |
Impaichthys keeri super blue |
Nannostomus eques |
Enatiopus melanogenys |
Blue shiner |
Haplochromis niererei ruti island |
Aphyosemion australe Gold pairs only |
Placidochromis milomo Super VC |
Labeotropheus trewavasae Chilumbi |
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kekese azure |
Melanochromis chipokae |
Colombia |
Altum Scalare sm | Pterophyllum Scalare Altum |
Mottled Freshwater | Potamotrygon hystrix |
Stendker Discus | Size |
Alenquer | 10cm |
Pigeon Blood | 5cm |
Pigeon Blood Red | 8cm |
Pigeon Blood Snake | 10cm |
Red Scribbled | 14cm |
Red Turquoise | 8cm |
Snakeskin Blue | 10cm |
Solid Fire Red | 8cm |
Solid Fire Red | Jumbo |
Solid Turquoise | Jumbo |
Solid X Snake | 6.5cm |
Asst. Male Betta | Betta splendens |
Clown Loach | Botia macrancantha |
Tiger Barb | Capoeta tetrazona |
Yellow Pigeon Discus | Symphysodon aequifasciata |
Black Ghost Knife | Apteronotus albifrons |
Spotted Puffer | Tetraodon nigroviridis |
Doctor Fish | Garra Ruffa |
Neon Royal Red Gourami-Male | Colisa lalia |
Asst. Male Betta | Betta splendens |
Chilli Rasbora | Boraras Briggittae |
Fireworks Galaxy Rasbora | Celestichthys margaritatus |
Red/ White Crystal Shrimp | Caridina sp. |
Assasin Snail | Anentome helena |
Tiger Tilapia | Tilapia buttifokeri |
Golden Algae Eater | Gyrinocheilus aymonieri |
Blue Rainbow | Malanotaenia lacustris |
Boesemani Rainbow | Malanotaenia boesemani |
Redtail Black Shark | Labeo bicolor |
Now for our
marine lists:
Emperor Angel : J | Pomacanthus imperator |
Flagfin Angel | Apolemicthys trimaculatus |
Koran Angel : J | Pomacanthus semicirculatus |
Sixbar Angel : A | Euxiphipops sexstriatus |
Bicolour Angel | Centropyge bicolor |
Coral Beauty | Centropyge bispinosus |
Fireball Angel | Centropyge acanthops |
Flame Angel | Centropyge loriculus |
Lemon Peel | Centropyge flavissima |
Copperband Butterfly | Chelmon rostratus |
Longnose Butterfly - Yellow | Forcipiger flavissimus |
Lunula Butterfly | Chaetodon lunula |
Percula Clown | Amphiprion ocellaris |
Percula Clown - Black | Amphiprion percula |
Tank Raised Clown - Common | Amphiprion ocellaris |
Cardinal - Gold line | Apogon cyanosoma |
Chromis - Green | Chromis viridis |
Micronesian Orange Tail Damsel | Chrysiptera cyanea |
Blue Throat Trigger | Xanthichthys auromarginatus |
Aiptasia Eating Filefish | Acreicthys tomentosus |
Mimic Tang - Half Black | Acanthurus pyroferus |
Powder Blue Tang | Acanthurus leucosternon |
Silver Spot Tang | Ctenochaetus strigosus |
Clown Wrass - Formosa : J | Coris formosa |
Pyjama Wrass | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot | Paracheilinus mccoskeri |
Coral Beauty | Centropyge bispinosus |
Boxfish - Yellow | Ostracion cubicus |
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot - Hi Fin | Paracheilinus carpenteri |
Boxfish - Male Hawaiian Blue | Ostracion meleagris |
Boxfish - Yellow | Ostracion cubicus |
Bicolour Blenny | Ecsenius bicolor |
Canary Blenny | Meiacanthus oualanensis |
Dot Dash Blenny | Escenius lineatus |
Goldstreak Blenny | Escenius stigmatura |
Arrow Goby | Pholidichthys leucotaenia |
Eye Spot Goby | Signigobius biocellatus |
Firefish - Ind O | Nemateleotris magnifica |
Firefish - Purple | Nemateleotris decora |
Firefish Lilac | Nematelotris helfrichi |
Green Goby | Gobiodon histrio |
Nano Goby - Christmas | Gobiosoma multifasciatum |
Neon Goby - Blue | Gobiosoma oceanops |
Orange Spot Goby | Valencienna puellaris |
Red Banded Goby | Amblyeleotris wheeleri |
Saffron Goby | Gobiodon citrinus |
Yellow Goby | Gobiodon okinawae |
Longnose Hawk | Oxycirrhitus typhus |
Strawberry Pigmy Basslet | Pictichromis porphyreus |
Longfin Anthias | Pseudanthias pulcherrimus |
Spotted Grunt | Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides |
Sand Anemone - LT Coloured | Macrodactyla doreensis |
Anemone Shrimp | Periclimenes brevicarpalis |
Heniochus Butterfly - B&W | Heniochus acuminatus |
Harlequin Shrimp | Hymenocera picta |
Heniochus Butterfly - B&W | Heniochus acuminatus |
Hermit Crab - Blue Leg | Clibanarius tricolor |
Achilles Tang | Acanthurus achilles |
Snail - Banded Trochus | Trochus histrio |
Snail - Bumble Bee | Engina mendicaria |
Snail - Orange Marble | Turbo spp. |
Snail - Turbo | Astraea tectum |
Blue Sponge | Xestospongia spp. |
Maldive Starfish | Fromia cf nodosa |
Pyjama Wrass | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia |
Scooter Blenny - Pink | Synchiropus sp. |
Striped Blenny | Meiacanthus grammistes |
Porcupine Puffer | Diodon hystrix |
Bubble Anemone - Coloured | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Bubble Anemone - Red | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Carpet Anemone - Hard Green | Stichodactyla haddoni |
Malu Anemone - Common | Heteractis crispa |
Hard Corals |
Soft Corals | ultra green toadstool polyp |
Hermit Crab - Rock Red Leg | Paguristes cadenati |
Algae on Rock - Caulerpa | Caulerpa sertularioides |
Red Bamboo Algae | Solieria spp. |
Seahare - Giant | Dolabella auricula |
Cultured Clam - Maxima Coloured | Tridacna maxima |