Blog Archive

Monday, February 21, 2011

New shipment arrival for 22nd Feb. Freshwater and Marines

Hi all,

Here are this weeks arrival lists.

Freshwater Fish
Assorted Guppy Males - Poecillia reticulata
Assorted Platy - Xiphophorus maculatus
Assorted Sword Tail - Xiphophorus helleri
Assorted Molly - Poecilia sphenops
Golden Gourami - Trichogaster trichopterus
Short Fin Zebra Danio - Brachydanio  rerio
Rummy Nose Tetra - Petitella georgiae
Red Pacu Piranha - Serrasalmus nattereri
Brilliant Diamond tetra - Parasheirodon innesi sp
Brilliant Negro Tetra - Parasheirodon innesi sp
Red Phantom Tetra - Megalamphodus sweglesi
Siamese Flying fox Shark - Crossochelius siamensis
Tiger Barb - Puntius tetrazona
Phoenix Resbora - Boraras merah
Bristlenose Pleco - Ancistrus dolichopterus
Similis Corydoras - Corydoras similis
Sumatra Tiger Datnoid - Datnioides microlepis
Orange Rabbit snail - Tylomelania sp
Half Moon Fancy Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Crowntail Black Orchid Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Red Crowntail Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Fancy Colour Crowntail Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Red / Gold Crowntail Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Half moon Mustard Gas Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Green Butterfly Half Moon Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Black Copper Half Moon Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Dark body Yellow Half Moon Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Super Red Half Moon Betta - Betta splenden sp Male and Female
Please see some images of the Bettas that we have available in Male / Female pairs
Altun Angel - Pterophyllum scalare
Premium Discus - Symphysoden Aequifasciata
Octocinlus - Loricaridae
Mountain Shrimps - Macrobachium Lamerrii
Red Rainbow - Telmatherina ladigesi
Flame tetra - Hyphessobrycon flammeus

Freshwater Plants
Pistia Stratiotes
Trapa Natan
Chadoflora Aegagropila
Crinum Thaianum
Selaginella Sp
Cabomba Piauhyensis
Egeria Densa
Anubias Bateri
Microsorium Pteropus
Eustralis Stellata Submerse
Crinum Calamistratum
Nymphaea Maculata
Blyxa Aubertii Giant
Hygrophila polysperma Submerse
Vallisneria Torta
Anubias Nana
Cyperus Helferi
Isoetes japonica
Anubias Barteri on Driftwood
Java Fern on large Driftwood
Vesicularia Sp on Cocoshell
Anubias Barteri on Driftwood
Microsorium Pteropus Mini on Driftwood
Anubias Lanceolata on Driftwood
Riccardia Cha,edryfolia
Lomariopsis lineata
Monosolenium Tenerum
Taxiphyllum Tenerum
Riccardia Chamedryfolia

Marine Fish
Copperband butterflyfish - chelmon rostratus
Yellow long nose butterfly - forcipiger flavissimus
Vagabundus butterfly - chaetodon vagabundus
Bannerfish - heniochus acuminatus
Blue tang (Dory)- paracanthurus hepatus
Yellow shoulder tang - acanthurus olivaceous
Maroon clown - premnas bioculeatus ( pairs and singles)
Gold stripe maroon clown - premnas bioculeatus
False percula clown (Nemo) - amphiprion ocellaris
Black percula clown - amphiprion polymnus
Zebra Moray eel - gymnomuraena zebra
Two spot goby - signigobius biocellatus
Orange spoted shrimp goby - amblyeleotris guttata
Pinkbar goby - cryptocentrus aurora
Yellow lizardfish - cryptocentrus cinctus
Black goby niger - tomiyamichthys oni
Black spoted puffer - arothron immaulacus
White tail singapore angelfish - chaetodontoplus mesoleucus
Blue face angelfish juv - euxiphipops xanthometopon
Blue koran angel - pomacanthus semicirculatus
Coral beauty angel - centropyge bispinosus
Flag fin angel - holocanthus trimaculatus
Japanese swallow angel - genicanthus melanospilus
Singapore queen angel - chaetodontoplus mesoleucus
Rusty angel - centropyge ferrugatus
Yellow Angel - centropyge heraldi
Long horn cowfish - lactoria cornuta
Royal dottyback - pseudochromis paccagnellae
Matted leatherjacket - acreichthys tomentosus
Jewelled blenny - entomacrodus striatus
Segmented blenny - salarias segmentatus
Forktail blenny - meiacanthus atrodorsalis
Mother blenny - dactylopus dactylopus
Red scooter blenny - parapercis schuinslandi
Steinitz's shrimp goby - amblyeleotris steinitzi
Golden heads goby - valenciena strigata
Orange prawn goby - amblyeleotris randalli
Rainford's goby - amblygobius rainfordi
Flame (purple fin) goby - nemateleotris decora
Green clown goby - gobiodon histrio
Yellow watchman goby - cryptocentrus cinctus
White goby - valenciennea puellaris
Green mandarin - pterosynchiropus splendidus
Scooter mandarin - synchiropus occelatus
Long nose hawkfish - oxycirrhites typus
Red spot anthias - pseudanthias luzonensis
Yellow damsel - pomacentrus moluccensis
Yellow tail blue damsel - chryseptera parasema
Six line wrasse - pseudocheilinus hexataenia

