Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Shipment arrival for this week - 29th June

Hi Everyone.

If you have been to our shop this week you will see that we are expanding again. What we are doing is adding more fish systems. 2 of these will be devoted to freshwater nano fish and shrimps. The other is to expand on the nano marine fish and inverts.  Also a few extra bays for more fish - we feel you can neverhave to much of a selection.  W ehope to have all the work finished in 2 - 3 weeks.

Here is the list for today.

Freshwater Fish:

Guppy Males           Poecillia reticulata
Platy Assorted           Xiphophorus maculatus
Discus Pigeon Blood           Symphysodon aequifasciata
Sword Tail Assorted           Xiphophorus helleri
Molly Assorted           Poecilia sphenops

tetra-rummy nose  Petitella georgiae
tetra-red phantom  Megalamphodus sweglesi
tetra-serpae minor long fin  Hyhessobricon callistus
pacu-red piranha Serrasalmus nattereri
archer-fish  Toxotes chatareus 
danio-zebra Brachydanio rerio var
minnow-white cloud  Tanichthys albonubes
minnow-white cloud golden  Tanichthys albonubes
shark-siamese flying fox Crossochelius siamensis
rasbora-naked  Sawba resplenden 
cichlid-duboisi  Tropheus duboisi
shrimp-pinokio Neocaridina sp

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tropica plants list arriving this week.

Hi Everyone.

Please find attached the list of over 200 plants due to arrive Wednesday / Thursday from Tropica.

Riccia fluitans
Taxiphyllum barbieri 
Vesicularia dubya "Christmas"
Ves. ferriei 'Weeping moss'
Anubias barteri v. Nana
Anubias bart.
Bacopa australis
Bacopa monnieri
Cardamine lyrata
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya' 
Didiplis diandra
Echinodorus 'Aquartica' 
Ech. bleheri (paniculatus) 
Echinodorus tenellus 
Eleocharis "parvula"
Glossostigma elatinoides
Hemia. callitrichoides "Cuba"
Hemianthus micranthemoides 
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Hygrophila angustifolia
Hygrophila pol. 'Rosanervig'
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Limnophila aquatica
Limnophila sessiliflora 
Lindernia rotundifolia
Lobelia cardinalis
Ludwigia glandulosa
Marsilea hirsuta
Myriophyllum mattogrossense 
Myriophyllum mezianum pot
Nesaea pedicellata
Pogostemon erectus
Pogostemon stellata (Eustera.)
Rotala species 'Green'
Vallisneria amer. Gigantea
Vallisneria amer. Mini Twister

Friday, June 17, 2011

Crazy Critters, Great Gorgonians & Ricordia's From Florida

Hi everyone.  We got a big shipment of crazy critters from Florida.  We have crabs, Snails and all below landed in and now available. These boys and girls will keep you tank in tip top shape and are Algae hungry.

Also super coloured Florida Ricordia mushrooms and Gorgonians of all types now in stock.

Here is the list.

Astrea Snail - Lithopoma spp 
Dove Conch - Columbella mercatoria
Deer Cowrie - Cypraea cervus
Mexican Turbo Snail - Turbo fluctuosus
Tongan Nassarius - Nassarius distortus
Peppermint Shrimp - Lysmata wurdemanni
Arrow Crab - Stenorhynchus 
Emerald Crab - Mithrax sculptus
Blue legged Hermits med - Clibanarius tricolor
Sallylightfoot - Percnon gibbesi
Mexican Red Tip Hermits - Clibanarius tibicen
Scarlett Reef Hermit - Paguris cadenati
Decorator Arrow Crab - Stenorhynchus sp
Lettuce Nudibranch - Elysia crispata
Sand sifting Cucumber - Holothuria floridana
Spiny Oyster - Spondylus sp
Harlequin Serpent Star - Ophiolepsis superba
Serpent Star Red - Ophioderma rubicundum
Zoanthid Cluster Blue - Zooanthus sp
Green Rock Anemone - Epicystis crucifer
Mermaid Fan - Udotea sp 
Halimeda sp 
Cheatomorpha Algae - Cheatomorpha sp
Caulerpa Algae - Caulerpa sp
Gracillaria cervicornis 
Mangrove Shoot - Rhizophora mangle
Var. Caribbean Mushroom - Discosima carlgreni
St. Thomas Ricordea - Discosoma Sanctithomae
Umbrella Mushroom - Discosoma neglectum
Ricordea - Florida Green 
Ricordea Florida Emerald Green
Ricordea Florida - Blue
Ricordea Florida - Orange 
Ricordea Florida - Premium
Condylactis Anemone- Condylactis giantea
Red Ball Sponge - Pseudoaxinella lunaecharta
Red Tree Sponge - Ptilocaulis Sp.
Red Sponge w/encr. Zoanthid -
Parazoanthus swift on Pseudoaxinella lunaecharta 
Yellow Frilly Sponge - Halichondria sp
Large Polyp Gorgonian - Eunicea sp
Purple Bush Gorgonian - Muriceopsis flavida
Purple Frilly Gorgonian - Pseudopterogorgia elizabethii
Purple Tree Gorgonian - Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata
Purple Ribbon Gorgonian - Pterogorgia anceps
Purple Willow Gorgonian - Pseudopterogorgia sp
Yellow Finger Gorgonian - Diodogorgia nodulifera
Red Sea Whip - Leptogorgia virgulata

Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Marine shipment in

Hi All,

Kealan hjas just come back from a trip to the UK with 20 boxes of hand selected marine fish and inverts.

