Hey everyone - Hope you all are enjoying the nice weather today.
We have had a amazing shipment in from our Singapore supplier yesterday. here is the list of what has arrived. The quality of these fish are amazing and even Darren was saying WOW as we were un-packing the boxes.
Here it is - Hope to see you all over the weekend as we are open every day.
Common Name | Latin Name | Size |
Black Angel | Pterophyllum scalare | MS |
Koi Angel | Pterophyllum scalare | MS |
White Zebra Angel | Pterophyllum scalare | M |
Cherry Barb | Capoeta titteya | XL |
Golden Barb | Puntius sachsi | L |
Rosy Barb (Pair) | Puntius conchonius | M |
Tiger Barb | Capoeta tetrazona | L |
Glass Ghost Catfish | Kryptopterus bicirrhis | 2“-2.5” |
Assorted Molly | Poecilia latipinna | ML |
Assorted Neon Guppy - Female | Poecilia reticulata | M |
Assorted Neon Guppy - Male | Poecilia reticulata | M |
Panda Garra | Garra flavatra | 2" |
Tri-band Orange Sumo Loach | Schistura balteata | 2" |
Silver Dollars | Metynnis hypsauchen | M |
Clown Loach | Botia macrancantha | 1.25"-1.5" |
SPA DOCTOR Loach | Garra Ruffa | 1.5" |
Asst. Platy | Xiphophorus maculatus | L |
Banded Rainbow | Melanotaenia trifasciata | M |
Boesemani Rainbow | Malanotaenia boesemani | M |
Featherfin Rainbow - Pairs | Iriatherina werneri | XL |
Neon Rainbow | Malanotaenia Preacox | M |
Tateurndina ocellicauda | Tateurndina ocellicauda | L |
Harlequin Rasbora Jumbo | Rasbora Heteromorpha | XL |
Taiwanese Bumble Bee Shrimp | Caridina sp. | 2cm |
Panda Corydoras | Corydoras panda | M |
Black Underwater Frog | Xenopus laevis | 0.75" |
Silver Hatchet Fish | Carnegiella Schereri | M |
Asst. Sword | Xiphophorus helleri | ML |
Penguin Tetra | Thayeria boehlkei | L |
Pristella Tetra | Pristella maxillaris | L |
Rummy Nose Tetra | Hemegramus bleheri | L |
Cardinal Tetra (Super Size) | Paracheirodon axelrodi | 1.25"-1.5" |
Burmese Red Crystal Barb | Puntius Odessa | M |
Green Tiger Barb | Capoeta tetrazona | M |
Leopard Corydoras | Corydoras julii | M |
Sterbai Corydoras | Coydoras sterbai | M |
Skunk Corydoras | Corydoras adolfoi | 1.25" |
Agassize Peacock Blue Head | Apistogramma agassize | 1.25" |
Electric Blue Ramirezi | Apistogramma ramirezi | 3cm |
Green Corydoras | Brochis Splendens | 2.5-3cm |
Blue Cobalt Lalia-Pair | Colisa lalia | L |
Moonlight Gourami | Trichogaster microlepis | M |
Opaline Gourami | Trichogaster trichopterus | M |
Pearl Gourami | Trichogaster leeri | M |
Red Honey Gourami | Colisa chuna | ML |
Sumatran Jumbo Kuli Loach | Acanthopthalmus kuli | 7-8cm |
Indian Dwaft Avenior Puffer | Monotrete Travancoricus | M |
Pencil Fish | Nanostamus Beckfordi | M |
Dwarf Gourami-Pair | Colisa Lalia | M |
Neon Royal Red Gourami-Pair | Colisa Lalia | M |
Golden Barb | Puntius sachsi | L |
Bumble Bee Goby | Brachygobius Doriae | ML |
Pheonix Rasbora | Boraras Merah | M |
Neon Tetra | Hyphessobrycon innesi | L |
Green Neon Tetra | Paracheirodon simulans | 2cm |
Gertrudae Lamp Eye | Pseudomugil Gertrudae | 2.5cm |
Freshwater Algae Eating Zebra Snail | Nerritina zebra | M |
Neon Yellow Rasbora | Rasbora kubotai | 0.75"-1" |
Freshwater Plants |
Ammania Senegalensis |
Bacopa Rotundifolia |
Cabomba Caroliniana |
Cardamine Lyrata |
Ceratopteris Thalictroides |
Echinodorus Paniculatus |
Egeria Densa |
Eusteralis Stellata (New) |
Hygrophila Polysperma |
Hygrophila Stricta Thailand |
Hygrophila Difformis |
Selaginella Wildenowii |
Mayaca Fluviatilis |
Hygrophila corymbosa 'compacto' |
Alternanthera Bettzickiana |