Marine Inverts.
Dancing shrimpfish - thor amboinensis
Coral banded shrimp - stenopus hispidus
Blue lobster - panilurus versicolor
Coloured bubble anemone - entacmaea quardicolor 
Green l.t. anemone - radianthus species
Yellow sand anemone - gyrostoma helianthus
Maroon Bubble Anemone - radianthus retteri
Nassarius snails - nassarius fassatus
Colored finger tube - sabellastarte species
Yellow finger tube - sabellastarte indica
Finger tube worm - sabellastarte indica
Coloured tubeworm - cerianthus membranicus
Thalassoma wrasse - thalassoma lunare

Marine Corals
Montipora - Montipora sp.
Pearl Coral - physogyra lichtensteini
Orange Sun Coral - tubastrea sp
Premium zooanthiads - Zooanthiads sp.
Lobophyllia - lobophyllia corymbosa (Red and Green)
Green sunflower coral - goniopora stokesi
Chubbyplate coral - fungia paumotensis
Candy coral - caulastrea sp

Friday, February 18, 2011

New arrivals for February 17th

Hi all,  We have freshwater fish, Plants and Marine shipments this week. As well as Wild Hard corals

Here is the Freshwater list first.

Freshwater Fish

100's of Potted plants

Marine Fish Lists
Hi-Fin Checker Hawk - Plectranthias inermis LG
Clown Tang - Acanthurus lineatus SM
Gold Rush Tang - Ctenochaetus tominiensis SM
Longnose Hawk - Oxycirrhitus typhus LG
Candy Pipefish - Dunckerocampus pessuliferus ME
Crocodile Pipefish - Syngnathoides biaculeatus LG
Flashback Pigmy Basslet - Pictichromis diadema ME
Blackcap Gramma - Gramma melacara ME
False Gramma - Pictichromis paccagnellae ME
Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto ME
Red Damsel - Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus ME
Minstral Pigmy Basslet Tank Bred  - Pseudochromis sankeyi LG
Watchman Goby - Amblygobius phalaena LG
Blue Cheek Goby - Valenciennea strigata LG
Purple Firefish - Nemateleotris decora LG
Swallowtail Angel - Genicanthus melanospilus SM
Gaimard Clown Wrass -  Juv. - Coris gaimard ME
Ghost Cardinal - Apogon leptacanthus ME
Scarlet Hawk - Neocirrhitus armatus LG
Fijian Blue & Gold Damsel - Chrysiptera taupou ME
Micronesian Orange Tail Damsel - Chrysiptera cyanea LG
Blue Throat Trigger - Xanthichthys auromarginatus ME
Aiptasia Eating Filefish - Acreicthys tomentosus ME
Mimic Filefish - Paraluterus prionurus ME
Caribbean Blue/Yellow Tang - Acanthurus coeruleus SM
Orange Shoulder Tang : Juv -  Acanthurus olivaceus ME
Powder Blue Tang - Acanthurus leucosternon SM
Regal Tang - Paracanthurus hepatus ME
Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides dimidiatus ME
Thornback Cowfish - LG
Caribbean Cowfish -  Lactoria quadricornis LG
Long Horn Cowfish - Lactoria cornuta SM, LG
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot - Paracheilinus mccoskeri ME, LG
Seafighter Dwarf Parrot - Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis ME
Valentini Puffer - Canthigaster valentini ME
Canary Blenny - Meiacanthus oualanensis ME, LG
Algae Blenny - Salarias fasciatus LG
Bicolour Blenny - Ecsenius bicolor LG
Canary Blenny - Meiacanthus oualanensis LG
Blue Head Canary Blenny - Meiacanthus atrodorsalis LG
Dot Dash Blenny - Escenius lineatus ME
Flying Gurnard - Dactyloptena orientalis SM
Yellowhead Jawfish - Opistognanthus aurifrons ME
Bicolour Angel - Centropyge bicolor ME
Coral Beauty - Centropyge bispinosus SM, ME
Flame Angel - Centropyge loriculus ME
Lemon Peel Angel - Centropyge flavissima ME
Blue Damsel - Chrysiptera cyanea ME
Red Damsel - Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus ME
Midas Blenny - Ecsenius midas ME
Orange Spot Goby - Valencienna puellaris SM
Saffron Goby - Gobiodon citrinus LG
Sulphur Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus ME
Yellow Goby -  Gobiodon okinawae ME
Arc Eye Hawk - Paracirrhites arcatus ME
Potters Angel - Centropyge potteri ME
Yellow Eye Tang - Ctenochaetus strigosus ME