Marine Fish

Blue Queen Angel : Adult XL Holacanthus isabelita
Queen Angel : Adult, Sm & L Holacanthus ciliaris
Swallowtail Angel Genicanthus melanospilus
Coral Beauty Centropyge bispinosus
Flame Angel Centropyge loriculus
Lemon Peel Centropyge flavissima
Copperband Butterfly Chelmon rostratus
Copperband Butterfly - Australian Chelmon rostratus
Maroon Clown - Yellow Premnas biaculeatus
Chromis - Green Chromis viridis
Aiptasia Eating Filefish Acreicthys tomentosus
Regal Tang Paracanthurus hepatus
Yellow Tang  Zebrasoma flavescens
Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurus
Pyjama Wrass Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot Paracheilinus mccoskeri
Snowflake Eel Echidna nebulosa
Boxfish - Yellow Ostracion cubicus
Cowfish - Long Horn Lactoria cornuta
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas
Blue Cheek Goby Valenciennea strigata
Chalk Goby Valenciennea sexguttata
Red Firefish Nemateleotris magnifica
Purple Firefish Nemateleotris decora
Manderin Pterosynchiropis splendidus
Sulphur Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus
Suntail Goby Crypotcentrus aurora
Tiger Goby Valenciennea wardii
Fox Face - Black Spot Siganus unimaculatus
Lion - Fuzzy Dwarf Dendrochirus brachypterus
Lion - Volitans Pterois volitans
Diamond Anthias Pseudanthias cf parvirostris
Wreck Fish Pseudanthias squamipinnis
Spotted Grunt Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
Hawaiian Idol Zanclus canescens
Angler Fish - Black Antennarius spp.

Marine Corals and Inverts

Bubble Anemone - Coloured Entacmaea quadricolor
Malu Anemone Heteractis crispa
Sand Anemone - LT Coloured Macrodactyla doreensis
Pipe Coral Coral Sea
Comb Coral Coral Sea
Cultured Hard Corals Cornet
Cultured Hard Corals Antler
South Pacific Pulse - White Xenia spp.
Star Polyp - Clove Green Clavularia spp.
Tree Polyp Acrozoanthus spp.
Boxing Shrimp - Red Leg Stenopus zanzibaricus
Fire Shrimp Lysmata debelius
Peppermint Shrimp - Cultured Lysmata spp.
Upside down cave Crabs
Tiger Shrimp Alpheus bellulus
Hermit Crab - Metallic Blue Leg Calcinus elegans
Algae on Rock - Caulerpa Caulerpa sertularioides
Red Bamboo Algae Solieria spp.
Feather Duster Sabellastarte spp.
Blue Sponge Xestospongia spp.
Longspine Urchin - Banded Echinothrix calamaris
Pincushion Urchin Lytechinus variegatus
Maldive Starfish Fromia cf nodosa
Red Starfish Fromia indica

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More softies in

OK we squeesed in a few more softie boxes of corals.

Here is what we got in from Bali.

halicona sp blue sponge
actinodiscus sp strip mushroom  
actinodiscus sp watermelon mushroom  
actinodiscus sp red mushroom  
actinodiscus sp green  hairy mushroom
briareum white star polyp
palithoa sp bangka button polyp
clavularia clove polyp star
clavularia green clove polyp star
palithoa sp green coloured button polyp
zoanthus praelarges coloured sand polyp
cladiella sp cabbage soft 
nephthea broccoli soft
sinularia asterobata finger soft 
lobophytum bangka finger leather
sinularia  cracker soft
sarcophyton leather umbrella

we also have a new shipment in of Cleaner and Fire shrimps.

More later this week.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Soft Coral now in.

Hi All,

Hope you have enjoyed the long weekend.

We have new boxes of Soft Corals arrvied this week and here is the list. More shipemnt to follow this week - will be posted as they arrive in the door.

