Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Marine shipment just Arrived 24th November

Marine Fish
Percula Clown - Black MED & LG - Amphiprion percula
Cowfish - Long Horn LG & MED - Lactoria cornuta
Gramma - Blackcap SM & LG - Gramma melacara
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Orchid MED - Pseudochromis fridmani
Majestic Angel : Adult SM - Euxiphipops navarchus
Regal Angel - Ind Ocean MED - Pygoplites diacanthus
Coral Beauty MED & LG - Centropyge bispinosus
Flame Angel SM & MED - Centropyge loriculus
Lemon Peel MED - Centropyge flavissima
Yellow Angel - Fiji MED - Centropyge woodheadi
Banded Butterfly MED - Chaetodon striatus
Maroon Clown - Yellow SM & LG - Premnas biaculeatus
Blue Star Damsel LG - Pomacentrus alleni
Chromis - Titanium LG - Chromis xanthura
Fijian Blue & Gold Damsel ME - Chrysiptera taupou
Gregory - Beau MED - Stegastes leucostictus
Regal Damsel MED - Chrysiptera hemicyanea
Tricolour Damsel MED - Chrysiptera rollandi
Powder Blue Tang SM & MED  - Acanthurus leucosternon
Yellow Tang -  SM & Med - Zebrasoma flavescens
Blue Stripe Dwarf Parrot LG - Paracheilinus mccoskeri
Gold Flash Dwarf Parrot LG - Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis
Koi Dwarf Parrot LG - Cirrhilabrus solorensis
Multicolour Dwarf Parrot LG - Cirrhilabrus exquisitus
Hi Fin Dwarf Parrot LG - Paracheilinius filamentosus
Sapphire Dwarf Parrot LG -Cirrhilabrus lubbocki
Seafighter Dwarf Parrot LG - Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis
Boxfish - Black LG - Ostracion meleagris
Boxfish - Yellow LG - Ostracion cubicus
Bicolour Blenny MED - Ecsenius bicolor
Hi Fin Clown Goby LG - Stonogobiops yashia
Nano Goby - Christmas MED - Gobiosoma multifasciatum
Saffron Goby LG - Gobiodon citrinus
Sulphur Goby LG - Cryptocentrus cinctus
Tile Goby - Purple LG - Hoplolatilus purpureus
Rhinopias ME - Rhinopias frondosa
Forktail Pigmy Basslet - Blue LG - Assessor macneilli
Forktail Pigmy Basslet - Yellow LG - Assessor flavissimus
Gramma - Royal ME - Gramma loreto
Strawberry Pigmy Basslet LG - Pictichromis porphyreus
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Minstral LG - Pseudochromis sankeyi
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Neon Back LG - Pseudochromis aldabraensis
Tank Bred Pigmy Basslet - Orchid SM - Pseudochromis fridmani
Fat Head Anthias LG - Serranocirrhitus latus
Spotted Grunt SM - Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
Goat - Yellow MED - Parupeneus cyclostomus
Caribbean Blue/Yellow Tang SM - Acanthurus coeruleus
Candy Cane Hog MED - Bodianus cf opercularis
Candy Hog MED - Bodianus bimaculatus
Pipefish - Flame LG - Doryrhamphus janssi
Caribbean Redtail Trigger MED - Xanthichthys ringens
Orange Spot Filefish - Fiji MED - Oxymonocanthus longirostris
Malu Anemone - White LG & Med - Heteractis crispa
Bubble Anemone - Coloured MED - Entacmaea quadricolor
Cleaner Shrimp LG - Lysmata amboinensis
Tube Anemone - Common LG - Cerianthus spp.
Fire Shrimp MED - Lysmata debelius
Anemone Crab - Spotted LG & Med - Neopetrolisthes ohshimai
Anemone Crab - Pink ME - Neopetrolisthes maculatus
Algae on Rock - Cactus MED -Halimeda spp.
Algae on Rock - Caulerpa MED - Caulerpa sertularioides
Birds Nest Algae - Red MED - Galaxaura spp.
Red Starfish MED - Fromia indica

Hard Corals
Antler - Encrusting
Bird's nest
Staghorn - Acropora

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just in todoy - Friday 19th 3 boxes of hard corals from Australia and Indonesia.

Farmed Acropora and Montipora. Australian Duncans and Cataphyllia and Trikentrion flabelliforme Sponges

Here is one if our corals bays with the new stock just in

New shipment in for 24th November

Hi All,
We have 2 seprate shipments arriving this week.

Here is the freshwater list. Marine to follow

China Butterfly Plecustomus
Brilliant Turquoise Discus 3"
Pigeon Blood Discus 3"
Assorted Discus 2"
Red Melon Discus 3.5"
Tiger Discus 3.5"
Weather Loach
Neon Tetra

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Shipment arrival for Wednesday 17th November

We have started using a new supplier from the Czech Republic who we are told is the best from the region. All you freshwater people should be delighted with the new species and quality of these captive bred fish.

Freshwater Captive Bred Czech
Lamprologus ocellatus blue
Julidochromis dickfeldi
Aulonocranus dewindti
Variabilischromis moorii
Aulonocara baenschi "Benga"
Cynotilapia afra
Labidochromis hongi red top
Pseudotropheus demasoni
Pseudotropheus zebra O.B.
Melanochromis exasperatus
Haplochromis spec. CH44 Lake Victoria
Pterophyllum scalare red devil GRADE A
Aequidens dorsigeri
Green pinapple sword
Ancistrus LDA 144 Long Fin female

Indonesia Freshwater
ASS SNAIL - Yes we have in Ass. Snails

Marine Shipment from Indonesia including Hard corals.
Bicolor Angelfish
Copperband Butterflyfish
Long Finned Batfish
Yellow-spotted Pipefish
Banded Pipefish
Blue Surgeonfish
Golden head Sleeper Goby
Mandarin Dragonet
Black Clownfish
Foxface Rabbitfish
Yellow Boxfish
Longhorn Cowfish
Six-spot Goby
Yellow Shrimpgoby
Pink-speckled Shrimpgoby
Royal Dottyback
Harlequin Sweetlips Juvenile
Saddle Clownfish
Yellow-tail Azure Blue Damsel
Longfinned Goby
Valencienne'S Goby
Two Spot Goby
Black-rayed Shrimpgoby
Yellow Coralgoby
Red spotted Cardinalfish

Indonesia Corals & Inverts
Harlequin shrimp
Rockrunner land crab
Red coral crab
Pompom anemone crab
Histrio grazer
Cleaner sand starfish
Finger red starfish
Purple milk anemone
Coloured sand anemone
Dark green LT anemone
Red Grape algae
Pulse xenia
Blue hard sponge
Torch Coral
Colored Plate Coral Short Ttcl
Purple Lemon Coral
Lemon Coral
Pearl Coral
Creater Coral
Red Pipe Coral (Green Polyp)
Green Candycane Coral
Horn Coral Colored
Green Metallic Montastrea Coral
Branching meat coral
Montipora Coral (Colored)