Marine Inverts.
Seahare - Aplysia spp. SM, ME
Malu Anemone - Heteractis crispa SM, ME, LG
Caulerpa - Caulerpa sertularioides ME
Cactus Algae on Rock -Halimeda spp. ME
Red Bamboo Algae - Solieria spp. LG
Maxima Clam - Tridacna maxima SM
Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis ME
Sexy Shrimp - Thor amboinensis ME
Fire Shrimp -  Lysmata debelius LG
Pink Lobster - Enoplometopus daumi ME
Banded Trochus Snails - Trochus histrio ME
Feather Duster - Sabellastarte spp. LG
Pink & White Feather Duster - Bispira guinensis LG
Yellow Feather Duster - Sabellastarte spp. ME
Sand Sifting Starfish - Archaster typicus LG
Upside Down Cave Crabs
Orange Finger Starfish - Linckia spp. ME

Marine Corals.
Goniopora lobata
Goniopora stokesi
Goniopora sp
Turbinaria mesenterina
Acropora spp
Porites spp.
Galaxea astreata
Turbinaria mesenterina
Physogyra lichtensteini
Hydnophora exesa
Polyphyllia talpina
Australian Duncans
Plate Corals
Finger Gorgonia - Yellow
Xenia Green carpet
Brain corals
Elephants eye coral

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Arrival for Early February 30 Mixed boxes of Freshwater and Tropical Fish

We have a large shipment arrived in from all parts of the globe this week.

Here they all are, all acclimated and ready for sale.