Palythoa sp M
Zoanthus sp 
Epizoanthus sp 
Epizoanthus sp M
Epizoanthus sp Red
Epizoanthus sp vert M
Lobophythum spp.longues tentacules M
Sinularia M
Sarcophyton M
Sinularia brassica M
Sinularia dura M
Ricordea yuma M
Rhodactis indosinesis M
Discosoma sp blue M
Discosoma sp red M
Epizoanthus sp bouts M
Lobophythum spp. M
Sinularia asterolobata M
Discosoma sp. 
Pachyclavularia violacea, M
Zoanthus spp.
Knoppia spp., M,
Discosoma cardinalis, M, Red
Sarcophyton spp., M, 
Sinularia flexibilis, M, 
Cladiella spp., M, 
Klyxum spp., M
Rhodactis indosinensis, M, 
Ricordea yuma
Parazoanthus gracilis, M
Zoanthus sociatus, M,
Dendronephthya spp., M, Red, purple, orange,
Protopalythoa spp., M 
Pachyclavularia violacea, M, 
Cervera spp., M
Lobophytum spp., M, 
Clathria vulpina, M
Capnella sp. (Budding) 

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Freshwater arrival from Singapore

Hey everyone - Hope you all are enjoying the nice weather today.

We have had a amazing shipment in from our Singapore supplier yesterday.  here is the list of what has arrived.  The quality of these fish are amazing and even Darren was saying WOW as we were un-packing the boxes.

Here it is - Hope to see you all over the weekend as we are open every day.

Common Name Latin Name Size
Black Angel Pterophyllum scalare MS
Koi Angel Pterophyllum scalare MS
White Zebra Angel Pterophyllum scalare M
Cherry Barb  Capoeta titteya XL
Golden Barb  Puntius sachsi L
Rosy Barb (Pair) Puntius conchonius M
Tiger Barb  Capoeta tetrazona L
Glass Ghost Catfish Kryptopterus bicirrhis 2“-2.5”
Assorted Molly Poecilia latipinna ML
Assorted Neon Guppy - Female Poecilia reticulata M
Assorted Neon Guppy - Male  Poecilia reticulata M
Panda Garra Garra flavatra 2"
Tri-band Orange Sumo Loach Schistura balteata 2"
Silver Dollars  Metynnis  hypsauchen M
Clown Loach Botia macrancantha 1.25"-1.5"
SPA DOCTOR Loach Garra Ruffa 1.5"
Asst. Platy  Xiphophorus maculatus L
Banded Rainbow  Melanotaenia trifasciata M
Boesemani Rainbow  Malanotaenia boesemani M
Featherfin Rainbow - Pairs Iriatherina werneri XL
Neon Rainbow Malanotaenia Preacox M
Tateurndina ocellicauda Tateurndina ocellicauda L
Harlequin Rasbora Jumbo Rasbora Heteromorpha XL
Taiwanese Bumble Bee Shrimp Caridina sp. 2cm
Panda Corydoras  Corydoras panda M
Black Underwater Frog Xenopus laevis 0.75"
Silver Hatchet Fish Carnegiella Schereri M
Asst. Sword  Xiphophorus helleri ML
Penguin Tetra Thayeria boehlkei L
Pristella Tetra Pristella maxillaris L
Rummy Nose Tetra Hemegramus bleheri L
Cardinal Tetra (Super Size) Paracheirodon axelrodi 1.25"-1.5"
Burmese Red Crystal Barb  Puntius Odessa M
Green Tiger Barb  Capoeta tetrazona M
Leopard Corydoras  Corydoras julii M
Sterbai Corydoras  Coydoras sterbai M
Skunk Corydoras Corydoras adolfoi 1.25"
Agassize Peacock Blue Head Apistogramma agassize 1.25"
Electric Blue Ramirezi Apistogramma ramirezi 3cm
Green Corydoras Brochis Splendens 2.5-3cm
Blue Cobalt Lalia-Pair Colisa lalia L
Moonlight Gourami Trichogaster microlepis M 
Opaline Gourami Trichogaster trichopterus M 
Pearl Gourami Trichogaster leeri M 
Red Honey Gourami Colisa chuna ML
Sumatran Jumbo Kuli Loach Acanthopthalmus kuli 7-8cm
Indian Dwaft Avenior Puffer Monotrete Travancoricus M
Pencil Fish Nanostamus Beckfordi M
Dwarf Gourami-Pair  Colisa Lalia M
Neon Royal Red Gourami-Pair  Colisa Lalia M
Golden Barb  Puntius sachsi L
Bumble Bee Goby Brachygobius Doriae ML
Pheonix Rasbora Boraras Merah M
Neon Tetra Hyphessobrycon innesi L
Green Neon Tetra Paracheirodon simulans 2cm
Gertrudae Lamp Eye Pseudomugil Gertrudae 2.5cm
Freshwater Algae Eating Zebra Snail Nerritina zebra M
Neon Yellow Rasbora Rasbora kubotai 0.75"-1"

Freshwater Plants

Ammania Senegalensis

Bacopa Rotundifolia

Cabomba Caroliniana

Cardamine Lyrata

Ceratopteris Thalictroides

Echinodorus Paniculatus

Egeria Densa

Eusteralis Stellata (New)

Hygrophila Polysperma

Hygrophila Stricta Thailand

Hygrophila Difformis

Selaginella Wildenowii

Mayaca Fluviatilis

Hygrophila corymbosa 'compacto'

Alternanthera Bettzickiana