Freshwater Fish

Black Angel - Pterophyllum scalare M
Golden Red Face Angel - Pterophyllum scalare M
Koi Angel - Pterophyllum scalare M
Burmese Red Crystal Barb - Puntius Odessa M
Green Tiger Barb - Capoeta tetrazona L
Asst. Female Betta - Betta splendens L
Peacock Betta - Betta Imbellis 1.25"
Sterbai Corydoras - Coydoras sterbai M
Nanacara anomala - Nanacara anomala M
Fire Mouth - Cichlasoma meeki 2"
Flag Cichlid - Cichlasoma festivum 2"
Kribensis - Pelvicachromis Kribensis L
Red Band Tropheus (Bembu) - Tropheus Moorii 1.5"
Electric Blue Ramirezi - Apistogramma ramirezi 3cm
German Blue Ramirezi - Apistogramma ramirezi M (4-4.5cm)
Green Corydoras - Brochis Splendens 2.5-3cm
Aphyosemion australe-golden Aphyosemion australe-golden L
Nothobranchius foerschi - Nothobranchius foerschi L
Pearl Danio - Danio albolineatus ML
Cobalt Discus - Symphysodon aequifasciata 2.5"
Red Turquoise Discus - Symphysodon aequifasciata 2.5"
Snake Skin Discus - Symphysodon aequifasciata 2.5"
Snow White Discus - Symphysodon aequifasciata 2"
Sumatran Fire Eel - Mastacembelus erythrotaenia 8"
Blue Cobalt Lalia-Pair - Colisa lalia L
Blue Gourami - Trichogaster trichopterus MS
Pearl Gourami - Trichogaster leeri M
Red Honey - Gourami Colisa chuna ML
Black Ghost Knife - Apteronotus albifrons 2.5"
Clown Loach - Botia macrancantha 2.5"
Sumatran Jumbo Kuli Loach - Acanthopthalmus kuli 7-8cm
Tweedie's Hillstream Loach - Homoloptera Tweedeii M
Silver Dollars - Metynnis hypsauchen M
Golden Panchax - Aplocheilichthys lineatus variety L=2.5"
Knight Goby - Stigmatogobius sadanundio 2"-2.5"
Banded Rainbow - Melanotaenia trifasciata M
Boesemani Rainbow - Malanotaenia boesemani M
Asian Rummynose - Sawbwa Resplendens 1.2"
Neon Yellow Rasbora - Rasbora kubotai 0.75"-1"
Burmese Inlecypris Rasbora - Inlecypris auropurpureus 2-2.5"
Silver Shark - Balantiocheilus melanopterus 2"
Lemon Tetra - Hyphessorbrycon pulchripinnis L
Neon Tetra - Hyphessobrycon innesi ML
Penguin Tetra - Thayeria boehlkei ML
Red Phantom - Tetra Megalamphodus sweglesi M
Rummy Nose Tetra - Hemegramus bleheri L
Longfin White Cloud Mountain - Tanichthys albonubes M (3cm)
Indian Roseline Barb - Puntius Denisonii 1.75"-2"
Cardinal Tetra - Paracheirodon axelrodi L
Cherry Barb - Capoeta titteya XL
Sumatran Eight Banded Glass Barb - Eirmostus Octozona M
Golden Barb - Puntius sachsi L
Asst. Male Betta - Betta splendens L
Fire Betta - Betta Rutilans 1.25"
Clown Killie - Epiplaty annulatus M
Sparkling Gourami - Trichopsis pumilus M
Filament Licorice Gourami - Parasphromenus Filamentosus M=3cm
Burmese Rosy Loach - Tubeoschistura Species 1.25"
Lamp Eye - Aplocheilichthys normani M
Sumatran Jumbo Kuli Loach - Acanthopthalmus kuli 7-8cm
Sterbai Corydoras - Corydoras sterbai M
Green Tiger Barb - Capoeta tetrazona L
Sumatran Red Neon Goby - Stiphodon elegans 2"
Red Line Rasbora - Rasbora pauciperforata M
Swallow Rasbora - Rasbora Espei M
Paraguay Tetra - Aphyocharax Paraguayensis M
Sumatran Blue Cobalt Goby - Stiphodon Atropurpureus 1.5"-1.75"
Neon Blue Dragon Guppy - Female - Poecilia reticulata ML
Neon Blue Dragon Guppy - Male - Poecilia reticulata ML
Mixed Melanzona Guppy - Pair - Micropoecillia Parae Melanzona 1"
Black & Red Endlers Guppy - Poecilia reticulata 1"
Sumatran Mini Golden Clam - Hyriopsis Species 1"
Green Sailfin Molly - Pair - Poecilia latipinna M
Neon Blue Mickey Mouse Platy - Xiphophorus maculatus L
Bangladesh Freshwater Red Nose Shrimp - Neocaridina Species 2.5cm-3cm
Spotted Headstander - Chilodus punctatus M

Marine Fish
Long Finned Batfish (M) - Platax Pinnatus
Sixspot Goby -Valenciennea Sexguttata
Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang (M, L)  - Zebrasoma Desjardinii
Orange Spine Unicornfish (M) - Naso Lituratus
Lyre Tail Anthias (Female) - Pseudanthias Squamipinnis
Philippine Fairy Basslet Female - Pseudanthias Luzonensis
Powder Blue Tang(L, M, S) - Acanthurus Leucosternon
Sailfin Tang (L) - Zebrasoma Veliferum
Purple Queen Anthias Juv (M) - Pseudanthias Tuka
Copperband Butterflyfish (S, L) - Chelmon Rostratus
Maroon Clown (Pair) - Premnas Bioculeatus
Moorish Idol (L & M) - Zanclus Canescens
Truncate Fairy Basslet - Pseudanthias Truncatus
Golden Heads Goby - Valenciena Strigata
Fox Face (L) - Lo Vulpinus
Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang (M) - Zebrasoma Desjardinii
Spider Crab Cyclocoeloma - Tuberculata Miers
Black Peacock Lionfish (M) - Pterois Violitan
White Peacock Lionfish (M) - Pterois Miles
Green Dragon Pipefish - Syngnathoides Biaculeatus
Australian Banded Pipefish - Coryhoichthys Intestinalis
Banded Pipefish - Doryrhamphus Dactyliopharus
Bicolor Angelfish (S, M) - Centropyge Bicolor
Threadfin Butterflyfish (L) - Chaetodon Auriga
Long Fin Banner Fish (M) - Heniochus Acuminatus
Maroon Clown (S, M) - Premnas Bioculeatus
Rolandi Damsel - Chrysiptera Rollandi
Emperor Angelfish (M) - Pomancanthus Imperator
Regal Angelfish (M) - Pygoplites Diacanthus
Bicolor Angelfish (L) - Centropyge Bicolor
Keyhole Angelfish (M) - Centropyge Tibicen
False Percula Clown (M) - Amphiprion Ocellaris
Yellow Type Clark'S Clownfish (S) - Amphiprion Clarkii
Royal Dottyback - Pseudochromis Paccagnellae
Yellow Coris (S, M) - Halichoeres Chrysus
Majestic Angelfish (S) - Euxiphipops Navarchus
Six Bar Angelfish - Euxiphipops Sextriatus
Emperor Angelfish Juv (M) - Pomancanthus Imperator
Midnight Angelfish (M) - Centropyge Nox
Half Black Angelfish (M) - Centropyge Vroliki
Orange Stripe Angelfish (M) - Centropyge Eibli
Two Spot Goby - Signigobius Biocellatus
Cleaner Mimic - Plagiotermus Rhinorhynchos
White Fin Lionfish - Pterois Antenata
Zebra Lionfish - Dendoochirus Zebra
Red Coris Juv (S) - Coris Gaimard Africana
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides Dimidiatus
Long Horn Cowfish (L) - Lactoria Cornuta
Multispine Damsel - Chrysiptera Hemicyanea
Six Line Wrasse - Pseudocheilinus Hexataenia
Lubbock'S Fairy Wrasse - Cirhilabrus Lubocki
Red Eyed Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus Solorensis
Exquisite Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus Exquisitus
Emperor Angelfish Juv (S) - Pomancanthus Imperator
Royal Blue Pygmy Angelfish - Centropyge Flavicauda
Stripe Swallow Angelfish (M) - Genicanthus Lamarck
Lyre Tail Anthias (Male) - Specidanthias Squamipinnis
Threadfin Butterflyfish (S) - Chaetodon Auriga
Copperband Butterflyfish (M) - Chelmon Rostratus
Two Spot Coralfish (S) - Coradion Melanopus
Pinkbar Goby - Cryptocentrus Aurora
Yellow Lizardfish - Cryptocentrus Cinctus
Black Peacock Lionfish (S) - Pterois Violitan
Carpenter'S Fairy Wrasse (Male) - Parachilinus Carpenteri
Yellow Coris (S) - Halichoeres Chrysus
Blueside Fairy Wrasse - Cirhilabrus Cyanopleura
Lyre Tail Wrasse - Thalasoma Lunare
Leopard Wrasse - Macropharyngodon Ornatus
Filamented Flasher - Paracheilinus Filamentosus
White-belly Damsel - Amblyglyphidodon Leucogaster
White Damsel - Dischistodus Perspicillatus
Flashing Tile Goby - Hoplolatilus Clupatyi
Polka Dot Boxfish - Ostracion Cubicus
Yellow Coral Goby - Gobiodon Okinawae

 Marine Inverts.
Green Corn Anemone (S, M) - Entacmaea Quardicolor
Purple L.T. Anemones (M) - Heteractis Crispa
Colored Corn Anemone Special (M) - Entacmaea Quardicolor
Black Turbo Snail - Trochus Maculatus
Tiger Cowry (M) - Cypraea Tigris
Banded Shrimp - Stenopus Hispidus
Harlequeen Shrimp (M) - Hymenocera Picta
Orange Berghia Nudibranch Berghia Sp. Orange
Yellow Sponge - Acanthella Sp.
Red/Orange Vase Sponge - Phakellia Flabillata/Clathris Sp.
Blue Trumphet Sponge - Haliclona Sp.
Blue/Green Ear Sponge - Collospongia Sp.
Spiny Sponge Orange Acanthella Canvernosa
Corn/Bee Sponge Stylissa Carteri
Red Trumphet Sponge Haliclona Sp.
Yellow Mini Cucumber - Colochirus robustus
Sand Cucumber - Black Holothuria Atra (Black)
Medusa Worm Colour - Euapta Godeffroyi
Glass Anemon Shrimp - Periclimenes Holthuisi
Purple Reef Lobster - Enoplometopus Debelius
Red Brittle Starfish - Ophioderma Sp. Red
Multicolor Starfish - Linckia Multiflora
Feather Duster Red - Sabellastarte Spectabilis.
Spiny Sponge Orange - Acanthella Canvernosa
Corn/Bee Sponge - Stylissa Carteri
Red Trumphet Sponge - Haliclona Sp.
Anemon Shrimp - Periclimensis Brevicarpalis
Boxing Shrimp - Stenopus Hispidus
Harlequin Shrimp - Hymmenocera Picta
Sexy Pistol Shrimp - Thor Amboinensis
Red Elegant Starfish - Fromia Nodosa
Red/Orange Biscuit Starfish - Pentagonaster duebeni
Blue Giant Carpet Anemone - Stichodactyla Gigantea (Blue)
Sallylightfoot Crabs
Red Ball Sponge
Pink Tip Anemone - Condy
Porcelain Crabs
Scarlet red leg Hermit crabs
Orange Crab Sponge
Blue legged hermit crabs
Green emerald crabs
Red Ridge sponge

Marine Corals.
Feather Duster Red - Sabellastarte Spectabilis.
Soft Coral Colt Tree (M) - Cladiella Sp
Blue Branch Xenia - Xenia Sp
White Star Polyps - Clavularia Sp
Red Metalic Mushroom Discosoma Sp. Metal Red
Purple Soft Finger Dendronephthya Sp.
Clove Polyps (Anthelia) Green Clavularia Sp. Aff. Anthelia
Purple Whip
Green Ricordia Polyps
Orange Ricordia Polyps
Blue Ricordia Polyps

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Marine Shipment arrived 2nd February

Here we go - Lost arriving in this week - here is the first marine shipment.

Marine Fish
Flame Angel - Centropyge loriculus
Auriga Butterfly - Chaetodon auriga
Copperband Butterfly - Chelmon rostratus
Longnose Butterfly - Forcipiger flavissimus
Yellow Maroon Clown - Premnas biaculeatus
Fijian Blue & Gold Damsel - Chrysiptera taupou
Regal Damsel - Chrysiptera hemicyanea
Red Spot Cardinal Damsels
Caribbean Redtail Trigger - Xanthichthys ringens
Aiptasia Eating Filefish - Acreicthys tomentosus
Orange Shoulder Tang - Acanthurus olivaceus
Powder Blue Tang - Acanthurus leucosternon
Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
Lemon Peel Angel - Centropyge flavissima
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot - Paracheilinus mccoskeri
Canary Blenny - Blue Head - Meiacanthus atrodorsalis
Dot Dash Blenny - Escenius lineatus
Goldstreak Blenny - Escenius stigmatura
Midas Blenny - Ecsenius midas
Blue Cheek Goby - Valenciennea strigata
Firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica
Purple Firefish - Nemateleotris decora
Green Goby - Gobiodon histrio
Saffron Goby - Gobiodon citrinus
Tile Goby - Hoplolatilus luteus
Longnose Hawk - Oxycirrhitus typhus
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish - Dendrochirus brachypterus
Crocodile Pipefish - Syngnathoides biaculeatus
Neon Back Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Pseudochromis aldabraensis
Orchid Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Pseudochromis fridmani
Yellow Goatfish - Parupeneus cyclostomus
Coral Beauty - Centropyge bispinosus
Orange Spot Anthias - Odontanthias borbonius
Tiger Goby - Valenciennea wardii
Scarlet Hawk - Neocirrhitus armatus
Gaimard Clown Wrass - Coris gaimard
Fiji Orange Spot Filefish - Oxymonocanthus longirostris
Marine Inverts
Fire Shrimp - Lysmata debelius
Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensisCactus Algae on Rock - Halimeda spp.
Caulerpa Algae on Rock - Caulerpa sertularioides
Grape Algae on Rock - Caulerpa racemosa
Red Bamboo Algae - Solieria spp.
Malu Anemone - Heteractis crispa
Coloured Bubble Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor
Maxima Clam - Tridacna maxima
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Pseudochromis sankeyi